
Rescuing Machias (2)

Rean and the others followed Ram and he took them to the Station street stairs. "Now, let's go down." said Ram climbing down the stairs and appeared in front of the door to waterways.

Since Ram has expected something unexpected would happen, there were two big wooden planks attached in such a way that the keyhole is not visible at all.

This was the butterfly effect that his actions caused. The thing is he can use magic, but it is not wise to use it in front of others.

"What should we do now?" asked Emma seeing the two big planks in front of them.

"We can't go any other way. This is the only way we can rescue Machias." said Rean.

"Move back." said Ram.

"Why?" asked Fie.

"I can pull these out with strength." said Ram.

"That's insane. Do you even know what you're saying?" questioned Emma with concern.


Name: Ram Dev


HP: 16000/16000

MP: 26000/26000

STR: 105

AGI: 122

VIT: 124

INT: 145

LUCK: 105

Next Level up: 110000

Skills: Red Moon Axe Art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Earth Magic (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advance), Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner), Fire Immunity(Passive), Magma Immunity (Passive).

Abilities: Eavesdrop (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced), Military strategy (Beginner), Lockpicking (Beginner).

Ram looked at his stats and understood that DEF is not in stats menu as in the game, but those guys are too weaker than him in STR and other aspects too. He understood that system stats at low level are far superior than game stats at high level.

He went to the right plank adjusted diagonally to cover the key hole and used his strength to completely rip off the plank.

The jaws of others dropped in astonishment with the feat of strength Ram has shown. Generally, he is not a show off like other two brothers, but situation demanded it.

He also did the same with other plank and put the planks to the side of the door. He looked at others and they were still looking at him as a weird creature.

"If you guys are done being astonished, there is one final thing to be done. Emma, give me you hairpin." said Ram.

"Ha? Sure." said Emma giving him the hair pin. Ram took the hairpin and within a minute opened the door. If the lock had been complicated it would have taken him 10 minutes, since it was a normal one it didn't take that much.

"You definitely have to teach me that." said Fie enthusiastically.

"When we are back to the academy I'll teach you." said Ram opening the door.

They all went inside the waterway. They travelled a bit far and Ram felt a shock hit him. The monsters are much more powerful than in the game. The monsters were same, but their level and stats are high.

It's not that he feared the other three can't take them down, but it is abnormal. He decided to be in the back even after knowing monsters are strong. They moved through water way and fought monsters while Ram just kept his distance. The three of them struggled a little more than in the game. They took whatever treasure they got in the way.

Finally they passed through the big open gate to the west and reached the other side of the water way.

When they reached the big open space, they saw Jusis waiting for them there.

"You guys took much longer than I thought." said Jusis.

"Well if I hadn't signaled you, it would have taken much longer." said Ram walking towards him.

"Did you know that this was my father's scheme before I was taken?" asked Jusis.

"When butler said that your father felt regret towards his actions I understood that it was a ploy, but if I openly tried to stop you the entire group would have been in danger." said Ram.

"I understand now. You were trying to protect all of us from my father since this trip has began." said Jusis.

"Yes. I may have acted rashly and I am sorry for that." said Ram.

"No need for that." said Jusis.

"Since the start of the trip? But how?" asked Rean.

"I know about the behavior of the Duke so I know he is going to do something brazen against Machias. That is the reason why I've been trying to make us complete tasks completely and also got the signature from fortress soldier. Even that wasn't enough from getting captured." said Ram massaging his head.

"What about you, Jusis?" asked Emma.

"If Ram hasn't signaled me I never would have thought that I would be put under house arrest." said Jusis.

"So, that's what happened..." said Rean.

"So, shall we get going?" asked Jusis.

Everybody nodded. They made their way across the waterway fighting monsters and came near the guardhouse door to the west. Luckily there was no extra protection on the door like waterway entrance door.

"A door ?" said Jusis

"There is no keyhole." said Fie.

"Guess it can only be opened from other side." said Fie.

"I had no idea about this door." said Jusis.

"How are we supposed to open this?" said Rean.

"This can be overcome." replied Fie.

"..Fie?" said Rean.

Ram kept quiet and backed away from there.

"Stand back." said Fie.

Others came and stood behind Ram.

Fie pasted the plastic onto the door and kept some distance from it.

She took out her gunblades and put them in downward cross position before saying "Ignition." Rean already recognized the smell.

The plastic exploded and the door fell down from its position.

"Done." said Fie.

"Done..?" stuttered Rean.

"Was that a bomb?" questioned Jusis.

"Portable high power explosive." replied Fie.

"Where could you possibly have gotten such a thing?" asked Jusis.

"Fie. I think at this point we have a right to know.

What exactly is your background?" asked Rean.

Ram did not care since he already knew so he let the truth unfold itself.

"The day of the entrance ceremony leaving the triplets, you were the only one who dodged the trap floor.

You're two years younger than us and not physically weak at all. You may be weaker than those triplets but in battles against us you seem to be holding back." said Rean.

"Impossible..." Jusis was surprised.

"Guess you got me. Before I came to the academy I was a Jaeger." replied Fie.

"That's where I learned how to handle explosives and use my gunswords."

"A Jaeger? I wasn't expecting that?" said Rean.

"Just like out instructor" said Emma.

"Knowing her past doesn't change who she is now." said Emma.

"Thanks for telling us, Fie." said Rean.

"No problem. What about you, Ram?" asked Fie.

Ever since the academy started she was a bit close to him than others due to their skills.

"You think I wouldn't know your past as a Jaeger?" asked Ram grinning.

"Hmm? How so?" asked Fie.

"Your guns, your interactions with Sara and your behavior gave away." said Ram bluffing.

"Now, let's go." said Ram entering the prison.

Next chapter