3 chapter 1(back story part 1)

it was a bright and peaceful morning in the palace of daldal. In one of the rooms of the palace lies a sulking beautiful princess known for her unique features. She wore a traditional daldal dress which was long sleeved silky dress with a ball gowned transparent skirt. it had patterns of flowers and leaves. But what made aliyah's dress special was how it complimented the way she looked. The dress was black and its patterns were painted in gold. Her sleeves were loose and decorated with black laces that had the shape of a clematis. Her wrist had dark beads and her brown curly hair was tied in a bun but a few strands fell on her face. Her bun was decorated with purple clematis and gold which radiated her face. Her necklace was also gold but had a dark crest, which radiated her beauty.

"what's the use of dressing this nice if all that awaits me is sadness." said aliyah as she sat uncomfortably on her bed. *knock* *knock* " princess may we enter his highness king abdul and prince akim your fiancée has just arrived. We are here to escort you " said one of the maid servants of the palace. "just stay right there I am coming out let me just quickly wear my heel". I said as I put on my golden heel slowly. " princess please hurry. His majesty doesn't like to wait." I came out of the room and was already greeted with gasps and surprised looks. "princess you look absolutely marvelous. The prince won't be able to keep his eyes away from you for a second" said one maid servant as the rest nodded in agreement. I chose not to say anything and just walk away hurriedly with my heels and must I say that was a pain. "princess please wait for us. It is custom that the princess must be escorted with her maid servant" one of them said as they to were rushing to catch up with me. I stopped walking fast.

I was lead by the maids to the court room of the palace. It was grand and decorated with white curtains embedded with a fantastic rose design, painted in a cream and had a red crests all over it , the rug on the floor had an Arabian style design and on top of the white wall was a large golden shimmering chandelier. The king's throne was made of gold and bigger than that of the Queen's and had daldal's signature symbol which was a golden star. The Queen's throne was closer to that of the kings and was embedded with gold and ruby. The seats below were made of hard brown wood with the golden designs of a clematis. They also had been made with soft green cottons.

One of the maids went to announce my arrival. As I was about to be introduced to my fiance. I'm not going to lie when I say my heart was beating like crazy and its not because I like the prince. Its just I feel I didn't get to live my life the way I wanted. I'm always forced to put my head down and do what the king says. Now I'm about to be engaged to one of the prince of Goga to ensure peace and unity of both kingdoms. As I entered the court room I first saw the sight of akim. But I didn't want to look to much so I tried to change my view. But it seems he knew I saw him as a slight smile appeared on his face. What was really uncomfortable was how he was staring at me like i was a prey or something. Akim was about 6ft tall, dark and handsome. He's what almost any girl would want except me. Akim is known for being a womanizer and having multiple relationship with women even a maid servant, at this point I just hope that that was a rumor."aliyah go and sit down with your soon fiancée I'm sure it will be nice to get know each other" said my mother. I obeyed and sat beside prince akim on one of the longest and largest chairs below the king and queen but made sure to put a slight distance between us. A slight grin appeared on his face when he saw what I did. He made sure to close the distance between us without saying anything.

The king of Goga and my father frowned but chose to say nothing when they saw us. The king and queen sat on the throne while the king of Goga chose to stand since he didn't like being lower than the king(my father) its understandable since he's also a king. " Your daughter is quite a beauty I can see why you were reluctant to let her go. She compliments akim quite well don't you think Darshk" said the Goga king. My father slammed his Hand on the throne and grit his teeth angrily saying " don't you dare call my name directly Abdul. Know how to address me while you are in my kingdom." The sudden action of my father startled my mother.

Author's note : a clematis is just a different species of a flower. The kingdom dalda is known for having abundance of gold and I guess clematis. The people of dalda (especially women)are known for wearing them on their head or using them as inspiration for certain designs.
