
Chapter 1

There was a very shining light and the warriors of the Land of Dawn got surprised. Their celebration stopped. After a while then, they wondered What it was.

A stunning apperance of unknown group persons got summoned. When the heroes arrived the fearless and unknown warrior disappeared.

The heroes protected the Land of Dawn. The dark forces was defeated and once again, there was happiness. The warriors was so very shocked knowing that they are so mighty powerful.

And then, a young and handsome man steps infront of them and said , 'Who are you? Why are you here?

My name is Alucard and here are my fellow teamates. One by One they introduced theirselves.

Alucard: We are heroes. We are here to teach you on how to be a mighty warriors and assemble you all and also to protect this land.

The young man stands up. Well, hello there Legends. My name is Jack.

Jack: Well first of all, I'd like to thank you for saving the Land of Dawn. Second, How can we trust you that you are true heroes and won't betray us?

Alucard: It's our responsibility to protect these land from dark forces. And we won't betray you cause we.are heroes. Heroea won't eve do that thing

Jack: Can you prove it to us then? By beating our magical and powerful dragon? Only One person will fight with it in the battleground

Alucard: Well, of course we will accept your challenge.

Alucard: Teamates! Anyone Who wants to volunteer? I will give you a chances to prove yourself on how powerful you are.

(A Lady steps forward)

Guinevere: Me! I'm always born with talent.

To be continued....

Next chapter