
Seeing Things.

All I could hear was the soft ticking of the clock on top of the mantle, the silent swish of her dress as she placed the teapot and cups on the small, wooden table. I sat perched on the edge of the floral sofa not wanting to touch it with my skin. The lady, as soon as she had passed me a cup full of steaming cocoa, sat down Infront of me.

"So Melody, we are here to discuss something that has happened recently. Correct?" She said as if she was waiting for my permission to carry on speaking but she didn't wait, she carried on, "I'm sorry for what has happened to you. I really am." As if, "I'm here to make you feel better, as a counsellor and a friend. I want to make your life better and to correct any wrong doings okay?" I grumbled in response, sipping on my boiling cocoa, which tasted like water may I add, hoping that I could melt out of this situation and away if I drank it all quickly whilst it was still hot but when I opened my eyes again, the lady was still staring at me as if she was staring straight into my soul. I fidgeted and as if sensing my discomfort she glanced away. We sat in silence, I think she was waiting for me to open up like a clam and spill all the pearls and secrets I had but my mouth stayed firmly shut as if glued in place. As if I was gonna talk to this women that was a total stranger to me.

"My name is Francesca, if you could call me that please." She whispered loudly, if that's possible, and I nodded. It felt like she was reading my thoughts and it was disturbing.

"Your sister passed away last year as it says in your folder." I nodded once again feeling like a bobble head. She was all that was left of my past, my sister, and she was dead. Had fallen, as everyone called it, an accident. I didn't want to think about her. She was kind and loyal, all I can picture of her is her brown, mousy hair tumbling passed her shoulders, her penetrating scream in the night, the sound, a crack as she connected with the concrete below. She was getting on my nerves, it was her own fault, she had made me do it, with her constant smile, clinging on to me ex-boyfriend, that shine in her eyes. I do regret it though, pushing off of the roof.

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