
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Flash back.

As night draped its cloak over the city, Jake perched atop a rooftop, his gaze fixed on the hospital where the leader of their squad lay recovering from a harrowing lab accident. The leader's recent discharge from the hospital had sparked anticipation among the team, but Jake had other plans brewing in his devious mind.With a sly grin, Jake retrieved a small vial from his pocket, containing a harmless but potent concoction of itching powder and sneeze-inducing spices. He had bought it from the system .

"Sorry leader but you should take some more rest. I will see you after... Let's say a week".

With a flick of his wrist, he released the contents into the air, sending them drifting towards the leader's hospital room window.As the noxious mixture wafted through the room, the leader, unaware of its presence, began to experience a sudden and intense itching sensation. His eyes widened in alarm as he frantically scratched at his skin, the irritation intensifying with each passing moment. Soon, he found himself overcome with violent sneezing fits, his body wracked with spasms of discomfort.From his vantage point on the rooftop, Jake stifled a laugh, reveling in the chaos he had unleashed. The sense of humor fueled his enjoyment of the situation, despite the potential consequences of his actions. After all, what's life without a little chaos?As the leader's condition deteriorated rapidly, hospital staff rushed to his aid, their confusion mounting as they struggled to identify the cause of his sudden distress. Unbeknownst to them, Jake watched with a mixture of amusement and guilt, realizing that his prank had spiraled out of control far beyond his intentions.

"Ohh looks like the products from the system are really effective. Hmm looks like the doctor will need some time to make his condition stable." Saying that he jumped through roofs and returned to his apartment.

Present day

' I do regret my decision.... A little bit' Jake said to himself.

Quest Alert

You and your squad are tasked to rescue a covert-ops squad of the division 13.

Rescue them.

Mission Reward: 10,000 points & Special Skill CLONE.

' Cloning ability what's that.... Oh there's a discription.

Special skill : Clone Level 1

Max clone : 2

A clone of yourself. A one man army.

'hmm it looks promising.... I will take it ' Jake thought.

As they descended beneath headquarters, the special railway hummed with efficiency, swiftly transporting agents and staff to the designated landing site. Jake, Han Xiao, Li Ya Lin, Lambert, and Li Yao boarded the awaiting jet, their mission looming large in their minds. Inside, they found themselves joined by another team of twelve secret-ops agents, each with their own set of skills and experiences.

With the hum of the engines providing a backdrop, small talk filled the cabin as they soared through the skies towards their destination. Jake, wasted no time in breaking the ice with his trademark humor.

"So, anyone else getting major 'Mission Impossible' vibes from this?" Jake quipped, a grin spreading across his face as he glanced around at his companions.

Han Xiao, ever the stoic one, merely nodded in response, his gaze focused on the task ahead. "Focus on the mission, Jake. We're here to get the job done."

Lambert, always the voice of reason, chimed in with a wry smile. "Let's save the banter for after we've completed the mission, shall we?"

Li Ya Lin chuckled softly, shaking her head at Jake's antics. "As much as I appreciate the humor, let's not forget why we're here. Lives are depending on us."

Li Yao, typically quiet but observant, nodded in agreement. "She's right. We need to stay focused if we want to succeed."

Despite the seriousness of their conversation, Jake couldn't resist one last joke. "Alright, alright, no need to get all serious on me. Just trying to lighten the mood, you know?"

As the jet soared through the sky, the landscape below transformed into a vast expanse of cold desert, with long stretches of dunes shimmering in the bright, scorching sun. The azure sky stretched endlessly above them, a stark contrast to the unforgiving terrain below.

As they prepared to touch down at their destination, the team fell silent, their focus shifting to the task at hand. With the desert looming before them, they knew that the real challenges lay ahead, and they would need to rely on each other's strengths to see the mission through to its end.

With a final nod of determination, they braced themselves for what lay ahead, ready to face the unknown with courage and resolve. As the jet touched down on the desert sands, they knew that their journey was only just beginning, and the true test of their skills awaited them in the harsh, unforgiving landscape of the desert.

As the trio stood fully-equipped, they presented a formidable force, each member boasting specialized gear tailored to their respective roles and expertise.

Li Ya Lin, recognizable by her trademark yellow hoodie and black bodysuit, exuded an aura of stealth and precision. Adorning her waist was a retractable knife, a silent yet deadly tool for close-quarters combat. Slung over her back, a black bag concealed the Lightweight Mecha Arm, a versatile weapon capable of enhancing her strength and agility when the situation demanded.

Lambert, the seasoned operative of the group, carried an array of weapons suited for silent takedowns and long-range engagements. Ten modified Retractable Daggers adorned his person, finely crafted for swift and precise strikes against unsuspecting foes. In addition, he wielded a massive, large-caliber rifle, its imposing size hinting at its devastating firepower and accuracy.

Jake, sported a standard combat armor, offering both protection and mobility in the heat of battle. Strapped across his chest, a sub machine gun gleamed in the sunlight, its rapid-fire capabilities ready to unleash a storm of bullets upon their enemies. Alongside his firearms, Jake also carried a variety of hand-to-hand combat weapons, honed through years of training and combat experience.Han Xiao and Li Yao rounded out the team as back-line support, utilizing their technical skills and strategic expertise to assist their comrades in the field. Han Xiao, with his calm demeanor and tactical mind, coordinated their movements and provided strategic guidance to ensure the success of their mission. Li Yao, with his proficiency in technology and quick thinking, offered invaluable support through hacking and surveillance, keeping their enemies at bay and providing crucial intel to the team.

I hope everybody enjoyed it...

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