
Chapter 1


The chains rattle against each other as the prisoner moves almost dragging his feet. Several months trapped in different dungeons across Quantine have not been kind to King Alex Ivanov. His black shoulder length hair is loose, greasy and covered in dry blood from himself and his victims. His muscled and prominent figure is weighted down by the amount of chains on his shoulders, hands and feet. The spiked collar around his neck bites and stings his flesh with every step he takes toward the cave that will trap his soul for eternity.

'That's what those ignorant people think, they don't even know what the cave is capable of.' After all this was the cave she died, the cave Alex's ancestors so desperately tried to hide. For generations only the member of the two royal family knew it's true purpose.

′The prize of being the most persecuted man', he thinks to himself with a small smirk on his lips as one of his Guards pokes him to make him move faster. Alex growls deep in his throat, and the Guards lined up on either side of him tense up bracing themselves for a fight. But Alex doesn't want to fight. Why would he? He's looking forward to his new jail. He is finally getting to where he wants to be. The cave is the whole reason he allowed himself to be captured six months ago.

The smell of the wet grass and trees was prominent due to the heavy rain. ′Do they really think two Guards can hold me?′ Alex chuckles inwardly. Of course he could easily kill all of his Guards as soon as they step out of the walls of the Arad's domain in Avlar and away from reinforcements. Then again, Alex has slaughtered entire army single handedly. But once again, resisting would defeat the purpose of his captivity. All those nagging attempts at killing him would have been for nothing. ′Breathe', he coaches himself. 'She is waiting.'

"This cave is our last hope of capturing him. Do not let him escape." Lord Arad growls menacingly at the Guards.

The Guardians nod immediately tensing up at the unmentioned threat in Lord Arad's words. Honestly Alex is amazed at the fear Arad inflicts upon his vassals. They should not fear a mere commander when they are in the presence of the king, a monster like Alex.

"Dimitri!" Lord Arad barks calling on his most trusted man with shoulder length brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. "I trust you can lead the prisoner without any mishap."

Liam steps away from his commander after one last bow. "I will, Sir."

A small smirk on Alex's lips is now deepen 'what reaction would they have if they knew Dimitri was only a spy set up to watch their ever move?'

"I have my faith in you. We will all pray that this will be the last time we see this monster." Lord Arad spits and glares at the prisoner before stepping back to join his troops.

Dimitri nods and gives a last glance backward before leading the prisoner into the cave.

Dimitri knows Alex has everything under his control, but they must reach the center of the cave before nightfall. Soon the blue moon will be coming out, and the last thing Dimitri wants is to disappoint his king and best friend. Of course being beside Alex his whole life he knew him like the back of his hand. Alex was not the real monster, but the people cannot take on the fact that the 'Lgends' were born again. Dimitri briefly looks back at Alex as a frown forms in Dimitri's face. He's puzzled that why does he need to reverse time and go to Earth, after all it had been twenty eight years since the royal family of Megatopia disappeared without any trace. Looking up at the walls of the cave, Dimitri stops walking and starts to unchain Alex.

The walls of the cave were full of paintings, being the commando of the national army of Quantine and the personal guard of the king he was trained hard for years making his senses sharp. Dimitri and Alex always had a strong bond since their childhood, and this bond was the only thing that didn't separate them at a time like this.

The war took place for five years. Many lost their lives under the wrath of the traitors, Dimitri according to Alex's plan was successful to gain the enemies trust leading the traitors to do the hard work for him. They found the cave for him.

The cave was the only way to find the lost Legend who could restore peace and kill the real monsters. The cave was a secret portal that could take them to Earth four years back so that they could stop the war.

A blue moon occurs every century, opening the portal at the center of the cave. That was their only chance. They had to stop the history from repeating itself, they have to stop the mishap that happened five hundred years ago during the time the previous Legend was born.

"It is time. We only have one chance." Alex smirks he knows what awaits him. "Well?" He extends his hands out to Dimitri to uncuff them.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Dimitri whispers keeping his eyes on him. "Let's go, there is a lot on stake."

He took out a pendent in the shape of a teardrop with a swirl of blue and black in the center from the pocket of his now torn shirt. After running his fingers over it's smooth surface he handed it over to Dimitri.

"Remember the plan," Alex reminds Dimitri. Once they nod in understanding, both of them went deeper into the cave.

At the center of the cave the moon light streamed through a small crack formed at the top of the cave. Soon the place where the moon light fall would open into a portal leading Alex and Dimitri to their final destination.

Soon the white moon light started to turn blue. The ground began to shake and the part where the moonlight feel started to crumble.

Alex and Dimitri looked at each other and with a nod both of them stepped into the portal, taking them to their final destination. They had to find the Romanoves, the missing bloodline who ruled over Quantine since the begning of the time along side the Ivanovs.

And so the search of the most powerful successor of the Romanove bloodline began.

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