
Character creation, and confession ..... chapter 4

Zafe opened his eyes as he saw a woman that was familer, the character creation NPC that seems to be alive, He was welcomed by the NPC.

"Hello player would you like to create a character"

Zafe replied with a quick " yes please" and as he replied a character that looked almost like him appeared right in front of him, the character looked above average as Zafe was fit and healthy before he became a loner that was so depressed he refused to go out unless it was to get food.

The NPC then said " oh by the way my name is Iris and it's nice to meet you mister... what's your name?" While asking for his name.

Zafe started thinking as he thought he came up with a name"it's Zenith."

Iris then said "well Zenith what is class." As iris said this a sound came from somewhere.

[host system has detected a lower leveled system]

[system is fusing to lower leveled system please wait]

[system fusing 0%...10%...40%...70%....99%..100%.. fusing complete]

[system has taken over Infiniti possibilities system]

[system has made minor adjustment for a better experience]

Zafe was shocked to see what was happening to the system when he heard a voice speaking .

As Zafe turned around iris spoke "Would you please tell me what class you are in?" with a little more liveliness.

Zafe then asked the system "what did you do system?"

The system replies with [host system made the NPC into people that has real emotions just like host and now they can do everything that real people do like for example they can children's, they can have ****, they can get married, and even die]

Zafe thought that the system was playing around with him as he "system you have got to be kidding with me"

[system is not kidding with you host]

[host can try it out on the NPC right behind host]

Zafe then asked Iris that was right behind him "Iris if I told you that I had a crush on you would believe me?"

Iris blushed as she replied "Yes I would, and dddd do you mean it"

Zafe was shocked that it actually worked while replieing with a "yes".

Next chapter