
Chapter 3 : The Commandment

"And now I command you two to reincarnate into my newly created world" the God suddenly said.

"WAIT!!! Isn't this too fast?" both Leo and Helios interjected. They both feel that the God is really a God, able to do or say anything on a whim.

"So what are we waiting for?" the God asked in a serious tone that might deserve a beating if He is a mortal.

"Aren't you suppose to explain what we are going to do, in that whatever world? heck you have not even explained why my merit value are the same as Helios, or the relationship between rabbits and my merit being the same as Helios for that matter!" said Leo rapidly, afraid his word being cut out in between by this unreliable God.

"Aren't you too curious about the God's duty? I tell you it is not easy to calculate merit, the rabbit is the basis, if you earn more rabbit than you could eat, and fail to give it to others that requires the rabbit, that will be one demerit, and if you manage to give it, it is a merit."The God said.

"That seems like kindergarten mathematics to me". said Leo in a triumphant tone. Finally seeing the God in a less reverent light.

"After that, if you take a life of a person, this person value must be paid in terms of his life rabbit consumption, then if the person in the future, if he did not die, hoards rabbits, the difference of the rabbits will be a merit for each rabbit, if he does not hoard rabbits it will be a demerit for each rabbit that he potentially give away, add all of his probability of doing whatever scenario and VOILA! you got your merit" explained God in details about the merit-demerit of taking life. As the God about to explain other situation, He was stopped by the twins cutting in.

"Okay we understand now. Can we know about Your commandment just now?" said Leo and Helios in a defeated tone. "Perhaps only the God knows probability of anything and everything and able to calculate merit. It is definitely not wise to underestimate God even when He sounds like a court jester".Thought Helios.

"Aiii mortal are so flimsy, they were curious, but once faced with difficulty, they would shrink back and take the easy path" the God sigh, in a tone clearly trying to rile the emotions of the twins into making them step up to the challenge.

"This God is really unconventional. If we don't have our guards up, we might as well become His merit calculator in His attempt to shirk responsibility". Thought Helios.

"You, young man, is really disrespectful. I am not trying to shirk responsibility here, I am just planning a thousand year holiday and need backups. Aiii young people nowadays really like to jump the gun". The God responded to Helios thought in a slightly irritated voice which makes Helios face red due to embarassment that his inner voice can be heard by the God. Well he don't have a face as a flickering hologram thus let us say that his hologram turned red due to embarassment.

"Alright, what do you two want to know? one question each and off you go". The God continued. Clearly trying to have the twins to leave. Perhaps even He felt unhappy with these less than a rabbit twins for being too smart for their own good, foiling His vacation plan that he just thought of.

"can we meet or hear from You again?" asked Leo.

"Yes you can, to call me, focus your thought to your heart and say 'Hello God!'. I'll answer you if I feel like it. Adios!" said God as Leo hologram shined bright and disappeared from the room.

"Do we get anything as a bonus for this reincarnation?" asked Helios.

"Yes you do, one ultra rare ability and several super rare abilities, I'm not telling you or Leo what these abilities are, find out yourself or just live like a normies for all I care. Adios!" said God and Helios hologram dimmed until its totally dark and disappeared from the room.

"Alright that was done. Hope these two anomalies will be able to correct the trajectory of that world. It was really a hassle finding good workers nowadays. Too smart for their own good these new generation people. I rather like those barbaric but simple minded dessert dweller as they don't question much". the God monologue was heard in the empty white room.

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