

"Yuri why do you want to practice the art in sword" sakumo asked in his curosity.

"Sakumo san, i dont know why but first time i saw kakashi practice in sword art so i feel attached to the sword from that moment and I always practice in sword art from that day"

"Oh so what arr you practicing in the sword now" hokage asked seeing the yuri like the sword art so much.

"Now i am just doing the basic 5 form in sword art "

"Okey then since you saved the skumo one of the pillars of konoha i will grant your two widh what do you want"hokage asked.

Since there was not much to know now that hokage wants to grant his wish to him.

"I want to go to inner section of the library of konoha to get further knowledge as i now only can go to outer section only and as for other i dont know now so can i say later if i found "since yuri have knowledge about the future plots in anime he wants to know more about the naruto world to gain more knowledge for his future plan and he likes to read the book more.

Until now yuri just has access to the outer section of the library in konoha so he asked to gain access in inner section too.

"Okey if it is that then i can give you full access to the library but you cannot chee more than you can remember that"hokage said as he like the characters of the boy.

If it was others they might ask the forbidden technique or of something of more valuable but yuri only asked to gain more knowledge from the library and it is good for village if village have more knowledgeable person.

"Thank you hokage sama and sakumo san, have a soon recovery sakumo san"as yuri said this he turned around to left his home.

After yuri left the office room hokage asked"Sakumo what do you think about the yuri boy"

"He looks good and he has a dense chakra and of middle level genin and his character also seems to be good. And lastly i feel some of the connections to him like some of strange power is attaching me and him together."

"Oh so as I thought he really is the one from whose the pressure descend, hope he will not be turn against the village . And sakumo whatdo you think about taking him as your disciple."

"That i have to look him a little more and get to know him but before that hokage sama why is the mission secret is released to the village as I thought it was the high class secret"

"This i also dont know but if i have to guess i have one person on my mind. I wilm tell you full detail later"

" as i thought this can be done by only that one eye wolf. It seems i have been silent for long time since second world war"

"Sakumo dont do anything rash for now as the next war might break out anytime and we need all the power house available in the village but i will give you compensation for it dont worry "

"Umm okey hokage sama if you say so but tell danzo to stay in his limit hokage sama. If it is only against me then i can tolerate but if he go against any person close to me then i will not be quit and yuri is also one of my close peron now"

"Umm i will warn him now that he crossed his line"

"Okey i will also go now hokage sama talk with you later" as he said that he turned around and left with only hokage alone in his office to battle with his never ending enemy paper work.

Next chapter