
The Legendary Assassin System

The world dread at his name for he is the only one who could take their life without them knowing. Ken was an orphan who is bullied since childhood he grow up in the slums going around stealing for food until the day he awakened the Assasin system

Leon_Magic · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


An hour ago.

"Boss, which house are you located in?" asked one of Rok's underlings. Rok looked at the underling and laughed "Well I am at the Sky Palace, and hehe, my room is not far from the female hostel. Maybe we can go together and look at some beauties, " said Rok to his underlings. Ken, who was passing by, heard what they were saying and decided to put his plan into action today and see what the outcome would be.

Later during the day, Ken was running through the buildings towards the Sky Palace in search of Rok and his underlings, 'I must finish this tonight if I delay it too much I may never have a chance again in the future so it must be today' thought Ken as he kept running when he got closer the Sky Palace he slow down to search the perimeter if he can find Rok around the building. After some time of searching and being unable to find Rok, Ken decided to head towards the female hostel, which is nearby. Maybe he could find Rok there.

Rok arrived near the female hostel, which is called Athena's Hall. He heard some familiar voices talking and smiled that he had found his target rushing towards that direction he saw Rok and his underlings bullying a boy. He stopped 15m after them and listened to what they were saying, and if he decided to take action now he would be seen by the victim, and his mission said to kill without being caught or seen by others he will have to wait for them to leave the guy before he decides to take action.

"Hehehe, don't say I didn't leave a way out for you it is just that you are too stubborn to grab the chance, so you leave me no choice but to do this to you," said Rok towards the victim then turned to his underlings and said, "boys beat him up and transfer his point to my watch and make sure that he doesn't wake up for the next one week hehe." After that, he leaned against a tree and watched as his underlings beat the boy up. He took out some gum from his pocket and started chewing it.

After 15 minutes, the boy was beaten black and blue to an unimaginable point that his face was swollen and half of his teeth were lost in the process, Rok bends near the boy and said "It is all your fault if you have just sent the points easily you would have still been okay but you are stubborn that you remind me of a guy he is just like you but more stupid" said Rok as he clicked his teeth, he then pulled up the boy's hand and tap the watch and transferred the boy's point to his account he then stood up and looked at his underlings and said "boys now that our business is over, let go and see some pretty girls" as he left the boy alone. Ken appeared beside the boy not long after and looked at the boy, then at the direction the Rok went to with killing intent. "Great, it seems that you have more reasons for me to kill you now," said Ken with anger and started running in that direction.

Ken found Rok and his underlings beside a bush and took a knife, which he took from home before walking slowly towards Rok and his underlings since they were all facing the same direction they didn't notice that someone is approaching them from behind. Ken arrived beside the one at the back and slit his throat before he had time to react at all, and then Ken moved towards the next guy, but he accidentally stepped on a twig, which gave out a sound that caused Rok to react and turned only to find the dead body of one of his underlings, in shock he shouted: "who is here?" As he looked around trying to find the one who killed his underling but couldn't find anyone else aside from his other underlings, he then shouted at them."You fools don't you see that one is killed without us noticing at all, you are all focused on the scene in front of you, not knowing that your brother is killed already." As he stood up.

"Hehehe, all evildoers shall get punished one day for righteousness always win over evil," said Ken in a sinister voice as it echoes around the forest. Rok and his remaining were shivering in fear, for they do not know who they offended that decides to kill them before their prime "wh... Who are you?" shouted Rok in fear, "me I am the one who delivers justice to this world. I am called Azrael, the punisher," said Ken in the sinister voice before Rok could react. Two more of his underlings fell with fear written all over their faces as if they saw a ghost leaving only Rok and one underling left alive out of a group of five.

"B..... Boss, I do not want to die," said the underling with teary eyes and snot running down his nose, "do you think I am also safe here?" said Rok as he kneeled on the floor begging."Sir Azrael, please spare me. I will do anything you want, just spare me," said Rok as he started bowing and banging his head on the floor, but as he turned around, he saw the body of the last underling laying on the floor lifeless before he could say another word Ken hit him at the back of his head knocking him out.

Ken carried Rok on his shoulder and started running into the forest that was on the school ground. As he ran deep into the forest, he scanned his surroundings to see if there was anyone around that could see him or not. After searching and being unable to find someone, Ken put Rok down and slaps him to wake him up.

Pak Pak

Receiving two slaps on his cheek, Rok jolted up and started searching for the man, but he couldn't find him, and seeing Ken in front of him, he calmed down a little and said "Brat where am I and how did you get here and where is Mr Azrael?" asked Rok in a happy voice, thinking that maybe Azrael has left already.

"Hehehe, where else will I be if not in front of you? Now it is payback time" said Ken as he slashes Rok across the ankle which caused a scream from Rok.

"AHHHHH" shouted Rok as he passed out on the ground but he was waking up by Ken who delivers a kick to his stomach which caused Rok to vomit blood seeing this Rok crawled towards Ken with his broken leg begging for mercy "Please for me, I will never bully anyone again and I will correct my wrongdoings, please just forgive am sorry" begged Rok as he crawled towards Ken 'you bastard just let me get away with this and I will make sure you pay with your life' thought Rok but Ken kicked him in the stomach again before slashing his other ankle which caused Rok to scream again but Ken gave him a slap to cover his mouth.

"Do you think that I will let you scot-free and forget all the things you did to me back in the slums, no it all ends here and I will make sure to kill you in the most brutal way" said Ken as he started slashing Rok all over his body. Ken then pulls Rok's hand and breaks it which made Rok scream.

"AHHHHH" shouted Rok but Ken slapped him again and said "You are shouting too much and it is annoying" he took off Rok's jacket to cover his mouth. After several minutes of torture, Rok was lying on the ground lifeless with fear written all over his face.

Ken taking deep breaths looked at Rok and started running back to the hostel to avoid being caught but the blood on his shirt will make him a prime suspect seeing this, he took off the shirt and throw it somewhere in the forest and without a shirt, he arrived in front of his hostel but saw two men standing by the door, seeing this he decided to use stealth once more after successfully getting inside Ken heads straight to his room.

"Click" The sound of the door opening was heard by the 3 other roommates in the room which caused them to be on alert but seeing that is just Ken they took a heavy breath before Daniel asked him "Where are you coming from and where is your shirt?" the other two also looked at Ken with a curious face. "Oh this, what happened is that I saw a lady that was shivering out so I gave her my shirt to wrap her body," said Ken calmly while keeping his bloodstained hands in his pocket "I have to use the hot room in the bathroom so I will leave you guys to your busy," said Ken as he walked into the bathroom.

10 minutes later, Ken came out and went straight to his bed and lay there while calling Ronin to show him his rewards.