
Once Upon A Time..In A Faraway Land..(AATU TATA!)

Welcome Readers..I am an Author who is going to narrate you a tale about the legendary beings, Aliens, Super Humans..and yeah beings like "DeaDPool" who transcend the 4th walls regularly.Though, it will be rather fun story for us..But Yeah ! Let's Do It!




After the 4th World War..The Societies of world did congregate into a single unit named WORLD Alliance.Ruled by a Federation Consisting of Representatives of all the Countries, (yeah! Prime Ministers), it worked into reviving the world and work up to find more resources for the all the refugees and remaining people of the world. There were colonies on all the planets of Solar System using the Terraforming Technology and extraction work was being continued. But, still..humanity was congregated on Earth. Due to Geological Changes, Mt. Everest and Himalaya Ranges disappeared and India,China,Russia and All Other Asian Countries also saw changes in their natural boundaries. Fortunately, or Unfortunately Nuclear Weapons were Shelved due to their side-effects and replaced by Quantum-Beam Weapons, International Weapon Stations, Space-Jets. Although the Technology went futuristic, the humanity went back to origins of Discovering the innate potential. Scientists found that all 9 planets of Solar System had resources, which could amplify the Human Body, change the plants in a positive way,and increase reproduction of livestock and much more. Ancient Martial Arts were explored and all of them were listed,though,some powerful families were still able to hide their special arts. One of these families were Pratap Family. The Prataps(Translated as Legends) were called Legends also because of their Art of Human Potential Exploration.They Characterized Each of their Child's Innate Potential and through Blessing by Ancestors of Family who were in Hall of Immortals,they opened their Talent Trees. Their Powers was so explosive or fearsome that each child of the family was to wear a Power Control Ring, and after perfect mastery of each stage the Family leader unlocked their next talent.

But,since last 20 years, After the 4th world war due to Death of Vishwa Pratap(World's Legend), His heir and younger brother Bhanu Pratap(Prestigious Sun) was not able to inherit the technique of unlocking the later stages of his Control Ring and creation for such rings for his own sons. He was only left with words, "Look For Humility..!".



So, Bhanu Pratap, A muscular man with trimmed hair, big beard, sharp eyes, straight nose bridge and masculine lips tried to follow the sentence to its last word itself. He left the Army, despite he was about-to-be Commander of Extra-Terrestial Defense Squadron,which would have got him lots of cash. Spent all his money in chasing Girls, Eating, Drinking and what not! Actually that idiot thought Humble means poor, so he tried to be outright poor! And one day, in his drunken fit! He demolished the largest building of City itself..and made a hut there.

"I Want to be the poorest guy in the world. But, What can I do? I am too strong for that!"

Coincidentally, One of his friends noticed his dillema, and asked Bhanu Pratap,

"Why don't you find some work?Poor People also do work, and very hard one at that!"

This Idea did click Bhanu Pratap's Brain, so he asked for some advice,

"What Can I do? Give me Some Suggestions!"

And the conversation, followed like this...

"You are so strong, Let's Focus on that! Why Don't you become a soldier again?"

"Shut Up! I am A Legend there. They can recognize me straight even if i go bald and wear women's clothing.And what's the point?"

"Umm...Right! Why don't you try farming?"

"I can do that! But, After the Bombing on our Royal Mansion in last war..The papers were lost somewhere. Although, Government will protect the land, as they told me. But, without papers, I don't have any legal proof..even if I am supported by system itself!"

"What about Wrestling?"

"Its a good idea.But,those pipsqueaks...well they are even weaker than my V3 Form!"

"That's the point..they are semi-mortals. Pipsqueaks for us..but heroes for normal people, and Girls Love them !"


"Yes! And you can just put Anti-Recognition Mask on your face. Don't worry! I will Handle cost for that!"

"But,I cannot do wrestling all the time right?"

"Hmmm...Why don't you work as a professional Demolisher?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just look around you! Such a large area..clean without a shred of debris. No one can imagine, Just a Week ago..there was largest building on Earth present here. Government is starting re-exploration of our planets, We have too many ruined cities, You may get work as a part-time Demolisher. If You can do same standard of work, as you did around your hut. Maybe, You will be able to make a good living!"

"But,Won't that make me rich again?"

"Well..Just Balance out your earning and consumption..You will move nowhere from the position where you are!Ofcourse, It would have been better..If You had Kids!"

"I do have Kids!"

"O.O?","I never found them!"

"Well dude..Me too! Until, Hospital Called me..I have 3 more babies ."

"What about Mothers? You Know right? If a woman gets pregnant at this time..she may suffer Death due to super-accelerated growth of progeny?And moreover, you are a fucking immortal..."

"I forgot man! I just forgot! I am sorry for all of them! They did not survive the delivery T.T"

"Well..Welcome to Age of Parenting!"




In the Hospital of Missionaries of Humanity. A Well Rounded Baby..well! He can called be Hulks of babies, along with a baby with bird face..I mean he was making a pouting face just like what birds do! and last a silent,"normal" baby drinking milk from the feeder were presents.

Of course, these were the 3 babies of Bhanu Pratap, though they were completely different from each other in appearance. A nurse informed him about the three brothers,

"Sir,they are your babies!"

"Why Do Each of them look like they are from three different fathers?"

"Sir, it is due to changes in planet plus the bloodlines..But, all of them have 3 different mothers."

Looking at the chiseled Body of Bhanu Pratap, Nurse asked coquettishly,

"Can I be mother of your child too?"

Pointing at his babies,Bhanu replied,

"Well,All of their mothers' are no longer in this world"

Nurse was adamant though,and a little philosophical!

"Anything for one night..After all life is a dream."

Well..A Gentleman always gives up in the end,

"Let's meet soon, Your Place, Your Time!"


"By the way, Can I take these little ones home?"

"You will need to complete the formalities first, This way Mr...?"

"Bhanu Pratap!"



In the Forests of Chambal..A Sentinent Falcon..a sage basically..used to live.He was more than 700 years old, and cultivated his way from a tiny Bird to being Master of all Birds in Asia, and was Grand Elder of Bird Clan Itself.He had an old hobby of naming new borns, which stemmed from the fact he saw his old master doing so. Currently, He was with a bearded man,and currently brooding upon name of three newborns who were in a wooden cradle.

The "Big" one was obviously bullying the "birdy", well he was time to time punching him on head and other one was crying. Of course, none of them was touching the third one for some unknown reason and he was still sleeping peacefully with milk bottle in his mouth.

"Hmm..Mighty Falcon! Please do the honors of Naming ceremony of these children!"

"As You wish Young Noble Bhanu!"

With these words,the old Falcon went towards the cradle...He expelled tiniest bit of his aura to prompt the hidden qualities of little munchkins to come forth. After that he slowly traced all of their faces with his clawed fingers..Well..it was the same claw which could puncture the Strongest of Metals and Hardest of rocks, but on these babies face it was no less gentle than an elder's touch.

"The first born of your babies..It is this XXL size baby right?"

"pfft! Yes! He was conceived first."

"He has too much courage, mighty power, and ability to turn tides of war on his own with his fortuitous encounters.Take care of his Diet though...Even I sweat of the thought of to-be food expenditure on this one. Let the heavens witness naming of "Akshay Pratap"..an undying legend of mighty adventures."

Bhanu Pratap went over to cradle and took baby Akshay in his hands.

"Well, Akshay is very valorous name.But we need a baby name for you."

"Akshay..Aks..Aku...Aaku! Yes Aaku!"

"You are my little Aaku Kaka(Aaku Baby)..hehe,so strong from birth."

"Mr Bhanu! Ahem!"

"Yes..Sir Sage! Sorry I got too much involved!"

"Well..let's talk about the next one!"

Repeating the Same process Mighty Falcon checked the condition of baby's strength,fortune,intelligence,luck and all other perquisites of having a wonderful life!

"This baby is just like a cute baby chick. But,Bhanu he is not going to be a "birdbrain".His intelligence will make your family flourish for more than million years.I name him Chiranjeev Pratap(Immortal Legend), so he may shine with brilliance and without the pride and vanity that comes with strength.

"And as for the baby name..I feel ChuChu is very good..for he just looks like a little bird!"


Even..the old Bird was ashamed of naming sense of Bhanu Pratap, but he could not put his claws between a father and his sons.

("I just don't know,if having him as their father is a good or bad luck for these kids!")

"Not taking anymore time, I present name of Dwanda Pratap(Battle Legend) to your last baby.I am not going to touch him, cause even I fear sullying the pure aura he is excluding.His patience and strength will be without match in any battle..He will be qualified enough to start his own sect.And well, he has much better prospects than your first-born."

"I am thankful for your thoughts sir.I will call him Dudu cause he loves drinking milk, a lot of milk. And he is very fair and cute too.Hahahaha!"

Mighty Sage just face palmed himself in secret and discussed some matters with Bhanu Pratap later.




Somewhere,in a distant Grey-Blue Planet, a rocket was about to be launched.

"Sir..What are the coordinates?"

"Milky Way Galaxy, 9 Planet Solar System, 3rd Planet."


"Countdown Initated!"


"I will be Back soon! Darkness will rule the light! Legends will be crushed and rewritten!BAHAHAHAHA!"

After Spending so much time, I tried to complete atleast first chapter.I tried Updating the first one..But...It got deleted cause of server error! So I will try it again.

Thank You all for reading it.

Here is glossary.

1.Dudu means Milk in my local language and Chu-chu is the sound which a sparrow produces.

2. Kaka is a pun which has 2 meanings..one is big uncle and other is little baby.

I will be changing the narrator soon..He has a new way of telling the tale of Legends.


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