

The next day Ming Ye woke up with his wife in his hand, he smiled as he felt a pure joy.



He heard some heartbeats in the room.

This or those heartbeats spaces were different from his or Ming Yue, so he concluded that she was pregnant; as there was no one else in the room beside them.

"Baby" he said while shaking her awake "Baby wake up".

Maya did not open her eyes and answered with a murderous aura "Shut the fuck up"

However the man still continued shaking her

"What!" she yelled "If it's not not urgent..." the silence said so much on her state of mind.

"Baby you are pregnant" he said then kissed her mouth. "You're pregnant".

"So?" Maya answered. She knew long ago that she was pregnant...she was now finishing her first trimester and going to start the second.

He did not see her belly because she had put on a charm to hide her baby bump that now looked like a pregnancy of six months.

She knew that if he knew about it he would have panicked and even refuse to have sex with her last night.

"Honey, calm down let's talk about it later in the day, okay?". She then closed her eyes and slumbered into a deep sleep.

She knew he was excited and a little afraid but she was so tired.

She just built a country!


When Ming Yue woke up later in the day a little around noon, Ming Ye had prepared her a composition of fruits.

Because he remembered only seeing her eating fruits the past months. He had found it weird as she liked eating meat but she was consciously eating fruits. However had that time he had not taken into consideration this possibility, he thought that his wife would share something so important with him.

Suddenly a thought passed in his mind.

She already knew that she was pregnant!

Last night....he started to sweat.

He did not...

Ming Yue seeing the sweat on his forehead started to laugh out loud. "You dummy, you did not hurt us." she then went near to him and said into his ear "You were great by the way".

She then woke up and went to the shower to clean herself, Ming Ye followed her then cleaned her up with care like she was the most precious jewel in the world.

After the shower she undid the charm on her baby bump, it was now free for all to see.

Ming Ye was astounded by what he saw.

His wife belly was so big and they did that last night.

He would be dammed if he had hurt his children.

The man gently touched is wife belly then looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Don't worry, I will not sleep with you again".

When Ming Yue heard that she got angry.

He won't sleep with her anymore!?

Is he crazy?

She waited for three fucking months before being able to eat him and now he wanted to put a stop to their intercourse!?

Did he not know that the libido of a woman increased during the pregnancy? Those intercourse were helpful for her and he wanted to...

No to the hell no!

Ming Ye felt his wife anger and knew it was his words that had ignited her.

"Okey if you don't want to. I will take a Male concubine" she said with anger

"You dare!" Ming Ye then stifled

"You don't want to take care of me, you don't want to sleep with me anymore" Ming Yue started crying and could not continue to argue.

Fucking hormones, she thought.

"Baby don't cry, I will continue to sleep with you. We will just be more careful" Ming Ye then compromise when he saw her tears, she was pitiful.

He had grieved her while trying to take care of her and their children.

"Really" she looked at him with her cute little eyes.

He kissed her lips then nodded.

She smiled then went to the bed to sleep.

Ming Ye had not seen his with being hormonal before and this episode scared him.


In the evening came a visitor.

Next chapter