
The Legend of the Dark Knight

In "The Dark Guardian" we follow the journey of a young man named Dabao, who mysteriously disappeared for five years, only to return with a newfound identity as Lou. As Dabao navigates the complexities of his altered life, he grapples with his secret identity as Raven, a vigilante with cybernetic enhancements and meta-human abilities. Alongside his friends, including Hanyu, Xubao, and Su Han, Dabao confronts the challenges of his dual existence, balancing his desire to protect his loved ones with the need to maintain his secrecy. As he faces formidable foes like Octo, a fellow meta-human, Dabao's past and present collide, revealing a web of secrets and alliances that will shape his destiny. With each encounter, Dabao must confront his inner demons and forge a path towards redemption, all while navigating the perilous landscape of a world teeming with meta-humans, titans, and predators.

The_Mystry · Sci-fi
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42 Chs

The Brothers from Another Mother

Dabao paced back and forth in his room, his mind consumed with thoughts of Octo and how to defeat him. As he pondered, he recalled something from his past encounters with marine life: an octopus's weakness.

Dabao: "Octopuses have a vulnerability... their eyes. If I can blind Octo, I might gain the upper hand."

He quickly grabbed a pen and paper, jotting down ideas and strategies. His cybernetic enhancements whirred softly as he processed information, analyzing every detail of Octo's anatomy and behavior.

Dabao: "Blinding Octo won't be easy, but it's worth a shot. I'll need to lure him into a trap and strike swiftly and decisively."

With a determined expression, Dabao finalized his plan, ready to face Octo and put an end this threat.

As Dabao entered the classroom, he felt a pang of anxiety at the prospect of facing his classmates and teacher. He took his seat quietly, trying to appear composed despite the lingering soreness from his encounter with Octo.

Teacher: "Good morning, class. I hope everyone had a restful evening. Now, before we begin, I couldn't help but notice, Lou, you seem to have some bruises. Are you alright?"

Dabao shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his mind racing for a suitable response.

Dabao: "Oh, uh, it's nothing, just a minor accident. I tripped over something last night."

Lawrence: "Hmm, well, be careful. We wouldn't want any more mishaps. Now, let's turn our attention to today's lesson..."

As the Lawrence launched into the day's lecture, Dabao tried to focus on the material, but his thoughts kept drifting back to his encounter with Octo and the growing suspicion surrounding his injuries.

Jade: "Hey, Lou, what really happened? You look like you got into a fight or something."

Dabao forced a weak smile, hoping to deflect any further inquiries.

Dabao: "Oh, it's nothing, just a clumsy accident. Nothing to worry about."

Ada: "Are you sure? It looks pretty bad."

Dabao: "Yeah, I'm fine, really. Let's just focus on the lesson, okay?"

As the class progressed, Dabao couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He knew he had to tread carefully, especially with his classmates starting to question his injuries. But beneath his facade of calm, a storm of uncertainty raged within him.

As Dabao stepped out of the classroom, he felt a familiar presence trailing behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and spotted Hanyu following at a distance. Instantly, he knew he had to act fast to avoid any further probing into his identity.

Dabao quickened his pace, weaving through the crowded campus as he sought a way to evade Hanyu's watchful gaze. With a sudden burst of speed, he vanished from sight, reappearing behind Hanyu in a flash.

Hanyu spun around, startled by Dabao's sudden appearance.

Hanyu: "Dabao, what... where did you come from?"

Dabao's expression remained impassive as he faced his friend.

Dabao: "Why are you following me, Hanyu?"

Hanyu's gaze hardened with determination as he confronted Dabao.

Hanyu: "You can't keep hiding from us, Dabao. I know there's more to you than meets the eye. You're Raven, aren't you? And now, you're a Meta human. What happened to you?"

Dabao's calm demeanor faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure.

Dabao: "It's not what you think, Hanyu. There's been a misunderstanding. I'm not who you think I am."

Hanyu's frustration boiled over as he grabbed Dabao's collar, his voice tinged with desperation.

Hanyu: "Stop lying to me, Dabao! You were like a brother to me, and I deserve to know the truth!"

Dabao's grip tightened around Hanyu's hand, his eyes flashing with warning.

Dabao: "Don't interfere in my life, Hanyu. It's for your own safety. Trust me."

With that, Dabao freed himself from Hanyu's grasp and turned away, leaving his friend standing there, bewildered and conflicted.