
1. Stranger things have happened to me before... -Emitt

I am not used to sneaking out alone without my bodyguard, namely my older Brother, Ebony Ash.

I couldn't see why my father said no to me leaving the castle. I am 20 after all.

He would say, "Emitt, my son, you must be more responsible if you are to claim the throne! Besides, you have all you could ask for! There is no need to leave our home."

That would be changed once I become King.

But back to the point, I am next to become the rightful "King of Fernsdale". Boring title but carries many good benefits, plus a comfy throne.

But recently there has been a mysterious beast that has been stealing our people.

It used to be every year. A year became a month. A month became a week. A week became a couple days apart. Eventually it was every night. We've noticed the changes.

Father feared that I could be taken next, so I stayed in the Castle.

The villagers were the victims. I could do nothing to save them. Until...

Roquim, my tutor, had told me before he was taken of a secret avenger his father had witnessed in the forest. The royal hunter, Roquim's father, had shot a deer in the flank. He hid and watched as a hooded figure approached the deer and healed it with what he claimed was forest magic.

He swore never to disrespect the forest and rarely returned since.

What he did do was collect several breeding animals, wild boars, rabbits and young deer who could reproduce and provide food to the kingdom.

He named the hooded hero a Forest Keeper.

But that is all stuff and nonsense though... Right? I mean, the man was almost too old to work when he claims to have witnessed this feat. Old enough to be delirious.

But all things can be proven otherwise.


I've been away from the castle for two weeks. I have only brought some salts, a ration of food for a month, water, a couple changes of clothes and a horse. My dagger at my hip and one in my boot are all the weapons I carry. I forgot to bring medicine, but I don't expect to be gone for much longer. After all... Search parties at night become camp outs until first light.

Ebony will have my ear for this.

I feel pathetic. Out here alone without anyone knowing my wheteabouts.

About a month ago we began to notice more details about the disappearances. Around midnight a horrid scream is heard and cries of the missing family member fills the night air.

As long as I am out here in the forest, I might as well try to see if this legend is true.


I heard a snap in the bushes close by me. My horse, Belle, was spooked, stepped on a sharp stone and threw me off. My head hit a hard rock and my arm got cut on a branch.

Before I fell unconscious, I see a mysterious shadow and green light touch my returning horse. I can't see, but stranger things have happened to me before.

Next chapter