
Chapter 1 Dragons

Flickers of torchlight created long fleeting glances of light, that twisted and turned in an uneven fashion on the wooden walls. A boy sat in the corner of the room, at a short narrow table, that creaked with every movement of his arms. The ceiling arched in a dome like fashion, giving a feeling of wonder to whoever stood in its embrace. Large wooden beams ran from the walls to the ceiling, bracing the seemingly drooped roof.

The boy looked to be around 16 years of age, giving him a young and lively face. Handsome features adorned his oval shaped face, with high cheekbones lying in their place upon his face. Dark brown eyes lie perfectly in their sockets, with a nest of blonde hair that was poking up randomly around the top of his head.

Only now, his brows were furrowed in a deep concentrated look. He turned the page of the book he was studying, and turned his concentration towards the next page, If one were to see the book the boy was flipping through they would see a picture of a giant creature drawn carefully onto the thin pages.

It was a large, spiky creature with a pair of massive horns protruding from both sides of its head. Multiple wings that were just as big as the beast itself, adorned each side of its massive body. The front of its body was covered in burr-like spikes, along with two lines of spikes along its eyelids, giving the impression of eyebrows. Protrusions from the back of its head formed a mane-like frill.

Above the picture of the beast, two words lay in bold blackness atop the page.

Thorn-Armored Dragon

The boy glanced over the picture before sighing deeply. He slammed the book shut and stood up from his seat. The chair wobbled precariously before the legs gave out beneath the chair, tipping it to the floor with a crash. Ignoring the fallen chair, the boy placed the book on a stack of books that lay on the table.

He walked over to a wooden bed and sat down, leaning against the backboard. The boys gaze faltered as he seemed to be gazing at something in front of his face, that wasn't visible to anyone else besides the boy.

Logan looked at the notification panel in front of his eyes, and sighed deeply once again.

[New task: tame first dragon]

[Optional task: kill first dragon]

[Task Rewards: (Skill) Dragon Detailer (Basic)

[Optional Task Rewards: Unknown]

He mentally closed the panel that extended vertically in front of his face. The boy's name is Logan Sherwood. He had obtained this weird object a few days ago, when he went hunting in the Lost-Woods forest to the west of his settlement. He lived on an island, that was close to the size of a modern-day capital city. Not the largest piece of land, but it was plenty for his people. His tribe was called the True Dragon Tribe. His tribe used to be one of the most feared tribes of all the top ten tribes. But 6 of the tribes joined together and killed most of his tribe. Before the tribes could kill their whole tribe off, the tribe leader, Logan's father, commanded everyone to flee to somewhere where the other tribes couldn't get to them. Although the other tribes could have helped his tribe, they didn't want to get involved with the rogue tribes at all, in case they also got wiped out.

The True-Dragon Tribe had lived on this island for the last 20 years. They had completely forgotten about the outside affairs, and just lived in peace.

But Logan knew the peace they currently had, would not last long. He didn't know why, but he had a strong feeling about it. The couple of days ago, when he had acquired the [Dragon Trainer System], he had been exceedingly confused about it. He had never even heard of dragons, let alone see one. But the system told him numerous times that dragons lived in the world. He didn't believe the system at first, thinking it was just a mentally insane person inside his head, but he soon started to believe what it was telling him. He asked his father about dragons, but his father got angry and told him to never talk about dragons again. Because of his fathers reaction, his small belief only turned into a stronger belief.

One night Logan snuck into his father's hut and looked through all his research books, trying to find something about dragons, but he didn't find anything in his fathers books. Instead he started borrowing any book he could that talked about myths and stories of uncommon events and encounters. He finally found a book that talked about dragons, and many other mystical creatures that were (just) legends. He had studied every detail of this book trying to find details of where dragons lived.

The reason he was so desperate to find a dragon was because of the task rewards. He didn't know what the skill would do, but he was curious if the system was real or not. But after days of looking through the book called (Myths and Legends), he finally learned a small bit about dragons. He now knew that dragons existed somewhere, at some time. It was obvious by the drawings from the book. It would be close to impossible for anyone to make up these pictures. He could only guess that the pictures were drawn from people that saw dragons with their own eyes.

He had come to a conclusion of where he was going to go first to find a dragon. And he would leave the next morning.


In a hut that was twice the size of Logans, a massive bulky man sat on a tall throne that was made of black stones, and glared down towards a man that was kneeling on the ground in front of him.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me today." the mans deep rough voice broke the silence.

"Yes, chief, but I have something to report," the kneeling man man said though gritted teeth.

"Go ahead," the chief answered gruffly.

"It is about your son, Logan," the man replied trying not squirm under the intense gaze the chief was throwing at him.

"What about my son," the chief barked back, gazing at the man menacingly.

"Ah, sir, he is looking for books about dragons, sir," the man said respectfully, as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Dragons. No, he is still to young to learn about dragons," the chief said, his expression changing.

A slight look of sadness crossed his face, and he looked as if he was remembering a painful memory.

"His mother got killed by a dragon, so its better he doesn't learn about them for the time being," the chief said with a pained expression on his face.

"Tell Logan to come and talk to me."

"Yes sir!"

Next chapter