
The Sadistic Beauty

[N/A: Chapter that goes a bit outside the main plot so that everyone can get a good sense of the main character's personality. So for those who don't like this kind of personality, you know from the beginning what it is and how Hestia is.]


- POV General -

A night had passed since the discovery of Diana Hellfire's diary, the terrible news and the decision Hestia had made with the others. Everyone had to work harder from that day on to meet the one month deadline they had set for themselves.

On the streets of Coven Village walked a tall young man with brown hair that fell down his back, floating to the rhythm of his hurried steps. He was smiling, raising his beauty, which did not fail to draw attention to him, where he was going. He was dressed entirely in black but his clothes were crumpled, a sign that he had dressed in a hurry. This young man was none other than Lucas Deadrose, walking with determination towards a specific destination.

Right behind him, two young women followed him with the same smile and seemed very small next to his 2 meters height. The first one had the hair at the level of the shoulders of a brilliant brown, a chubby face and dressed of a white dress giving her a rather innocent air. Next to her, the other woman had long red hair tied in a ponytail, a childish face and was also wearing a dress but of scarlet color.

Behind Lucas were Kali Deimos and Mysie Kortlein, both of whom, like Hestia, had a great beauty, although different. While the young blonde woman was often described as the most beautiful woman, her beauty was hotter, wilder and more charismatic. Mysie and Kali had a warmer, more innocent and pure beauty, always smiling radiantly like two suns.

Early in the morning, the little group was obviously already in a hurry and headed straight south of the village to a particular place. After five minutes of walking, Lucas, Mysie and Kali found themselves in front of a building made of wood and stone with a very particular badge. Indeed, above the big door was a wooden board suspended by a metal bar where was drawn women's underwear.

"Sigh...here we are"

"M-Mysie and I are waiting for you in front, Lucas"


Where the three friends had stopped was a house of prostitutes, the only one in the whole village, very popular and called "The White Cat". As Lucas pushed the door open with a sigh, the two young women behind it turned around and blushed, waiting patiently for him to return. Behind the doors were a multitude of women of all ages, sometimes dressed provocatively, sometimes very lightly.

At the White Cat, the atmosphere was joyful, the customers, most of them already drunk, were drinking, singing and dancing surrounded by these women. The first floor, which served as a bar, was very lively and the laughter mixed with the singing, the noise of the bottles and the women, creating a deafening cacophony. Without paying attention to all this, Lucas moved with a decided step towards the reception making his way into this place breathing the lust.

"Second floor, third door on the right"

Arriving at the reception, even before Lucas did not pronounce a single word, the lazy and young receptionist who had seen him arrive, already indicated to him one of the rooms. Indeed, it was not the first time that the young man penetrated these places for a very precise reason and the receptionist knew it. Nodding his head with a tired air, Lucas then climbed the stairs which were on the side in direction of the second floor.

Filing in the corridor as fast as he could as if he wanted to finish quickly, the young man found himself in front of a wooden door bearing the number 3. A small paper was hung there saying "do not disturb" what made sigh Lucas who really dreamed at this moment to be somewhere else. He hesitated a moment, stretching his ear to detect the slightest sound in vain, resigning himself to do what he was there for.

*Knock knock knock*

Taking a deep breath, Lucas knocked on the door three times without receiving any answer, the room 3 remaining silent. His foot pounded the floor under his feet as he could not help but sigh more and more cursing the situation. Knowing that there was no point in waiting any longer, the young man then turned the metal handle before entering the hitherto silent room.


The interior was decorated with lots of colors giving a welcoming and a very intimate atmosphere making Lucas shudder who blushed despite himself. There were many sofas, all totally messy just like the rest of the room which was upside down. Bottles of rum were strewn on the ground, accompanied by tens of clothes going of the panties, the blouse or even the dress.

There were also various objects that made Lucas shiver like ropes, whips, pliers, even collars and leashes that at first glance were intended for dogs. Shaking his head with an air of little surprise but totally embarrassed, the young man continued to advance cautiously. As if he was on hostile ground, his steps were slow, silent, and his ears tried to pick up every little sound.

"I-Is anyone there ?"

Whispering hesitantly as if lowering his voice would make him a little less conspicuous, he moved to the back of the room where there was a large four-poster bed hidden by a large screen. As Lucas passed behind this obstacle, his eyes fell on a scene he would have liked never to see in his life. The one that he had come to seek was well there and at this moment, the young man missed to choke because of what he had under his eyes.

The young blond woman was in this bed, sitting in the middle and having obviously just woken up because of the arrival of Lucas. Everything could have been normal if she was not completely naked, a white blanket covering her bottom and her long hair covering her chest that she did not have very big. Around Hestia were six women of different ages, sleeping peacefully but also totally naked.

"F-Fuck, Hestia !"

Lucas instantly turned around with an even redder face whispering louder, taken by surprise not thinking to witness this. However it was too late, he had seen the different marks that covered the bodies of these women, obviously more than happy and exhausted from the night they had just spent with Hestia. Indeed none of them had been awakened by the arrival of the young man except for the young blonde.

"Hello Lucas fufu~ give me 5 minutes"

"Y-Yes !"

Hestia with a teasing smile on her face slowly got out of bed before picking up her clothes from the floor as Lucas rushed to the door to get out. The naked young woman was beautiful and the first glimmer of sunlight coming through the window glistened on her body. Hestia was quite muscular but slender and gave off a particularly dominant and masculine image, which explains part of her charisma.

Her body was covered with big old scars that she had on her back and on her belly at the level of her abs that stood out slightly. In addition to the few tattoos on her arms, a large one was on her right ribs representing a magnificent ship, two pistols on her pelvis and some smaller ones on her shoulder blades. Hestia was very beautiful and as she dressed, her golden hair fell over her face giving her a wild look.

"H-Honey ? Y-You're leaving already ?"

One of the naked women had suddenly woken up before slowly getting up a tired look in her eyes which she rubbed as she yawned. Seeing this, a big frightening smile appeared on the face of Hestia who had stopped moving to observe her work. She plunged her gray-green eyes into the young woman's before letting her gaze skirt the curves of her fully exposed body.

"I...s-stop looking at me like that...I..."

The woman though older squirmed under the intense and fiery gaze of the young blonde woman who could not help but lick her lips. The vision before her eyes reminded her of last night as her eyes rested on the bite and spank marks. Finally deciding to move, Hestia approached before placing a knee on the bed and leaning towards the one who had turned red.

"I have important things to do but...thank you for this wonderful night Tina~"

"I-I'm Chloe"

"Yes whatever you say, darling~"


Not giving her time to answer, Hestia suddenly grabbed her by the waist and lifted her slightly off the bed before kissing her passionately. Chloe surprised let out a small cry before melting under the embrace and the passionate kiss that she received. Her naked body shook unconsciously and as Hestia finally separated from her, she leaned over Chloe's neck this time before biting it gently, whispering.

"As cute as ever~"

"A-Annw~ H-Hestia..."

Straightening up this time for good, satisfied with what she had just done and heard, the young blonde woman was getting out of bed to finish dressing. The small noises that her partner for the night had made had been enough to wake up the five other women around. Little by little, the hitherto silent room was filling with still sleeping voices, yawns and sounds of sheets being rubbed.

"C-Chloe ?"


"Oh Hestia, Chloe you are awake ?"

"Hes, are you leaving so soon ?"

"Stay a little longer, darling~ pretty pleaaaase~"

Hestia was just finishing dressing and once, this scene could only give her a big, satisfied, lecherous smile. All these women in front of her were beautiful and her desire to stay a little longer was getting more and more intense. But the day had dawned and it was time to start the first day of this hard month not to mention the fact that Lucas had been waiting for her for a while now.

"No matter how much I love to hear you beg, unfortunately, I must leave you my beauties. But as I told Chloe, I thank you for this divine night."

Kissing the other five women one by one before putting on her coat and taking out a small purse of gold coins that she placed on a small table. As the young woman was about to leave, Chloe's voice echoed once again from the large bed. The others now fully awake followed right after, also protesting what Hestia had just done.

"H-Honey, take your money back, you know you don't have to pay !"

"That's right !"


Stopping suddenly when she was just in front of the door, the young blonde woman turned around as she squinted her eyes. Her gaze was piercing, raised by the scar she had on her left eye making all six women shudder. Sighing, Hestia answered with a very serious tone that they did not know her.

"Girls, if your boss finds out that you produce your services for no pay you could be in trouble."

"But he is afraid of you and..."

"So ? You need the money and it's not for him that I do it, but for you. I'm a customer like any other so I don't want any special treatment."



"A-All right. T-Thank you, Hestia."

Smiling once more, she sent a wink making all the women instantly blush before opening the door and leaving room number 3. As she exited, a hilarious and unexpected scene played out before her, nearly making her choke. There was Lucas surrounded by four prostitutes trying to charm him into spending his money with one of them.

"Come on~ don't you want to spend some time with me ?"

"Or me. I assure you I know how to do it very well~"

"Don't listen to them, handsome, I like tall men the most~"

"Nooo~ with me I can assure you that you will have the best day of your life~"

The young man didn't know where to put himself or what to answer, his eyes having turned pink proving his embarrassment and agitation. He towered over all the women with his size so it didn't take him long to notice Hestia leaning against the wall enjoying the scene. Addressing her directly to change the subject hoping to make the ones around him leave for good.

"Ah, H-Hestia f-finally ! I-It...we have to go !"

"To me, you look far too busy to go anywhere right now hahaha~"

Laughing and not even lifting a finger, Hestia couldn't help but enjoy this scene that put her in a good mood so early in the morning. Unfortunately, it was short-lived because at the sound of her voice, all the women around him turned around startled before blushing. Accustomed to this kind of reaction and knowing that nothing funny would happen anymore, Hestia straightened up speaking distinctly with a slight smile.

"How about you ladies take a look around, or maybe you want me to come and personally verify if what you're saying is true..."

Her gray-green eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the hallway and as she licked her canines softly, it was no longer Hestia they saw but the famed huntress herself, fierce as a beast. The sadistic beauty had not done anything special though, her natural charisma and bewitching beauty doing all the work. Thus, without saying a word, the prostitutes around Lucas fled all as red as the others.

"T-Thank you but no thank you. And first of all it's because of you that I always end up here almost getting raped in a dark corner of the hallway !"

"PFFHAHAHAHA~ yeaaah of course ! Poor little brother assaulted by beautiful women. Maaaw~ what a nightmare you're living fufu~ However you can't lie, your eyes were as pink as the nipples of a young virgin HAHAHAHA~"

Twisting with laughter as she held her belly in the hallway, Hestia thought back to what she had just seen that made it hard to catch her breath. As usual, she teased Lucas who was divided between anger and embarrassment. Taking advantage of the fact that she was occupied to laugh, he approached the young woman to strike her head. But, just as his hand was about to hit Hestia, she shifted with a sneer.

"Pffff~ Missed. Now let's go Lucas."

"Hmfp !"

Dusting off his clothes as he grumbled and sulked slightly and glared at her, Lucas followed Hestia down the stairs of the establishment. Everything was just as noisy as when he entered, if not more so, as even more people were drunk. As they walked through the main hall towards the exit, the people closest to them stepped back to let them pass in silence.

Hestia ignored all this, walking with a quick and decisive step, snapping the heel of her boots, flying her blonde hair and coat behind her. The face she had shown to Lucas earlier had disappeared leaving a totally closed one. It was the expression she had when she was surrounded by people who did not matter to her and which had earned her the nickname "heartless".

Hestia made both men and women blush, but at this moment she didn't pay much attention to it, preferring to leave quickly to start their important project. Arriving at the front door, she grabbed a cigarette from the lips of a waitress before winking at her and pushing open the big door. In front of the White Cat were still waiting Mysie and Kali who had been joined by Joe and Edward.

"Oh Hestia there you are at last !"

"Hestia, Lucas !"

Almost throwing them into her arms, the two young women smiled radiantly as they greeted their friend whom they were eager to see. Hestia's face also lit up as she smiled softly, still weak at their ever-adorable attitude. As she stroked Mysie and Kali's cheeks who always appreciated this tender gesture, she greeted all that had come for her.

"Oh my fufu~ did you girls sleep well ? Hey, Ed, Joe."

"Hallo Boss"

"Good morning Boss"

Everyone was back together to start the day, the sun already bathing the slowly waking village with its light. As the greetings were made, Joe noticed that Lucas' eyes were still slightly tinted pink, proving that he had been recently embarrassed. Not failing to point this out, the man with silver-blonde hair smiled softly before speaking.

"Well, maybe I should be the one from now on to pick up the Boss when she spends the night at the White Cat brothel. You seem to be coming out of a complicated ordeal Lucas haha~"

"Hestia has struck again"

"Umu~ it looks like it"


At Joe's words, Kali and Mysie laughed, immediately assuming that Hestia had something to do with it because they were all victims of her teasing day after day. Edward merely chuckled at the thought that his friend might have experienced something embarrassing without him being there to witness it.

"Look, it's not my fault if this sadistic freak left without saying a word in the middle of the night, suddenly deciding to spend it at the White Cat to release the stress of our findings. All I did was come looking for her and got mugged in this temple of lust where she is certainly the undisputed Empress ! Tch !"

The six friends still in front of the building began to laugh under the questioning gaze of the first, most morning passers-by. Hestia had indeed slipped away discreetly to spend the night with some women of the establishment much too under tension concerning their future. Now that the first day had begun, they could all put their strategy about money and the ship into action.

"So shall we get started ? We've got an adventure-filled trip to prepare !"

[N/A : Don't forget to read the note just below]

For the moment Hestia is like that and stays true to her title of woman huntress. For those who are waiting to see how her harem will develop, I advise you to wait and see what happens next. Despite her behavior, love will open her eyes to many things (Hestia will remain sadistic and seductive tho haha~).

Author-san Lucifer

LuciferSamacreators' thoughts
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