
Pirates come

6 years later

It has been 6 years since Rei Jonhson was born and in those 6 years nothing much happened

He was a normal child witch learned everything at the same pace as everyone or atleast that's what everyone thinks

In the past 6 years Rei has been secretly training and building up his foundation for his future training or practicing with his simbiote yet today he was very excited more so than ever

He was constantly grining and running today making anybody that saw him think that he is a hiperactive child yet in this small village of Fimiko on the island of Shins that is not so abnormal as a wise scolar once said observe the abnormal long enough and it becomes normal

As to why it is considered normal it is becouse everybody knows that Rei even as small and young as he is can be considered a training maniac

Althou Rei only showed only a little of his training it was still intense becouse of his mergance with the simbiote crating the Fimiko village challenge

Many traveles ask what is the Fimiko village challenge and the answer is simple 'As long as someone can compleate the same training as a 6 year old child will get 100000 barrys yet if he looses he has to pay up 1000 barrys. For fairness the child will do it right alongside you'

Many men thought that it was an opportunyti for easy money yet when becouse of their pride they walked out of the village broke some even accused of froud yet were quickly taken care of by Rei

It became quite a rumor around these parts and many travelers come to try the challenge giving the vilage more and more money bulstering its treasury makimg the villagers always suportive of Rei

But today isn't a chalenge today is the day Rei's father will teach him markmanshp and mother her sword technique

Rei's father Don Johnson is a marine capitan same as his mother Maria Johnson they are stationed on this island to guard it from pirates, criminals, outlaws and the rest of the rif raf the sea brings along with it's waves

Rei was excited the whole morning and when it turned 10 A.M. he went into his backyard to see his father there firmly standing with 2 rifeles in hand one smaller and one biger

"Father I have come to learn marksmanship"Rei said with a straight face without flinching or averting his eyes while his childish and immature voice echoed thruought the backyard

"Good from now onwards from 10 AM to 12 AM I am going to teach you markmanship and your mother will teach you swordsmanship from 5 PM to 7 PM you understand?"Over the years Rei found out about his fathers and mothers aditudes so he didn't find this set up wierd

His father was niamly a strict and disciplined man who faces all of his problems head on without much concern for the consequences unless we are talking about Rei's mother while he is more of a morning person

His mother is a gentle and kind soul but if you anger her you will see a 180° flip in her aditude an example of it is when 2 thugs harased her becouse of her bauty lets just say that death woud have been a blessing to those people after Rei's mother was done so even Don doesn't dare anger her and she defenitely isn't a morning person heck somedays Rei has to wake her up

All the islanders know this so they named his mother Rose becouse she is as beutifull as a rose yet has poisonous thorns witch are filled with gunpowder ready to explode at any given time or place they even know of her morning self so her other nickname is The sleaping beauty

"Yes father"Rei blatantly blured out with a flame of passion apparent in his eyes while a glints of determination flash by here and there

"Good let's begin. You see to know how to fire a rifle you first have to..."The first part of Don's training was the theoretical part while the second was the practical

The theoretical part was everything about guns from their size to the metal they use even the gunpowder and bullets were counted in as well

The theoretical part was like exams from Rei's past world they always made him weep but he had to do it and lets not forget that he has the help of a simbiote so even thou it was hard he maneged it

But just when Rei thought it coudn't get worse becouse of the theoretical part when it came to the practical part he walked out without a piece of himself

His father was strict as hell and tought him many stuff even thou it was just the first day Rei was thankfull after the practice but remembering his training he shivered a bit

His father tought him every trick he knew on how to survive on the battlefiled

Rei absorbed it all quite literaly as while he did the manuvers such as reloading, roaling, hiding, dodging or amining and shooting he would be targeted by his fathers rubber bullets

Those bullets can't kill but they hurt a lot more than a normal ones and by a lot I mean a humomgous margin especialy with his father targeting his weak spots

It seems that his father and mother foud out about his strange body as the training was even tiering for Rei

At first his father wasn't so fierce so Rei coud keep up but the moment Rei adjusted to it all his father punced on him like a giant tiger on a small chicken

His shots became faster and more accurate while he spewed out more bullets than any standard machine gun coud even try to do

It was like somebody increased the difficulty from hard to extra nightmare ultra maximum hard on a game

When his training ended Rei was sore all over with sweat driping from his body and hair soaking his clothes and ground while his father was perfectly fine like it was a walk in the park

"What? Tired already then you won't like your mother's training it is going to be a lot worse then mine"As those words left Don's mouth so did Rei's sould leave his body falling unconcious

His father didn't even spare a glance at Rei's lifeless body as to him if you don't fall uconcious after training it isn't training so he just walked away

As the sun rose and fell soon it came to be 4:30 PM and Don came over to Rei's body, aimed his rifle and shot a rubber bullet right into his ribs

With a paifull yelp Rei got up faster than lightning making him stand hunched with bruses all over his body making him look like a purple frut

"It's time for diner"Rei's father didn't say much but those words gave Rei all the strenght he neded as he ran into the house faster than his father with his toung hanging out and salyva going everywhere giving him the apearence of a dog

If a normal person saw it they woud just see a blur zipping into the house even Don was surprised at his son's speed

Rei while zipping by saw the meals on the table droopled even harder making his mouth look like a waterfall

It was fried chicken with its oili juices driping down its deep copper brown and crisp skin while all cinds of spices are surrounding it making it appear like a pirate in the midle of a marine siege

The rice was of a white colour placed in white bowls with pink ornaments making it appear really cute to the eyes while fragnant to the nose

Rei wolfed it all down yet as fast as he ate he would always get dubles or tripels or quadeuplets

(When I get my wives from One piece I have to get one witch can cook like this)

Rei thought while continuing to eat more than his father and mother combined

His father and mother always had a headache becouse they had to spend so much money for Rei to eat hid fill every single day

Don and Marie ate slower than Rei but it was obvious that Rei got his fast eating from his fathers side as he ate fast as well while his mother took gracefull and slow bites wiping herself with a napkin once in a while making her appear really lady like

The family had a nice meal untill it turned 5 PM thats the time his father took of at the speed of light giving Rei one last pitying look while his eyes revealed a slight trace of mockery

Rei was astounded but quickly figured out why it was becouse in the next second he felt something wooden hiting him from his mothers direction

The hit was painfull, fierce and fast when it hit it hit to kill, the force, accuracy and speed being a testemony to that

As Rei's chair creaked from the force while Rei grunted another attack came in from his right side aiming at his ribs it was like the other attack fierce, fast, powerfull and accurate he barely maneged to dodge it

Rei even after dodging it had a back full of dripping sweat why? It's simple his mother's attack was too fast he could barely see a blur he only evaded it becouse the simbiote's danger sense was extreamly aroused

He just stood there for a couple of seconds giving his mother a vicious stare while opening his mouth clearly preparing to say something but was cut off by him mom

"Your father probably tought you about the theoretical jiber jaber before the practical well I won't do that I believe that practice is the way to sucess so from today onward we will spar together 2 hours every single day"Death,mysery and pain were the only words Rei cought on to after the first half

He could barely dodge the second blow now let's not talk about a barage of them over a duration of 2 hours it would be pure madness

Now he knew why his fater left him with that pitying look that sly old fox of a man he calls a father abandoned him to this lunatic of a woman he calls a mother how screwed up is that

But before he could think of a way to argue with her his mother attacked again

He had no choise but to fight and so he fought for 2 hours straight no rest no pause

They fought everywhere in the house, in the backyard, in the village with the villagers giving them a stern look before running away in fear of being colateral damege

Finnaly it was 7 PM and they stoped sparing no sparing isn't the right word for it more like Rei getting his tiny ass handed to him

His mother quietly walked to their house seemingly not caring for Rei at all so he had to drag himself back to bed

As he laid in the comftorable bed feeling his sore musceles and hurting brueses he with the litle strenght he had grined from ear to half the other side becouse he could't fully grin from the pain

(Status)With a thought he sent a message to the now all familiar system

[Name:Rei Johnson

Age:6 years 12 days








Abilities:Simbiote(merged),Duble soul,Dimensional travel(locked)]

In the past 6 years Rei figured out some things about the system such as that Wis, Int, Will and Spi are the hardest to upgrade while End, Str and Agi were easyer to upgrade and that the shop was a motherfucking ripoff from with no benefits or help for it's host

(System open the shop function under the One piece world)He said those words with a hevy hart as he doesn't like to look at the shop

[One piece-S 1762

Armament haki comprehantion-1000S

Observation haki comprehantion-1000S

Swordmanship comprehantion-1400S

Markmanship comprehation-1400S





(Haa to get so many System points I had to slave away at the daily quests every day with some giving me 1 or 0.5 System points so it pains me to do this but buy one markmanship comprehation and emediately asimilate it with me)

As he said that many memories and moves flowed into his head giving him knowlege of many markmanship techiques making him endure one hell of a headeacke before falling unconcious

The morning sun shines thru the window directly into Rei's hevy eyelids illuminating his brain witch is like a drunk man after he wakes up with a hangover and somebody sceaming atop of their lungs into his ear

(Turn of the damn sun off)Thinking that he rolls over tryeing to grab the blanket to cover himself with and subsequently falls from his bead making a loud 'thud'

"I'm up I'm up it seems that this world is dead set on waking me up"Geting up and closing the curtains he sits at his chair in his room remembering all that knowlege he got into his brain yesterday

He becomes excited thinking about all of the techniques he can create with swormanship, markmanship and the simbiote

The combination of those 3 is more deadlyer than a logia devil fruit user combine that with haki and you get a world conquering power

Calming himself down he goes and gets properly dresed in a black T-shirt with brown pants and brown shoes

He look like any normal kid you would pick up on the steeet but as the whole village knows he is far from normal

Liking the way he looks Rei goes to the dining room and eats his freash lovey-dovey mother's breakfast witch he as normal wolfs down

It was a normal breakfast some eggs and bacon with bread yet it was still delicious for a man who ussually only had coffe for breakfast in his previous world

Doing his usuall rutine of exrecise and daily quests soon it hits 10 AM and he goes to his father for training

They go thru the theoretical part and Don was surprised at how quick his son learns he felt very proud with a mixture of worry that his son wil overtake him in the near future

But just when they were about to begin the practical they see a ship aproaching the shore

The flag was one of a skull with a hook lifting it up on a black background the flag known as a Jolly roger

Those were pirates and when Rei was thinking about what to do the System sent him a messege

[Quest:The hook pirates are aproaching your island and they are determined to rob, plunder, murder and finally raise this village to the ground you have to exterminate them

Rewards:Markmanship comprehantion(1)

System points:2000]

Rei felt his blood rushing as recieving such a quest was excellent becouse he lacked fighting experiance, wanted to test out new techniques and wanted some fun and it just so happens that the system gave him all of that with a gift at the end so how could he not be excited

Huaaa finally done that was hard man huh finnaly over well you guys enjoy this while I go write about some ghouls so wait a week for the next chapter of The legendary pirate anyways 'smoch' 'smoch' byby see you all ladys and gents on the next chapter and stay nice, healthy and safe so byby again

Electezcreators' thoughts
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