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"Stupid!" Brolin sneered, Tuan Zang's reaction at the moment he was naturally prepared.

  "Even without those few things, with the large amount of strengthening potions in my hand, I can cultivate thousands of such artifact level powerhouses in a short time! With this power, I can still conquer the entire Ninja world if I wish. ."

  Tuan Zang was silent. After listening to Brolin's words, his eyes were faint, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Indeed, if what the other party said is true, then it is indeed not too difficult to conquer the ninja world. According to what the other party said, the other party did not do so obviously. Obviously, the purpose of this person may not really be to unify the world.

  If this is the case, Konoha and each other will not stand on opposite sides.

  But soon, he looked at Brolin, his muddy eyes had a sharp glow, and the whole person exuded a sharp aura.

  "But I still feel that the danger is the same as you, so it is better to control it." Cold words came from his mouth, like a snake hissing.

  Brolin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the other party seemed determined to do something, which made him a little curious. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his face became playful.

  "Are you trying to show other gods to me?" Brolin said, looking up and down Danzo with interest.

  Tuan Zang's body suddenly shook, his face changed drastically, showing an expression of unbelievable expression.

  "How could he know other gods' technique!" Tuan Zang shouted in his heart, feeling incredible.

  "The other gods of Zhishui are indeed very powerful. They can attack from the level of will and forcibly change the minds of others." Brolin said lightly, "but his limitations are also very large."

  "On the one hand, the cost of using this technique is very high. On the other hand, it can only be performed on people whose level of will is not higher than that of the caster."

  "In other words, with the level of will of Shishui contained in that eyeball, at best, it can only change the mind and will of shadow-level figures, and the impact on the existence of the level of will beyond the shadow level can be said to be minimal. "

  Brolin was very confident. When he first came to this world, the black dragon had already analyzed and scanned the world, and obtained too many secrets. He knows many things, such as the advanced mystery of writing round eyes.

  The writing wheel eye starts from Shan Gouyu, and can be continuously upgraded, and finally reach the eternal kaleidoscope level. The most fundamental driving force is actually the advancement of the will and soul level!

  The advancement before the kaleidoscope writing round eyes is still very simple. Under normal circumstances, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, relying on will and soul power, can turn on single hook jade around Zhongnin, double hook jade at upper ninja level, and three hook jade at elite upper ninja level.

  But it is more difficult to evolve into a kaleidoscope, at least it requires both will and soul to enter the planetary star, that is, the shadow level!

  This is very difficult. Most elites of the Uchiha clan, Shangnin only pushed one of the three of will, soul, and body into the shadow level. Before Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, they did not Any elite of the Uchiha clan Kaminin meets this requirement.

  In the original plot, in fact, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are also not real movie-class players, and their bodies have not reached the planet-star level, and they are not real planet-star powerhouses. But relying on the power of the kaleidoscope, they still have combat power that surpasses the average shadow level.

  And if the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes want to become an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, the will and soul of the planet stars is obviously not enough. To achieve this step, the will soul must break through to a higher level, which is the constant star.

  In the original drama, the reason why Uchiha Madara can open the eternal kaleidoscope is precisely because of Uchiha Senna's pupil power, which is actually the power of will and soul, coupled with the stimulation of extreme grief, which makes the will and soul happen. Great changes, resulting in transitions, thus reaching the level of constant star in one fell swoop.

  Sasuke Uchiha's experience is similar to that, as he absorbed the spiritual soul power contained in the eyes of the writing wheel of the same origin, leading to the sublimation of the will and soul, thus opening the eternal kaleidoscope.

  As for the eternal kaleidoscope to advance into reincarnation eyes, in addition to the will and soul to reach the constant star, the body must also reach the same level.

  In the original plot, the body of the Senshou Zhujian reached this level. Afterwards, Madara also used the cells between the Thousand-Hand Pillars to advance his body, becoming a real constant star powerhouse in his later years, that is, the existence of the sixth level, thus opening the eyes of reincarnation.

  At this moment, Danzo's desire to use Shishui's other gods to deal with his six-level existence is undoubtedly fantastic. Because Zhishui did not open the eternal kaleidoscope before his death, obviously his will and soul never broke through to the constant star, and other gods can only change the will and thoughts that exist below the constant star.

  Moreover, Brolin believed that even if Shishui opens the eternal kaleidoscope, it is impossible for other gods to control the six-level powerhouse. Because Zhuanyan is only the degenerate level of the reincarnation eye, and the ninjutsu contained in the boundary of the blood succession of Zhuanyan cannot surpass the power level of the reincarnation eye.

  If this is also possible, doesn't it mean that if the will soul reaches the sixth level of Uchiha Shisui, it can control the six immortals and even Otsuki Kaguya with the help of other gods? How can this be!

  Therefore, the other gods must have a limit of use, Brolin speculated that the existence of the shadow rank is already the limit that the other gods can control!

  As for the original work, Itachi Uchiha wants to rely on other gods to control Sasuke Uchiha, who has reached the eternal kaleidoscope level. Brolin felt that either Uchiha Itachi overestimated the abilities of the other gods, or he underestimated the eternal kaleidoscope. After all, he himself has not reached the eternal kaleidoscope level, nor has he experienced the horror of the will and soul reaching the constant star.

  Danzo remained silent about Brolin's comments on other gods. Having mastered the eyes of Shishui for so long, he naturally knew that the other gods' functions were limited.

  "The other gods do control the shadow-level existence at most, but I also don't believe that you have reached the super shadow-level level!" Danzo said hoarsely, "except for the legendary six immortals, no one can reach that level, even the first generation of Hokage. Will not work."

  The Transcendence Shadow Rank mentioned by Danzo does not refer to the so-called Super Shadow Rank powerhouses who are able to exert superb combat power through the use of powerful ninjutsu or blood inheritance. It refers to the further transition of the life level, reaching the point of qualitative change, truly surpassing the shadow-level life.

  Such existence, is the life of the sixth level, which is the constant star!

  As he said, this kind of life is not counted as the soil and spots after becoming the ten-tailed man Zhuli. Throughout the ages, only Otsuki Teruya and Liudao Senjin brothers have achieved it, even when they were at their peak, Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara has never been so powerful.

  "You are wrong. The strength of Qianshou Zhujian has indeed not reached the level of the Six Dao Immortals, but his level of will has reached that level."

  "Therefore, your other gods have no effect on strong people like the first generation of Hokage. As for me..."

  "I let you down." Brolin's expression was strange, the corners of his mouth became wider and wider, "I am stronger than the first generation, because I have completely reached that level!!"

  With a low growl, Brolin completely let go of his strength, and the powerful constant star aura is like a torrent, crushing towards the Danzo ahead.

  Even in the primitive universe, the constant star power is not weak anymore, and a random strike is nuclear bomb level power, enough to dominate some remote planets.

  Danzo, whose life level is only a planetary star, can naturally feel the horror of this breath, and the oppression from the life level makes him feel hard to breathe.

  His face changed wildly, and the ground under Tuan Zang's feet cracked open in front of this terrifying force. The members of the root organization behind him were like a lone boat in the storm, constantly shaking and shaking.

  You must know that this is just Brolin showing his own aura. If the force completely erupts, the entire Konoha Forest will be destroyed, and Konoha Village will also be affected.

  Constant star power is enough to be called a mobile nuclear bomb, and the force in the body of Uukanshu www.uukanshu.com is thousands of times stronger than that of planetary stars.

  Moreover, the power contained in Brolin's body is the cosmic force of the primitive universe, which belongs to the power level of the third-level world, far more powerful than Chakra.

  Even if it has also reached the ten tails of the constant star, in terms of power level, it may not be able to reach Brolin's current strength. There are six levels of existence in this world, although the life level can be comparable to the constant star power, but the power level is far behind.

  But if you really want to fight, the six-level powerhouse can still compete with the constant-star powerhouse by virtue of powerful ninjutsu.

  At this moment, in order not to attract Konoha's attention, Brolin restrained all his aura in one direction, oppressing Danzo and others with all his strength.

  The reason for doing this is naturally to let Danzo know the gap between each other, so that the other party will give up using other gods.

  Although he knew that the other gods of Danzang would be hard to shake his constant star will at this time, but he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. We must know that Brolin's clone technique is powerful, but the only weakness lies in the will!

  Because although his clone is not afraid of soul attack, all clones and deity share will. Once attacked by the level of will, then all clones will be hit, which Brolin cannot bear.

  However, the attack of the will level is very mysterious. At least, almost all the masters of the universe and even the strongest in the original universe have never mastered the will attack secret technique.

  This is also the reason why in the original plot, the human race was able to achieve such a huge result after taking out the eyes of the ancient gods to release the will impact when confronting the coalition camp. Because the battle at the level of will, almost no one is involved.

  But this world has such a magical method-other gods!

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