
The Legend of Hades

A young goddess gets reincarnated to a lowly wolf. In order to become one with her true self, she has to go through the battles of he'll under the reign of King Vincent Hades, Ruler of the underworld. Love awaits but torture, betrayal and despair also await. REWRITING

qweenamanda · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Death is my best friend Life is my enemy

  Point of view of Zoesephi

Each great poet pondered questions.

Can I receive answers?

This death, what is it?

Remember that there may be peace in stillness as you go calmly through the chaos and rush. Maintain good relations with everyone, as much as you can, without giving in.

Speak your truth softly and clearly, and listen to everyone—even the uninterested and the ignorant—because they too have a story to tell.

Avoid loud and aggressive people since they irritate the spirit. There will always be greater and lesser people than yourself, therefore if you compare yourself to others, you risk becoming conceited or resentful.

Take pleasure in your plans and accomplishments. Maintain interest in your own career, no matter how modest; in the evolving world, it is a true asset.

  the ebb and flow of time.

Be careful when conducting business because there are many tricksters out there. However, don't let this cloud your perception of virtue; everyone aspires to greatness, and heroic deeds are commonplace.

Be genuine. Do not, in particular, act affectionate. Don't be pessimistic about love either because it endures aridity and disillusionment just like grass.

Accept the wisdom of experience while humbly letting go of youth's things.

Develop your spirit's resilience so it can protect you from abrupt bad luck. But avoid worrying yourself with ominous fantasies. Many worries originate from exhaustion and loneliness.

Be kind to oneself above and beyond a healthy discipline. You are an incarnate being, no

You have a right to be here since you share a parent with the stars and the trees in the universe.

The cosmos is developing as it should, whether or not it is obvious to you. Therefore, whoever or however you see God to be, be at peace with Him. In the clamorous complexity of life, maintain your inner tranquilly despite your efforts and desires. It is still a lovely planet despite all of its pretence, tedium, and dashed hopes. Be upbeat. Be a joyful person. Is living a happy life?

Don't forget what W.H. Davies once advised: "Open your eyes and see - really see - the world in all its glory. Don't let the world rush by without notice." Make room in your life for this basic idea.

Make room in your schedule for this easy-going pastime.

What good is this life if we have no time to stop and stare because of all our responsibilities? Nothing occupies as much time as sheep or cows to stand beneath the boughs and gaze.

Seeing is impossible when we are in the woods.

when grass is used to conceal squirrels' nuts. There isn't enough time in the day to see star streams that are as thick as the night sky.

There is no time to turn when Beauty looks at you and watch your feet as they dance. There isn't time to wait for her mouth to complete that smile before her eyes open. Poor, care-filled life; we don't have time to just stand there and gaze.

My My fave was the bbook Opportunity y a writer whose name I kept forgetting, but whose words will never be forgotten. As follows.

If all you do in life is duplicate what others before you have done, you might wonder what the point of existence is. This poetry serves as a reminder that creativity never gets old and that you are a creator.

It speaks about heroic exploits and tremendous acts, but it also mentions love, romance, laughter, and loyalty, all of which are qualities that every man or woman is capable of.

Take pride in what you can offer the world. You are taken with doubt and surprise. You believe there is no possibility for you, son?

Why haven't the greatest works of literature been produced?

The best race is still to come, The highest score has not yet been recorded, The greatest tune is still unheard. The greatest song has not yet been performed, Rejoice because the planet is still young!

None at all? Why is the world so hungry for things that you should be creating? Its genuine riches is still few, its wants are large and constant, and it longs for greater beauty and power.

More hilarity, romance, and love, more obligation, labour, and loyalty There is nothing but chance, there is no chance! Because the best verse has not yet been rhymed, No plans have been made for the ideal home, The highest mountain has not yet been scaled, Even the largest rivers are not bridged. Do not stress or worry, weak-hearted people.

The best is yet to come as possibilities have only started.

The chances are still open because the best work hasn't been started or completed. Ferling once pondered, "What Should Life Be? to acquire knowledge when a child what the purpose of this life is. Knowing it extends beyond me and I'm just a small part of it. The tragedies must be overcome, to endure the most difficult moments. To confront those painful moments, while yet being kind. To defend those who cannot defend themselves to always spread my light. Those who venture out at night, to savour every moment of love.

To yet bravely stand up, even though I'm by myself. must continue waking up and facing each day, even if I feel lonesome. to attempt to comprehend in an effort to comprehend those nobody is interested in knowing. and give them a sense of worth once everyone has let them go. To be a solid, reliable anchor That person is unwaveringly devoted. to always be a source of hope To my loved ones and associates. To conduct oneself decently, to express my soul and emotions. to always apologise after hurting both friends and enemies. To be pleased with who I've attempted to be, And I decided to live this life. To fully appreciate each day by offering everything I have. That, in my opinion, is how life ought to be. That seems to be its intended use. take what God has provided

to take what I've been given by God And enhance it greatly To live a meaningful life, to be a valuable person. the capacity to love and be loved to leave my mark on the planet. The song "What Is Our Life? "

So what are we to do? Be good. Laugh at people. Until the curtain falls and we leave this life, let's do our part in the world. What do we live? play with enthusiasm. Our chuckle? The division-inspired musim usic  The exhausting homes that are our mothers' wombs Where we are outfitted for the brief comedy of life. The world is the theatre, and heaven is the audience. who observes those who act improperly while sitting. 

We are protected from the blazing sun by the graves. are drawn out when the play is over, are like drawn curtains. Playing after our most recent respite, Then, not in humour, but with seriousness, we die. Who are the contractors? We are the designers and builders of our lives, so we must put in the effort and work hard to achieve our own definition of success. Everyone is a designer of fate.

working within these Time's walls Some with huge and mighty actions, some have rhymed decorations.

Nothing low or pointless; A place for everything is ideal; And what appears to be only a show supports and strengthens the other parts. For the building we erect, Time is packed with materials; Our yesterdays and todays the building blocks that we use


There's something about builders in our lives.  I read it in a book and it goes thus:

genuinely fashion and form these; never leave yawning spaces between. Do not assume that something will go unnoticed because no man can see it. Builders in the earlier eras of art crafted each little, invisible component with the utmost care because they knew that the Gods could see everything.

Make the house where Gods may dwell beautiful, complete, and clean. Let us all do our part, both the seen and unseen. If not, our lives would be lacking.

Standing within these Time's walls, Footsteps stumble as they try to climb on damaged stairs. Create something strong and definite today.

a strong and wide base; also rising and safe shall tomorrow locate itself. Therefore, we can only achieve. Where the eye observes the world from those towers

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