
Chapter 1

A girl voiceover :

The story is about the legendary fox.

A 400 hundred years ago,

A legendary fox lived... Which is not like an ordinary fox and nine-tail fox... The legendary foxes are beyond our scope. The King, other nine tail foxes, wizards... Everyone was scared to face her. Facing her is like facing death.

Eyes look like a sun. Queen of evil. The place where her foots turned into ash. Her power can destroy everything in this world With one fillip.

Burns everything. "Poof..."

Her tail was always burned in the fire. She has Golden hair. Awesome enough to amaze the world. Everyone bows their heads even powerful kings as well as powerful demon nine tale foxes also. Her power is unlimited. They can't cry. But, her tears will heal us. Some of them tell this was just a story. Some of them tell it's true.

What are you all thinking about this? My friends.

A girl telling a story to her friends about a myth," Legendary fox"

Her friends look at her as freaky.

"You are a good storyteller ... Juno "

The girl's name is " Juno "

Mam enter the class,

Class Has been silent.

A girl Suji... **Whisper to me (Juno). She asks,'' if it's true... Right. Did you see that... "

The girl Suji asks about the" legendary, fox."

"No... I didn't see that... But, it's true. My dad saw. "** Juno whispers to Suji.

A new boy joined our class, He looks awesome. Handsome face, long hair... Black eyeballs. Reddish lips. 6 feat height. Awesome enough to impress all girls.

Juno," I am flattered "

The boy introduced himself,

" Hello, friends.

My name is John,

Nice to meet you.... "

Every girl in the class starts to shout by saying his name," John"

Every girl's eye was on him. Even mine also. He perfectly matched, my dreamy boyfriend. The boy's eyes were also on me.....he looking at me. A different way of seeing. Which makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't know why??

Some girls whisper... **He also looks at her... She was lucky. (Talking about Juno)

(Juno was the prettiest girl in her school and she has blue eyes... That eyes make her prettier than all )

Juno's appearance:

Beautiful face. Rosy lips and chin. Pearl's tooth.

Eyes Type: Blue and Big eyes.

Height: 5.4 feet.

Hair colour and hair type: Brown and Straight hair

Juno's voice-over.

Well, Sorry to introduce myself.

Hi, I am Juno ... Juno Scarlett. I know my name is sweet, right. You can call me Juno. "Juno " means "Queen ". "Scarlett " means " Fox". That means I am the queen of a demon fox. Well, I am just kidding. Unfortunately, I am not a fox. I will tell you clearly about that. My Dad was a Nine tail fox. He loves my mother and marries her against the world. Yeah, My mom was a human. After that, I was born...I am a normal human like you. My dad always said to me "I am the gift for their love... "How sweet right...And I have a younger sister...She was a half-blood nine-tail fox. She was stronger, faster, sharper... She was first in all like sports, studies... Swimming, ....Etc etc In Everything, she was the first.

Hey, don't look at me like that...

I'm not jealous. She was my sister right, then How I can jealous of my sister...ok, ok I will tell you. A little bit jealous.A small amount only. Promise...

Social class starts,

A handsome young looking teacher enters the class... The other girls sighting him. Well, don't look at me... I'm not and I will not...He was a rude and cruel teacher forever.

Social Sir: Scarlett. where are you watching it?

Juno: sir... Th... That. I am listening to you only. Sir.

Juno tries to sit...

Social Sir: Ok, if you answer this means. You can sit

Juno: Heeee... What answer?? .. " He planned for something " mind voice. with a bitter smile. She says, "Hmm. ok .."

Social Sir: Which river is called 'The river of sorrow'?

Juno's mind voice: ''Hmm ..." Irritating, he always likes this, but I know the answer... Sorrow means... Sad, tears... Etc etc... That means " The lake of tears ....." Now it is a lake but, once it was a scary river. That was the answer.

Juno discusses herself about a lake named," lake of tears ".

She said the answer confidently, " The lake of tears "

Everyone in her class laughs at her..

The boy John smirks after hearing her answer.

A girl says, " Are you mad, sir ask about a river, not a lake. "

Juno feels embarrassed in front of them.

Social Sir: **smirk... tell her to stand ..."Stay there"

Juno: The answer is right. Only know...

Social Sir: "Damodar River In china "was the answer... Come out from the fantasy world, Scarlett "

Social sir advised her...

Juno's mind voice: I am not living in the "fantasy world, it's true...." Hmm...

After hearing his words she got angry And she says, " I'm not a Chinese to know about their river.

No one listening to her... She stands until the classes are over.

School end...

A handsome man came there to pick up Juno...


"Uncle "

She meets her uncle after a long year.....

Juno shouts, runs and hugs her uncle. She was happy to meet her uncle.

But, she had leg pain.

Juno: "Haa... "Scream in pain.

Uncle: "What happened, Scarlett ? "

Juno: Social sir gave me a punishment and make me stand for an hour. And he insults me in front of all. Everyone laughed by looking at me .. **With a Pitiful voice.

Her uncle's name is Charlie.

He got angry.


Uncle: Show him, I will take care of him .let show him who we are...?? "

Juno: Hmm...

Juno and his Uncle are ready to revenge on the social sir.

At that time the sir come out of the school.

She shows him.

"Uncle, he is the one "

Fire burns in Charlie's eyes...

Charlie stands in front of the sir and stares at him.

What's next??

What he is going to do??

To be continued......

Next chapter