
Chapter 2


When I was young, my parents always uses to tell me that the best profession on the planet was being an archaeologist. The fact that they were one before their disappearance probably explains their admiration for the job. They were so dedicated to it, that every time they came back home, they always brought with them a piece of their discovery. It can be easily imagined how our house looked like with all the ancient articles and stuff.

But probably, that's the reason why I became an archaeologist with a degree in Literature. I became fascinated with it too.

They used to say that their work may entail long hours of digging and getting dirty and sweaty in the mud and the sun, but the end results and discoveries take all the tiredness away. 'We get to discover a new world, a new life or a new object that's worth our time and effort. Something that the earth had preserved for a long time, unknown to humanity. Something that tells us about the long-lost tracts and tradition of the world.'

Another reason why they loved their profession was their theory that of a one-in-a-million chance. A change that we get in two places at the same time.

Even though I was small back then, I didn't believe their words. That's was something impossible in my opinion back then. 'Teleportation and out-of-body experience are just a figment of human imagination. They aren't real or are they?'

For me, it all started when I brought an ancient pendant back in my place. A place I share with my childhood best friend Rose.

Rose has been in my life since we were born. Our parents were good friends to begin with. Maybe that's the reason why they took me in and treated me like their own after my parent's disappearance. Rose majored in business and works in her father's company. Whereas my taking my profession as an archaeologist makes me feel closer to my family in a wider way.

A small pendant in the shape of a teardrop. It looked very classic, very old but it didn't scream precious. For starters, it looked like it's made up of glass with a swirl of royal blue and black at its center. It was just simple, not bigger than my thumb.

Maybe that's the reason why the Customs Department allowed me to bring it at home.

The pendant looks unimportant. A junk, mostly like another collection to my jewelry box. Nothing much showy. But I decided to keep it. Why? Because I felt some connection to it. A feeling that can't be described.

The first week I had the pendant with me was what I could call, haunting. A feeling of being watched by something or someone while asleep always washed over me. That's definitely what I felt. But I didn't really think about it.

I had experienced unexpected happening around me since I was small. Weird flashes of memories which were mostly unclear. I had been accustomed to them and grew up with them. I didn't want to ruin my daily life with it.

The thing that bothered me the most was the only dream that was not unclear. The dream of a person. He must be in his mid-twenties with shoulder length black hair and deep blue eyes. Eyes so deep in color that they look almost violet. With chiseled features and high cheekbones. He may have been the most handsome person I have ever seen.

It was the only dream that was clear and I have dreamed of it since my childhood. But the problem being whenever I try to go near him or touch him he disappears and I'm plunged into darkness.

Rose knew about my dreams and always supported me in every one of them. She has always been there for me. But the thing that annoyed me most is the continuous teasing I get from her about being connected to the guy from the dream. I didn't like it. I mean it's not like I don't want it to happen. All it is about not giving me hope. What if the person never existed? What if it's all a dream?

After getting the pendant it was a daily occurrence. I dreamt of the same person every night and when I woke up I would always be drenched in sweat.

So that's the reason why I thought it would be best to keep the pendant as far as possible from me. There was a magnetic pull from it and I couldn't take it anymore. As if it's calling to show me something.

Something I didn't want to see. Something I knew was not good. Like it's trying to show me the things related to my dreams, to my future and past. I always have a feeling of sickness seeing it. A feeling best described as death.

Sitting with my food for the night in a restaurant right across my apartment. Being that I don't want to stay at home and cook. This has been my routine ever since I had to live on my own. I love this restaurant; its interior gives a homey feeling and the food is great, plus the environment gave me time to ponder more on my upcoming research in Brazil.

My team will depart in two weeks. It would be a week-long expedition. There will also be a local archaeology group waiting for us. They would provide us with all we need. It was a big project for us. We got the information about a very large area, remained barren for centuries now. The files emailed also informed the presence of a large kingdom situated there centuries ago. A kingdom said to be the heart of magic. The urban legends informs the presence of many supernatural creatures at that age.

Most important, it was about what my father told me before. People of that kingdom had the magical source to use teleportation.

It was like it all was gone in a blink of an eye. The existence of the whole kingdom was gone. No trace left of it. But I had this feeling of something there. A weird connection to the necklace- with my dreams.

I switched my laptop on and started researching for anything I could find regarding the weird place. I used keywords to filter down my search. I am just as clueless as a newborn baby about this particular area. Ultimately, in the end, it left me feeling unsatisfied with more questions piling up in my head.

Which led me to escape to this lovely restaurant for a breath.

"Anything else you want Ms. Fields?" asked the waitress asked, cutting my attention from my laptop screen.

Even while dining, I still brought the thing with me. I'm that persistent enough not to give up on my search even with a pounding headache.

"No, everything is good. Thank you." I answered while giving her a smile which she returned back and turned around with the tray on her hand and left.

My eyes snapped to my food and then my laptop in front of it.

I should probably start eating before my attention and my appetite leaves me. So I started to concentrate on my order, keeping my laptop aside.

After a few minutes though, my cell phone rang on top of the table. I picked it up, checked the caller and smiled.

"Yes, Rose?" I answered pressing the touchscreen button.

Rose answered, informing me of my due paperwork from my last research. Papers that wrote about the artifacts, I and my team found during our previous excavation. The one that led me to the pendant.

"Yeah, I'll be reviewing the report when I get home." Rose mostly keeps the account of the paperwork I receive. It's her habit to do so. She insists to be my manager and I'm happy to comply with that. She is an efficient one and keeps everything in check.

"Yes, yes. I'll mail it back to them with my signature." I reassured her once she half-ranted on the line.

After putting the phone down, I decided to collect my things including the laptop and notepad I had spread across the dining table in order to take notes. I put some extra change on the table and turned towards the exit door.

I nod at the waitress giving her a smile while passing her and started walking towards the building.

When I reach my building, I immediately pressed the elevator button. It pinged when it arrived on the ground floor. I stepped inside and pressed my floor button.

Knowing Rose, she must be having a mini panic session. She has always had the idea of everything being perfect for her. I don't know why.

Arriving at the apartment I greeted Rose who instead handed me a pile of paper giving me a 'do it look.'

'Time to work' I thought myself before going into my room and started reviewing the reports.

After an hour or so, with nine cups of coffee and several signatures, the work was finally done. All left to do was send them back to the media and reporters could do their work. I can finally relax till the next expedition which was in two weeks.

My attention was drawn to my dresser on top of which sat the pendant. I had taken it out this morning to try my luck and see if I could find something more about but it all was vain. There was nothing, no records of its origin or with whom it had been with. Nothing at all!

Suddenly a feeling washed over me. A feeling of being watched, but somehow it was not creepy and gave me a feeling of calmness and safety.

I walked over to the dresser. Picking up the pendant I traced its edge. There was something important about it. I had a feeling I would be finding out soon about this mystery.

Putting it inside the drawer I went inside my bathroom and changed into my pajamas which consist of my father's large grey T-shirt and blue cotton shorts.

As soon as my head hit the soft pillows I was pulled into a dreamless slumber. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. With that I let sleep consume me.