

In the gods kingdom sir there have been a new wave of enemies in the front line what shall we do. The gods in golden robes spoke"do not fear fear for we shall live again for the battle of eternity has begun mortal and god's of all kinds let's fight the war of death.

In the battle field blood spill everywhere demmons, lich ,beast from the under world fights with demi gods .Charge forward said one of the gods . The god in golden robes then spots the god of darkness "Dracarzer stops this war and we can figure things out.

Hmm old friend I shall not give up whats mine never harrumphed Dracarzer. Then do not blame me for for spilling your blood said the god in golden robes. Then let it begin said the dark God smell your death .

Then the golden god shimmerd in golden light and shouted LIGHT OF THE GOLDEN DRAGON then the pressure on every one started increasing then an illusion of a gaint golden dragon appears behind him increasing his size to thirty meters long.

Hmm so this is the power of the golden Kings hahahaha laughed Dracarzer

Then he struck out a palm to engulf the dark God but just inches away from him he vanished to thin air and appeared behind him and sent out a palm towards him but as the dragon acting as a barrier between and the outside nothing happened .