
Sep 2012 Entries

September 11, 2012

D D,

I'm so exhausted! Sorry if I haven't talked to you for a while. You remember last summer? I told you "I wish school opens soon" but now I totally regret it! Know what, our history teacher just sent us tons and tons of homeworks and in literature, Mrs. Pottins wants us to read one classic and make a reaction paper at the end of the month. Anyway, I got to see my friends and we shared a lot of stories.

Karen's family went to Banff last July, I'm so jealous! I hope mom will take us there too! But we both know we always end up in Atlanta with grandma. Haha! I love grandma's house (unlimited foooood) but it's been 5 years since we had a real vacation. The last one was when mom and pops we're still together. Sucks. But hey, it's okay now. Pops texted me earlier, he said he's still mining gold in South Africa. Haha. Honestly, I'm still sad about their divorce but whenever I hear him laugh, I guess it was a good decision. At least, they are no longer sucking the life out of each other.

Thanks for listening D.

I'm sexy and I know it,


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September 13, 2012

D D,

Hello. My mood swings are killing me. I think my period is coming! Earlier in class, I snapped at Myra for drawing body parts on my notebook! Oh my god, I was really angry, I didn't notice everyone's already looking at us. Karen was also shocked because we were even laughing before that. Our teacher sent us to the library for punishment but the thing is it was the best part of my day. Ha! Myra said her sorrys and I immediately forgave her. We always prank each other anyway. My hormones are just messing up my life. Duh.

So this is what happened. In the library, we were asked to read one chapter of Mr. Muller's science book and write an essay about it as punishment. Boring but hey we're just like skipping class! Lol. And then, there was this boy...

He's blond, tall and oh my god his eyes!! Myra said his eyes were gray but then when I focused my pupils on him, they're made of crystal blue orbs! He entered with his curly-haired friend, who's also a cutie, and everything about the topic I'm writing about was gone into oblivion. Haha! Hormones, I know right!

Round 2 duel: Myra vs. Sevannah for Mr. Pinky

Mr. Pinky is our secret name for him because of his pinkish lips. Yumm. I think he's a new student, I haven't seen him before.

Gotta sleep now. Thanks, D.

I'm sexy and I know it,


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