
The Legend Of John Murphy

when you pick a fight with someone like John Murphy , its either you win or die. Detective Zaacks is the most decorated policeman in the south African law department and has decided to lock horns with the computer genius ,john murphy

Brann_Donny · Urban
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12 Chs

slaughter house

When the bus came to a halt in the station,the sliding door did the usual and Mr Murphy took his first step through the gates of hell. Its funny how people take things for granted. Our common sense seems not to cooperate or should I say it's ignorant sometimes. imagine the leader had called the mission a snatch and go , uttering from the other side of the telephone line probably in an untraceable telephone booth when he gave orders to John Murphy with his husky alcoholic voice. Mr Murphy the computer genius did not see the Mission in that way,his instincts n conscience told him to be cautious jus the way he watch out for bugs whenever he installs a new software. it was dawn the wind was calm though it promised some rain ,Mr Murphy was not planning to be wet so he pursed up towards the alley. within ten minutes he was doing his magic unlocking the garage door technologically disabling the alarm system,well he was good at it maybe that's why they hired him . the second door seemed to be more vulnerable but like always the hacker penetrated...there was a passage way ,the lights automatically went on when he entered , checking up and down John started for the passage it was neat plastered with white tiles on the floor,the tiles illuminated the light rays from the energy saver bulbs which were neatly tanned in the ceiling. At the end of the passage he could see it ,the magic box,his heart was pounding ,he gained heat ,,so it was not a myth ,the box was real .all he had to do was unlock the box then serve it to the leader,of course a great reward awaited him. Finish the business he whispered to himself,that's when he heard it the chopper ,sirens screams n shouts not far from him . checking from the window that's when he saw it ,the building was surrounded. but how his mind raced forth till it was clear to him,he was sold out ,it wasn't a million dollar snatch and leave mission it was dooms day ,it was deception and he had fallen for it

Mr Murphy was in no way improvident wen It comes to time. He had immortalized his supercomputer with any kind of weapon he would need to dig him out of the ocean size deep mess like this of today. His enemies had lead him into a trap and now half of the south African police department where outside shopping center warehouse looking forward to be called heroes after nailing the culprit . They had played him,that's right it was a game,a game of death. his opponents lead on the scoreboard ,the game was still on and he had to pull up his socks rub his knees and play along if life meant anything to him. imitation and counterfeit were his area of expertise ever since he was 12and now he had to prove himself that he finally could match and mingle with the big sharks.

Due to the geek's agility skill he gave a prompt response to the idea,in no time the geek was typing commands in his termux application using his supermodel laptop .15 to 20 seconds passed and he heard a crushing sound in the alley ,man whispering and giving orders and he knew instantly the officers were getting closer. A minute or so the geek was in the South African police department database typing his deception hoping the magic would happen.

Outside the building detective Zaacks was shouting orders and positioning his team at all possible exit points. A young officer ran towards detective zaacks urgently handing him a cellphone

"The chief officer mason is on the line" he shouted whilst detective Zaacks stretched his hand and nodded to the young officer. It was after the call when the detective started shouting new orders in the walkie talkie




Mr Murphy was in a state of immense relief when he brought life to his hacking lab which was in the basement at his family house

He was still in a state of shock,unable to believe that his contacts had led him straight into the slaughter house. Of cause he had made it out but whoever did it had hoped the geek would sleep behind the bars this night. As the hacker sipped his e boost energy drink ,his mind was racing to and from trying to lookup the answers. After skillfully typing into his 4th generation desktop he ran his secret app he had programmed to trace any bugs or trespassers. It was on the 60% count when a strange beeping sound popes from the PC, j Murphy knew instantly what it meant so the struggle was real

6240 Rand park ridge in ext 8 ,I've sent the hitman also ,don't lose him this time then there was a click.

Detective Zaacks was a well trained officer with highly rated skills backed by his success in the field for about a decade and half. The man had been in the department for as long as he could remember and so he felt it was time to drop the badge. Given the second chance by the mafia , detective Zaacks felt it was time for rewards. When you are privileged with office powers it means you are in control, when you are in control you can easily manipulate anyone and turn the situation into your advantage and that's what the officer did.

Patience patience patience!! The guy in specs said, almost instantly he shouted "yes,I got him"

The man who had been staring at the screen from behind now moved closer to the screen where a text reflected at the bottom corner of the monitor. A smile formed on his surly hard favoured face as he read the address aloud 6240 Rand park ridge ext 8. He quickly reached for his cellphone and made a precise call.

The detective wasn't sure how he lost it, how could the geek have slipped out of his hands. He knew he was smart and deadly but he didn't believe he could have worked so fast ,penetrate the police database and give a false alarm on the mixup of the buildings. He had been promised his share by the Nigerian mafia just for locking up John Murphy ,a good deal all he had to do was catch him at the wrong place and point enough evidence that could buy the geek a decade or more behind bars.

He was still thinking when his phone played a customised ringing tone, he knew it was him ,the grandmaster so he organised his defensive statements for losing john Murphy.

He covered the whole community of Rand park ridge and made sure every main road in extension 8 had a patrol officer . The apple watch in his wrist showed an arrow directing him to the target building, as he continued his pursuit he felt great . he felt he was the man of the moment. Zaacks knew he was dealing with the best as he was told by the mafia but he believed he was the best of the best,a teacher to the police academy and the worst enemy a thug would want to face. Who could deny the claim ??, no one Zaacks had already managed to make John Murphy the most wanted man in south Africa simply by turning the evidence of a murder case into John Murphy's direction. A well calculated move ,hitting two birds with one stone , he could close the case and be rewarded for it he could also get paid by the mafia for locking up John Murphy, business among business he called it.

The attack was tactical the south African police department was stacked right round the the townhouse, officers moved swiftly ,silently moving residents to safety . it was about 10:00 am when the loudspeaker echoed. You are surrounded! Surrender now

Show yourself with your hands at the back!!!

The officer repeated the process for about 5 minutes but no response . Without wasting much of his time detective zaacks orders the officers to shoot for a kill ,it was high time and he had to finish this once and for all . looking up the opposite building he could see where the mafia had placed the sniper and he confirmed he was ready to put a bullet through the fugitive's left eye.

The three leading officers banged the main door and headed for the stairs with their guns loaded and pointed at John Murphy's door. It was on the count of three when they banged the door peered in and got a surprise of their life.

The door was locked from the inside to make them believe John was inside, attached to a transparent wire was a line of grenades lined in a series of danger through the pins the transparent wire was hooked to the door. when lieutenant Jameson ,Patrick and Niles pushed their way in ,they practically pushed through the door of their next life. They ceased to exist on earth a Bourne fire devoured them at an instant .

Helta skelta the blue uniforms rushed to the source of explosion . cries were heard from civilians and those who were affected by the fire and gas,others fell off the building causing chaos and horror . it did not take much time, the sirens could be head from a distance , probably ambulances and the fire department .Detective Zaacks quickly ordered evacuation of the civilians from the town house but it was before the order was followed when they encountered another explosion. A lot more lives were lost and this time it was the sniper's position which was blown to ashes.

As detective zaacks was handling the situation a call chirped from his cellphone, the sniper. It was after the second hello when he realised it was the same voice that confirmed position a few moments ago but to his surprise it was not the sniper but the most wanted man on earth John Murphy