
The Legend of Igashu and Epala

A love story of a young couple meeting in an ancient time when dragons became extinct after the slaughtering of serpents. Igashu, who was a member of a clan that can forge healing bases, decided to wander back to their old village where they used to dwell. He was asked by one of the heads of their clan to eliminate all the serpents remaining and in return, she will make him one of the most powerful physicians inside their tribe. Epala who shapeshifted herself to a human form meets the person who seeks them dead and concludes to win his heart and eliminate him herself. 

Kyst_Flauvia · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Ametrine Twin

Chapter 13 The Ametrine Twin

    Kaiden and Dorothy were leading the way to the island of the three-nation. Discreetly residing at the Chanty village, the discarded village of the said Averchinariams. 

"Take my hand, holiness." - Kaiden utterly mumbled, escorting one of the former Agranthis (head of the Averchinary clan) Dorothy Forbes. Daughter of the former Delmetorvo (Critics of the clan) Edwina Sorrel. One of the legends of a living Averchinary who existed. She was qualified to perform the Emovenoriom's (Ancestor) mana without having possession of the said ancestor."

"It was a pleasure to take the hands of the holiness, Dorothy"


"I presume Yvana bears her crisis inside this village. " - Uttered one of the critics of the Averchinary clan, pulling out their medieval cloak while setting foot on the island of the Akkad empire.

"I presume she is a weakling Averchinari, your holiness" - Kaiden mumbled.


"We shall forthwith uncover the track of where Igashu and his fellow companions dwell when the order to butcher the said serpents inside this town." -Dorothy murmured.

"Achcha your holiness" 

The two of them head to the palace of the Akkad empire, where Igashu was announced to be restraining his presence under the protection of Yvette and the King's order. 

"Deviate" (sending themselves to the palace of the Akkad empire from the breaths of the wind)

A commotion of the guards was heeded from the hallway, leading the king and queen to expose their curiosity from the chaos launching anterior of the entrance. 

*slams the door open, knocking Yvette to the ground anterior to the king.*

"Give us back the runaway Averchinary"

"What's the meaning of this!" -the king exclaimed. 

*Dorothy scoffs* 

"How dare you act all mighty when you are just a weakling human who conceals your presence from the battlefield of a thousand soldiers who betted their lives from the emperor like you. Restraining yourself behind these walls that are meant to shut down once bolted by a canyon." - Kaiden mumbled. 

"Show me Igashu Cassius" - Dorothy uttered.

"Igashu took himself out for the battle between Subartu and the Akkad empire." -Moirai added. 


"Igashu Cassius son of Maya, dared himself to rebel against a weakling emperor who humors the bloodbath of the serpents?  *smirks at Moirai, gesturing her awareness of Moirai's shapeshifting into a human figure.* 

" What nonsense do you wish to utter? " 

- calmy expressing her phrases. 


"Surprisingly words panning out from that muzzle of yours."

"Muzzle?" -The king uttered, raising a question.


"I guess I have time to spare for the king's interest in the serpents lurking outside his residence." (Gently perched herself on the queen's throne.  

"-Do you approve, miss Moirai Monroe?" *tilts her head while crossing her legs.*

"Insolence! Guards, take this woman away from my queen's throne."


"Look, a weakling king mutters. Without your lips, you are as worthless as a stone leaning on the ledge. He can't even do anything for his queen and even ask the guards and his maid to satisfy his queen. Are you not anxious about carving someone to perform to the satisfaction of your queen, your highness? Don't you feel uneasy that someone will take over your duty as a husband to your queen? People see you strong enough with the help of a battalion soldier battling for you. But without anyone's support, you are nobody but a weakling man begging for help."  - Dorothy mumbled her phrase, mocking the king. 

"Enough! Your words are too much to handle." - the Queen uttered. 

"Indeed I am too much to handle that even my mother cannot stand my manners." 

The queen strides forward to postpone Dorothy from muttering but later was provoked to halt by Kaiden after gliding himself anterior at the queen's presence.

*tilts and smirks*

"No one comes for her except me"  - the king mumbled, confronting Kaiden from stepping foot closer to the queen. 

"A husband without his spouse is worthless, but a woman without her husband is a power she upholds the most. my queen serves no one to carve her satisfaction, instead people serve my queen to earn gratification. Thus never use that mouth of yours if you utter a worthless phrase in front of her." - King Henry proudly presented his phrase to her holiness. 

"A mockery of each man is an identical mockery to her nation and her people. You barely put my brim discomfort to utter such a foolish phrase to those who are incapable of comprehending the essence of it." 

"Ill-mannered character towards her holiness is an act of treason…" 

"Allow me to comprehend your impractical senses that I am not a member of your clan, nor my queen." 

"You conducted the same vulgarity to the emperor of the Akkad empire and forthwith begged for his manner to a lady whom he just met? And even plead for our courtesy when you are helpless enough to perform those things to yourself. In no way you're being unreasonable, your holiness." 

*scoffs and chuckled echo inside the king's hall.*

"Why boast about your iconic phrase of a precise living person you are when I merely showed up here to seize the most wanted Averchinary of our clan, Igashu Cassius son of Maya."  *leans forward*

"Miss Moirai previously informed you of him leaving the palace."


"Hmm~ I despise loitering around and idle doing nothing inside this woeful palace. *thud* I guess we'll simply organize a date when we can seize the boy from you and eliminate him once captured."

"When will that be, my holiness? -Kaiden added. 

" After the prince got his throne as the new emperor of the Akkad empire. "

"And what could probably happen if these people did not cooperate with you, my holiness?" 

"I must eliminate the prince, trading my deportation and leaving Igashu alive. If only I could call upon his name to compel him to appear in front of us, but luck was on his side. If simply he was declared as a full-fledged physician it would be easy to catch him using his name tag. " 

* steps shifting forward towards the queen's presence, smirking and uttering her last phrase. "Deviate" *

Both Dorothy and Kiaden left their presence, leaving the king and queen thoughtful and muttering, spacing out while gazing at the throne. 

Moirai's P.O.V 

"I pondered long enough to comprehend why several Averchinariams would go after Igashu, and the motive behind him fleeing away from his clan. 

Upon the setting moment of seizing Igashu, the prince will be pronounced as the modern ruler of the Akkad empire. Upon his succeeding birthday, the prince will promptly be proclaimed as the new emperor of the Akkad domain in honor to be acquainted with the woman he will before long be before as his queen. That instant after the prince's birthday, massive chaos will emerge within the town."

End of Moirai's P.O.V 

Igashu Cassius son of Maya whose mother was said to fetch the dead back to life and was later executed by her clan after slaying her ancestor who once possessed her and achieved mana from it. And bringing the dead back to life was meant to eliminate her ancestor to go into ashes in exchange for mending a dead body to life. 

Igashu P.O.V.

Thuds of the horses drifting to the crowd, and clang and splashing noise were given attention and was taken notice. I gazed at the deceased bodies resting on the cold ground, as I witnessed the slaughtering of the head of the warriors roaring and clamoring while clashing their blades at anyone they confronted. Twirling and swinging those spears, barely living their lives. I witness their woeful eyes that wail for their lifeless comrades. Their shrieks are instantly shifted to imply from slaying to begging to be spared alive.  

Their shriek echoes into my ears that made me shiver. 

Everyone seems to move sluggishly as I capture the moment of them expiring and being later slaughtered by the spears and blades of my comrade. As if none of us were barely injured during the fight. While our rivals are gradually decreasing their number. "Igashu, behind you!"  I snapped out myself when I heeded the hoot of my companion who was pointing his finger behind me. I froze the moment I veered around my nape from behind when I greeted the arrowhead of the spear being hurled at me. Mercifully, Amaya was sharp enough to snatch the venomous spear from injuring me, with the support of her horse, she twirls it back to its owner and jabs her over to her lost. Leading the warrioress Amaya whacks me in the face after not centralizing our crusade. 

*whirls her sword to my neck*

"Have you gone mad, Igashu? Pleading to be part of our battle and yet you are fantasizing about things and being absent-minded during the fight!?" 

"I apologize warrioress"   

I plunge my jaw down, asking forgiveness for the mistake I performed. 

"If you wish to be part of my team, do not ever make your comrade defend you during the clash. If you'd keep this manner to us, you are incapable of saving yourself and can even lead your team from ceasing to function the mission for barely saving you " 

She left after implying her phrase with a furious face and fled to go back from slaughtering. 

From my earliest day, it was a heavy decision to demand myself to go and wield my sword to the soldiers and to carve them dead. From a member of an  Averchinary clan who heals the wounded to serving a furious warrioress who slaughtered her rival was not a susceptible entity to perform in my entire life. 

After the crusade. The warrioress seized the head of the general from our rival and jab it into her spear as we head back to the palace. Resting it from the barriers anterior to the border between The Subartu and Elba empires. Propelling her guess that we have earned a victory in the battle. 

I saw the glimpse of a family, gathering anterior to the deceased body of the general, knowing that all of their troops had fallen dead in the course of our crusade. 

Amaya was recognized for her title as the ugly rogue, who left no survivor when she was on the lead from her debris and lifeless rivals. And to a greater extent, none of her comrades were barely mangled. ( severely mutilated, disfigured, or damaged by cutting, tearing, or crushing.)

"What in thunderation! Amaya has to be excluded to defeat them in the battle! 

By the double-barrelled jumping jiminetty! I shall crush her dead by all means."  

*muttered the emperor of Subartu, banging his palm to his table in wrath while being foul-mouthed some of his phrases.*

We were heading back to the palace when I was cognizant that my right ear was ringing in a high pitch noise and was echoing at the same time, which disturbed me when I'm in peace. While we were receding back to the palace with our horses, I consciously heeded a forbearing voice of a woman linger into my ears while uttering my name frequently, and would gradually wither once I lent interest to it.

"Igashu, the warrioress was asking for your audience." 

"What's the matter with you, really? You're subsisting as an untrustworthy warrior before and after the clash. Do you wish to be thrown away from my team, Igashu?" 

"I apologize, warriors, there is something in my ear…"

"Toss him out of the horse he was resting on." 

"I apologize, warrioress. I forbid myself from imposing outlawed ordinances on the warriors. Furthermore, I will not transpire my impudent behavior towards my comrade." 

I utter my phrase, testifying my pledge to the warrioress from enacting my tackles actions.  As I keep an eye on her deadpan eyes I gradually jab my sanity from her aura who was gazing at my existence. Gradually veering her head anterior to the road. 

"Igashu Cassius~"

A tone of voice echoes inside my sanity, which leads me to wince from its inquisitive high pitch tone resounding inside me. 


A woman in white I cough a glimpse of, with her purple eye and a goldish shade of tint to the other half of her eye, with her mesmerizing curly-haired beauty made me gawk from her beauty. She captured my sanity. 


"Have you heard about the Ametrine twin?" 

    End of Chafer 13