
Battle at the gates of Hell!

Just think of a number.

10? 20? 100? 1000?

No, no. These numbers are just way to small to describe the size of that army. There was at least a one trillion person coming at us right now.

Just the sight of it was frightening, and they are not even all of Orcus's minions. No. These were just a handful to him.

Thor and I stood there, ready to battle the moment they would come near us. The door was still a little open, and not fully opened.

I haven't mentioned it before, but you should know that no one can pass through the gate unless it is fully opened. Which makes me hate the designer of the gate, if it had a designer in the first place.

Seeing that there was no other way, I turned around and faced the horde. I started using my combat abilities to fend them off and kill as many as I can.

I could have sworn that I saw looks of relief and gratitude when you killed them. It was as if they were finally free of this cursed world, even if there souls are destroyed forever.

Thor was using his hammer, Mjolnir, to crush his opponents. He would sometimes just throw it and it would do the job on it own, just like Pangu would sometimes. When he does that, he would either hit him with thunder, or with his fists.

As for me, I had already transformed into my human-dragon form. I was using four things to battle: one, ice formed on my right hand and formed a sword, and I was constantly swinging it; two, my left hand turned into a fist and I would sometimes use it; three, my tail, as it help fend off the ones that come from behind, or the ones that I can't reach with my sword; four and last, my wings would act as a shield against the archers.

They say: 'Quality over quantity', right? Well here, this isn't the case. The quality of our opponents' fighting style is too crude and unbalanced, but they had the quantity.

There was just no end to them. You kill one, ten more would come to take their place.

Both of my and Thor's clothes were already red in color, even our faces were all red. And I was already tired as hell. But there was no time to rest, not even half a second.

And finally, when we were no longer able to continue anymore, the gate fully opened. I looked at Thor and shouted, "COME ON! LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS PLACE!"

I didn't wait for him and dashed through the gate to appear in the light of the day. Behind me was Thor, and we were both grasping for breath.

I looked back at the gate and Orcus's minions, but when they stepped outside, their bodies started to rot away. I sighed in relief as I closed the gate and took back the Resurrection stone.

Zi flew out of my object of holding and looked at us, covered in blood. He asked, "What happened, boss?"

"It's alright, little guy, I am fine," I said in a tired tone and reached out to pat his head. However, the events of this day weren't over, unfortunately. Before I could even touch him, my expression became hideous, and coupled with the blood, I looked really evil.

"Crap!" I thought before losing consciousness. However, I remained standing, or to be more exact, my body remained standing.

Zi noticed the expression on my face, so did Thor. Zi retreated slowly as he murmured, "Boss..."

Thor raised Mjolnir and said, "You! You are not the Ice-lord! Who are you?!"

I raised my head and smiled faintly at Thor as I said in a low tone, "No, I am not that weakling. I am finally free to move and roam the world. Let the world know that I, Set, am free!"

I laughed and disappeared from there.

Moments later, Richard appeared and had a dark expression on his face.

Thor bowed slightly to Richard and said," Lord Richard, what happened?"

Richard replied, although he seemed to be talking to himself, "The second part of the prophecy began..."

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