
The Legendary Assassin System

The world dread at his name for he is the only one who could take their life without them knowing. Ken was an orphan who is bullied since childhood he grow up in the slums going around stealing for food until the day he awakened the Assasin system

Leon_Magic · Urban
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11 Chs


[Congratulations on completing the mission]


[Assasinate Rok and his underlings and escape without being caught

Time: 3 months

Reward: Stealth(A rank) and 20 attributes points

Failure: Death]

[You have received the skill Stealth(A rank) and 20 attributes point]

"Huff, Ken took a deep breath and said to Ronin "Allocate 10 points to agility and 5 points to both strength and stamina and show me my status window after that is done" 10 seconds later, Ken could feel the changes in his body and was excited that he can't wait to try it out "Ronin show me my status window," said Ken.

Status window

Name: Ken

Age: 16

Strength: 18

Agility: 22

Stamina: 21

Mana: 2

Intelligence: 10

Will: 14

Active Skills:

Stealth(level 1)

Passive Skills:

Intermediate knife mastery(76% mastery)

Inspect(level 2)

"Now it is time to sleep and wait for the storm coming," said Ken as he fell asleep on his bed. Blaze looked at Ken and saw that he was asleep and called David "Hey, he has fallen asleep", David turned to check and nodded after seeing that Ken is asleep "What did you think that he went to do I can feel that he is lying to us just now" said Blaze as he looked at David with curiosity "who knows but it is not my business" said David as he shrugs his shoulder.

Blaze looked at Ken but decided to forget about it and sleep, but they both forgot a particular someone who is also in the room and heard what they were talking about but didn't say anything to both of them.

The next day, Ken woke up around 5 am. and saw his roommates still and decided to do his daily mission before they woke up, leaving the room. Ken decided to start by running 5km instead of the 100km given by Ronin. After one hour of running, Ken continues with other training, 45 minutes later, he is done with his training and starts walking back to his room to have his bath.

Arriving at his room, he saw his roommates awake and greeted them. "Good morning, everyone," said Ken. Blaze and David looked at him and nodded back to greet him. The last boy who met at the door yesterday turned to him and said shyly, "Good morning Ken," Ken looked at him and said, "Good morning, hmm, what is your name?" asked Ken.

"My name is Mar," said the boy as he looked at Ken, who nodded and walked into the bathroom 10 minutes later, Ken came with a towel over his head and walked towards his wardrobe which he never check properly before and picked a trouser and a shirt to wear for the day.

"Are you guys going for the dining hall now, or will you miss breakfast and wait for lunch?" asked Blaze, who has finished dressing and is at the door."I am ready," said David as he stood up from his bed, Ken nodded at David, telling him that he was also ready, Blaze then turned to Mar, "What about you, Mar are you coming or not?" asked Ken. "I am also ready," said Mar. as he nods his head like a lizard.

The guys walked out of their room and towards the dining hall while talking, 10 minutes later, they arrived in front of the dining hall and saw a lot crowd in line waiting for their turn to collect their breakfasts "Wow this is a long line we have here" said David as he pushed his glass and stood at the back of the line, the rest of the guys lined behind him.

"Hey, blue-haired kid, you are standing on my spot," shouted from the back. Everyone on the line turned to look at where the voice came from. "Me," asked David as he pointed to himself while looking around, "Yes, who else will I be talking to if not you, brat?" said the voice at David.

"I never met you standing here before, and no one told me that someone was standing here before, so can you leave me alone," said David as he focused back on the line. "You you" stammered the boy but couldn't do anything than silently walk to the back of the line and wait there but not without staring at David intensively.

After what felt like forever, David and the guys arrived in front of the line and collect their food. Looking around the hall, they found an empty table and decided to sit there to eat there.

Ding ding...

The guys heard the sound of their watches ringing off, pausing the eating, and they decided to check it out. "Attention all students you are all to assemble at the great hall at 9 am, and anyone who is late will be punished seriously," the students heard the voice of Elder Boron on their watches and looked at each other trying to think of what happened only Ken was calm on the inside since he knew what they were going to talk about but didn't say anything and continues to eat disregarding other who looked at weirdly.

"Wwat?" asked Ken with a mouthful of food as he saw that others were looking at him, "nothing, it is just that you are so calm after hearing such an emergency, " said Blaze as he shakes his head before continuing to eat. Ken put down his spoon and looked at Blaze. " What do you want me to do, besides, it is an emergency for all students, not just us, you don't have to worry about anything," said Ken.

The guys finished eating and left for the great hall and wait for the time of the announcement not long after Elder Boron and a few more people entered the hall and stand in front of the students.

"Everyone, I am here to pass a deep message and I want the culprit to come out and surrender him/herself right now," said Elder Boron with a stern voice as he looked through the crowd trying to find anyone whose behaviour changed a bit but to no prevail.

"Everyone listen up, five students were brutally murdered yesterday and one was put in a comatose state and the culprit is among all of you, so you all will test with a lie detector to find the culprit so, for now, for now you are not allowed to leave this hall, you will be arrested as a suspect," said Elder Boron as he left the students who were murmuring within themselves. Ken looked around and thought 'This is deep trouble but it doesn't matter since it can't be connected to me and besides Ronin has a way to block the lie detector 'As he kept looking around.