
The Introduction

I know who cares about the introduction to a book but if you do care here we go. Hi, my name is Zero, yeah i know, it is a boring name but that was what my mother named me so just deal it. I have curly brown hair,brown eyes, fantastic smile, a muscular figure, and the best part is i got a really big di... pet dino, yeah totally got a pet dino, Anyways i live in a really boring world called Earth who knew it would be called that, Fine i stop being stupid. In this world i make my own fun by being the most ever wanted criminal and i have fun doing it with my best friends their names are Sophia,Callison, and Leo. We all met in a bar, yeah i know thats not a really good thing but luckily for me it was the best thing that ever happend to me, anyways Sophia has long blond hair, very sexy smile with cherry red lips,and was about 5,2. Leo was a tall black male with muscular attributes, and was you know a jock, so he was kinda dumb but shhhh..... don't tell him i said that ok. He has short black hair and he was 6'2 so he was tallish. Now moving to the last member is callison, everyone knows that they are suppose to have at least one nerdy friend. He had short, straight brown hair and... i don't know what else, he had nothing charming about him so i guess we move on to the story. see you soon!

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