
The Legend of Igashu and Epala

A love story of a young couple meeting in an ancient time when dragons became extinct after the slaughtering of serpents. Igashu, who was a member of a clan that can forge healing bases, decided to wander back to their old village where they used to dwell. He was asked by one of the heads of their clan to eliminate all the serpents remaining and in return, she will make him one of the most powerful physicians inside their tribe. Epala who shapeshifted herself to a human form meets the person who seeks them dead and concludes to win his heart and eliminate him herself. 

Kyst_Flauvia · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Battle of Subartu and the Akkad Empire

Chapter 12 The Battle of Subartu and the Akkad Empire

"Warriors, charge!"

 *Amaya came off behind the rocks and uttered her phrase with her maniac look, hips swaying both sides, flaunting the eye of an ugly rogue*

"Achcha warrioress!" 

*The clamor of the townsfolk and the raspiness clang tune from the warrior's swords were heeded and given attention to the crowd, hailing for their nation from the battle that began.*

"Greetings to the warrioress."

 *Marcos knelt on his knees to express his courtesy.* 


  *Amaya uttered, gradually resting her chin on top of her shoulder as she gazed at Marcos.*

"Your arm is heavily disclosing the scale of a dragon, this has to be concealed, my liege."  - Maros whispered with a burden on his face.    

*turned halfway and confronted Marcos with a sharp glance and added.*

"I am going for a hunt, Marcos." 

*expressing a deadpan gaze* 

"This is not a good idea" 

*He whispered in his thoughts*

*Steps gradually withdrew from Marcos.*

 A female serpent who was on a hunt compromises threats to both allies and its rival. With their hunting ability, instinct and assassinating manner can often be unbounded once outrage expands inside their head. Female dragons are known for their overrated hunting skills, and their ability to scent their prey even a hundred miles away from their mark. They manipulate their prey and perform diverse ways to lure the target. 

"His highness is inside the palace, solitary and unconscious,s and now, a school of dragons was forced to express themselves to the townsfolk and were barely charged to eliminate humanity." - Marcos mumbled.

"Marcos will take charge of the battle between Subartu and the Akkad empire. For I, myself will hunt the said Averchinari itself."

"Achcha warrioress!" 

"I shall now declare war between the two nations, and you shall heed my notion to never get executed by those weakling blood. Remember to cast one's mind back to, that a true warrior never assumes of gaining a victory on the battlefield, but instead presumes the demise of one's rivalry. Never hesitate to slaughter what needs to be eliminated. For war, itself means either you survive or expire."

Subartu and Akkad's empires raised war against each other, racing to see who captured the most serpents. One ceases to take charge of the dragons and uses them as influential warriors on the battlefield. One implies the usages of the serpents, the blood of the dragon was said to heal wounds.  While the Queen of the Akkad empire aspires to the freedom of the serpents, owning their lives from the said dragons after redeeming the life of one of the royal blood of the Akkad empire. Subartu, pursues the downfall of the 2 nations, the Elba and Akkad empires, and seeks to rule its people and obtain leverage over the kingdom. 

"Amaya, I dictum my plea for you to take the burden for this crusade, to wield your sword and used them to fight over our nation and our people, perhaps it is now the time for us to compete and to nurture what once was ours, this is my way to express my courtesy from the rest of the dragons who commit their energies at stake just to preserve us from our rivals. And I seek forgiveness from your families who execute and torment your sanity just to serve us."

"Pardon your majesty?"

"I already knew your secret before you entered the palace. Master Leo was a friend of mine and introduced me to you to be one of the prince's personal subjects, to protect my son from anyone who wields their sword next to my son." 

*Amaya remained quiet and idled for the queen to continue her phrase.*

"The queen counted on me with this, thus I shall take the lead and seize the head of that wicked Averchinari."  - Amaya mumbled with a deadpan look.

Clamor and thud, clanking and chanting. 


*Yvana panting*

"She was still dominant over me"

"If only I can sip the blood of the dragon, if only the Black Ulysses does not consume me, I would have taken that opportunity to furnish me a mana" - Yvana mumbled. 

*Clang and thud.*

Amaya emerged with her sword pointing to the ground, cutting off the hair of Yvana.

"You must be Yvana…"

*Smirk, halfway facing her rival* 


"You have the scale of the dragon?" 

*scoff and smirks, eye glaring at Amaya*

"And you have the face that makes my blood boils" 

"What serpent are you? *chuckled* 

"A wegenona? a frofroen? Dayyelsun? Earfoley or Ambidexterity? It would be reasonable if I manage to seize the one who is liable to be in the service to expand life to others. The Ambidexterity one." 

"Chitter chattering won't you run off of that mouth of yours?"

"You are a hunter, you were capable of uncovering me before others could. And you are a female wild dragon, you must be that one serpent rendered as a lioness, titled as the Earfoley dragon, the destroyer of the earth, they say." 

*Clangs, hastily shoves her sword above  the air, leading her rival to flinch after fetching a scratch on her cheeks* 

*Yvana chuckled*

"Dragons, execute her-"

*Halted from her phrase when Amaya comes into sight before the eyes of Yvana, choking her neck with the dragon claws* 


"I'm the one who custody my dragons" 

"You wicked serpent, I command you- "

"You are forbidden by reaving me or I shall summon the dragons and declare your expiry."

"You, keenoriom demise!"

*shoved away to the ground*

"Young master!"

"No other weakling blood is authorized to eliminate my person"

*prince Artemis mumbled, panting and confronting Yvana with his pale skin*

 "Dragons, show me her demise" 

*And the dragon emerged from the moon and shoved itself onto the ground to tackle the said Averchinari when Yvette halted them*


*both gazing at her*

"The bluebird is the one deceiving her sanity, causing her to become a maniac Averchinari. Your Highness, Amaya, I beg your pardon but I will put up with this mess myself. I apologize for the trouble, instead, I'll send her to the emperor's custody to be sworn critics by your law."  

*coughs and drops to the ground*

"Young master!"

*Halts herself from touching the royal blood* 

"Your highness!" 

"I will send his highness back to the palace, "deviate"

*prince Artemis and Amaya reimburse back to the palace*


"Your majesty!"

"Your highness!"

*The king and queen hastily shove themselves to the prince, the craftsperson gathering around and escorting the prince back to his quarters.*


"Amaya, what happened to the prince? Why is he out of the palace without anyone's subsidy?"

*Weird noise emerging*   


"Greetings to the righteous emperor of the Akkad empire, I am here to submit to the holiness, who went maniac after turning into a dummy pawn by the bluebird."

"The bluebird?"

"Achcha your majesty, the bluebird is a spirit bird just like us Averchinariams. It can manipulate one's sanity once it is out of control, those weakling impressions feed the bluebird's appetite. And use that emotion as its energy after being woken up from its nap. It triggers the bluebird by expressing its name and begins to launch out to hunt for its succeeding mark." 

"Then how should we deal with her mischievous emotions?" 

"It will not be an easy thing to do your highness, only the bluebird itself is incapable of mending what once was harmed by its energy."

"You are the holiness itself, a healer, a mender of soul, mind, body, and spirit." 

"I beg your pardon, your Highness, but we have a limit to whom and to what it is a concern to be healed. We are forbidden to mend what once was dead and it is to hinder the loss of our ancestors who possess us and establish to lend us their manas. We are only qualified to heal the soul, mind, body, and spirit as long as the soul of the person does not abandon its body. Unless the two linger on each other, we are worthy of restoring them."

"That was an awfully entangled situation" 

"Achcha your majesty" 

"Your majesty, I  shall now excuse myself"

*knelt, leaning her head*

"You are excused" 

*bows, steps withdrawing away from the hall*

*Heavy pace, wavering her blade from her scabbard.*

After Yvette healed Amaya from her scale and burns, Amaya hastily sent herself to the battlefield to commence her combat. 

*hand clasping at her wrist*

*waist twisting and facing halfway* 


"Allow me to enlist from your clash, warrioress" 

*both gazing vacantly* 

"assail" (make a concerted or violent attack on.)

*Both swayed their shoulder blades, inadvertently clearing out from Moirai's sight. Eyes snooping behind their backs.* 

"I presume Yvana bears her crisis inside this village. "  -Uttered one of the critics of the Averchinari clan, pulling out their medieval cloak while setting foot on the island of the Akkad empire.  


"Holiness, (voice echoing inside her den) 

I am afraid to impose my phrase on my report of snooping on her holiness, Yvana. She was captured by the royal blood adherents of the Akkad empire and was sent inside the palace."

*scoffs devilishly, playing with her nails.* 

"Well served to my servant! (Her hefty voice rang in his ears.)

"Kaiden Crow, it is our time to release our mana to the townsfolk." (Maniacal chuckle) 

*Leans anterior of her sight*

"Achcha my Dorothy Forbes" 

*dally kisses the back of her palm in a flirty manner.*

*Both smirk* 

End of Chapter 12