

'Did I just fell inlove with a stranger?' I asked myself while playing with the flower that fell ontop of my head earlier.. It was Color purple that looked like a purple heart , I was feeling the petal it was so soft and one thing came inside my mind 'I purple you' I didn't know how that thing came up inside my mind ..

But I decided to call this flower 'Borahae' It looks so cool The purple shade that looks like it was fading.. The dark purple that was slightly turning into light purple every petal , And the heart shape of this flower , It's Amazing..

Whoever invented this flower is brilliant , Another Flower fell down on my lap and This time the flower was a butterfly shape.. I have 3 flowers in my palm ,

I Purple You

And I looked at the big clock and it says '8:07pm' It's time for the peace offering things like that..

I walked towards the right door again enough for me to see the girl on the side of my eyes , she was the one that caught my attention earlier , A butterfly that was on the color of purple landed on her lap enough for her to jump in her chair with her cute enlarged eyes

She got scared , She looked so cute . Then she looked at the butterfly , It flew on her hands and she was looking at the butterfly carefully Then she mouthed 'Borahae' Then she suddenly smiled making her eyes disappear and making her dimples pop out with her cute smile wrinkles on the corner of her eyes

Then she noticed that I stopped slightly infront , So I decided to walk inside..

She was following my direction.. I can feel it I can feel the presence of her eyes..

I stepped inside the church and it feels so hot even though there was this electric fan that was sorrounding the church.. It was placed on every wall..

I walked towards the chair that we were sitting on earlier , I noticed that mom was looking at me ,

Then she smiled Then everyone smiled at each other and mouthed "Peace be with you"

Then the other kids that was at the same age as me kissed their parents

Then I came closer to my mother , Then I kissed her cheeks and I hugged her "Saranghae Eomma" I said while hugging her tightly "Saranghae.." She whispered

then I broke out of our tight hug , I bowed down at the person that was smiling in front of me mouthing 'peace be with you' I smiled straightly but my eyes were blank.. I stared at the floor for a few seconds before something popped inside my brain

'Butterfly' What's with the butterfly?.. I quickly took my coat and I looked at my mother and I decided to tell her that I'm not feeling well.. "Eomma , I think im gonna stay outside It's too hot in here I can't breathe properly" I said then she nodded

"Okay Theo, Just becareful okay?" I quickly nodded and turned back and I started to walk and I decided to go out of the right exit , then the girl said

"Heyyy Peace be with you!" Then she smiled showing the cute wrinkles that formed on the corner of her eyes because of smiling.. Then her dimple showed

My eyes landed on her lips.. Her pinkish red lips , Her non existing upper lips looks so cute and her plump lower lips That matched with her Bunny teeth she Looks like a bunny , I remember myself from her

I smiled straightly , Then I walked towards the Tree that had a cement barier that looks like a wishing well or a chair , Then I sat there then I noticed something

There was a Purple butterfly resting on The girl's head then There was two of them restinf ontop of her head and theres one on her Hands..

Then the butterfly flew on her precious soft gorgeous lips that made her giggle which made me chuckle and smile secretly my eyes grew larger from what I just did , What am I even doing?? Why did I just laugh?

I'm Only 14 years old I shouldn't be thinking anything about love life aside from my parents , Well my dad is in the Philippines right now helping people .

And me and my mom are left here In Korea , Left in our castle.. I was staring at the girl then I suddenly said "Borahae" and then she suddenly looked at my direction , Which made me nervous , then she suddenly smiled

which made my heart flutter..

'I think I'm starting to have a crush on her She's too much to handle , She's too perfect '