
The legend of destroyer

Mikael Von Heinz passed out while watching dracula at his girlfriend's house after drinking a bit. The next moment he woke up as a baby in the Viking age and found it was Mikael from The Vampires Diaries Mikael decided that he would change his story and enjoy his life in something more creative than hunting down his children. He will make his legend, the legend of Dracula Legal notice The universe of the vampires Diaries or any other world that appears does not belong to me but to their respective creators

corvinus · TV
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4 Chs



Two more years passed when finally Esther became pregnant and so did Daliah a month before Esther. The day after losing my virginity to Esther I had my first night with Daliah

It was truly the best night I've ever had in my life, nothing could have been better than this. I got up from my chair and went outside to see the soldiers training.

The war was at its peak, the British were resisting with their last forces against King Sueno's onslaughts, and as my clan is one of the main forces of the king's empire

An old man came up to me and bowed respectfully

"Prince, good to see you well!" The old man said pulling a paper from his pocket "I come to bring a message from Æthelred II, who will soon assume the throne of England, and offers him a modest amount of coins to abandon Sueno"

"Ummm, how much money are you talking about, Huh Witch?" I asked interested leaning against the wall. I will not accept the fool's proposal, because my soldiers would not accept it and I could take a coup d'état.

"How did you know I'm a witch?" The old man took a step back

I smiled calmly and touched the barrel of the sword without him noticing "No one would enter my village unnoticed other than a wizard, I have very good archers now how much money are we talking about?"

I left my voice very powerful and authoritative

"Sir, 200 gold coins" The old man took a medium bag from his hand filled with something that looked heavy and gave it to me

I opened the bag and saw that it was coined and it looked like it had less than 200 coins and looked back at it

"Where's the rest?" I asked looking deep into his eyes "You're not trying to outsmart me aren't you messenger?"

"no, of course not my lord" The witcher flinched and started stuttering "the rest is with lord Æthelred II, he will pay you when you join his forces"

"Ahh, I understand, so I won't be able to stall him," I said discouraged, and turned my attention to the wizard once more "umm.. tell him... don't let me say the answer with your head as a letter"

"Lord what does that mean" The old man screamed and tried to throw his hands at me, but I was faster and pulled my sword cutting his head.

The body fell to one side and the head to the other, he didn't have much to do with the messenger, capturing him would not be profitable at all, as he would have to spend on food and a place for a prison.

"Mister Heinz"

As I watched the body I saw a soldier running towards me while shouting my name.

"Mister Heinz! are you alright?" The young soldier asked running towards me with his sword drawn "Are there more enemies? How did they get in? Nobody saw anything!"

"No, it was just him! It's a British wizard!!" I said bored kicking the sorcerer's head at the young man's foot"Please, take his head to lord Æthelred The unprepared!"

"The unprepared?" the young man asked

"Yes, unprepared, completely unprepared! Who the hell sends a sorcerer into a possible ally's house to scare and bribe him?" I spoke irritated with the attitude of the future British king "If this guy thinks that just because he will be the next British king, he can do whatever he wants, he is wrong"

"British King? Sir, what are you talking about?"

Serious! he sent me the message: if you don't join me, I can kill you any time I want!

Also, weren't the British Christians? They should hate magic! I know this because there are Christians in my army and they are not at all favorable to magic. I had to issue an execution order for anyone who even looked the wrong way at Nina, Ayana, Daliah, and Esther.

Honestly, I've executed over 30 soldiers and the number is growing! If this continues I will have to worry about a coup or killing all the Christians in my army!

What my Nordic soldiers would love to accomplish, despite being a hot-headed bunch and hating Christians, they were quite cooperative not attacking allies even if they didn't like them and most Nords were magic friendly.

So what is driving a Christian king to start using witches? This is strange and disturbing.

"Sir are you sure?" The young man took me out of my thoughts asking a little dazed "If this is unprepared, he will be the next British king! Is it a good idea to piss him off?"

"Are you questioning me?" I asked looking deep into the eyes of the young soldier

"No sir, I wouldn't dare question it!" He shuddered to stutter as he took the sorcerer's head in his arms "I'll deliver your message right now!"

Too bad, another idiot who doesn't think for himself! seriously, only two idiots can do things alone without orders in my army and they are very annoying

"Good! Now go" I growled looking at him and I looked to the side seeing Daliah approaching me softly

"No lord" He ran and I turned to Daliah as I held the sword

"Booo" She screamed raising her arms to scare me

"Kyaaaa" I entered the game and screamed jumping up and pretending to be scared

in the most ridiculous way possible I hugged her "help my love, protect me, I was attacked"

I pointed to the sorcerer's body as I clung to her pretending to be scared and she looked at the body and widened her eyes

"Mikael are you alright?" She grabbed my face making me look at her "How the hell did a sorcerer get into the village? what the hell are the guards doing?"

"I don't know, they are evil, protect me!!" I cried and buried my face in her soft breasts snuggling me and touching her belly

"come inside, until you are sure there are no more enemies" She spoke seriously protecting me! how cute!

there are no more enemies, it was just him, but, I let her take me. It's nice and feeling protected sometimes, don't blame me.



Time has passed quickly, I am almost forty years old and I can see my beloved daughter, the eldest running around and playing with my youngest son.

They were Freiya Mikaeldatter and Finn Mikaelson, Freya was the daughter of Daliah and Finn with Esther, Of course, the daughter I loved the most was Freya.

I wasn't a bad father to Finn, but if I had to save just one of them, I'm afraid Finn would die.

I made Esther take care of Freya like her mother and Daliah take care of her babysitter like my concubine however much it hurts me

"Mikael, I think it's about time isn't it?" Daliah appeared behind me, went in front of me, and sat on my lap "I will put an age stamp on you"

She was still as beautiful as ever, her appearance hadn't changed much, still looked like a goddess, thanks to the age she had on her. Inside she aged and outside she could keep looking young

it was something she made especially for me since she didn't want me to think she was ugly

"Why do you say that love?" I asked stroking her hair "Do you think I'm getting old and ugly?" I teased moving my hand to the back of her neck

"no my beloved! I just think your plans won't work out if you don't keep up appearances" She moaned explaining to me as she cringed with my hand on the back of her neck "as you predicted, Prince Canute II was born two years ago, that's what my nets of gossip what you call it said"

Yes, things are starting to get serious, King Æthelred is staggering on his throne and Suenus is attacking Britannia. Soon when the throne is taken by Sueno and then by Canute my services and that of my clan will no longer be needed by Denmark and Canute or Sueno will throw the Jomsvikings over my clan and even if we win it will still be a great trauma and weakened Denmark by putting Britain back in the war

Then, the unprepared would go after me for revenge and in the end, both sides would try to destroy my clan and kill me.

"Yes, my love, it's time, are you ready?" I asked kissing her on the lip

"Being the villain of the story?" She spoke with a slight moan "Yes I am, as long as you keep your word"

"I will, when Esther gives me what I need, I will marry you, my love!" I kissed her again and let go of her neck "before that, I want you to seal my lineage in Finn and Freya, then cast a spell that causes Esther's womb to destroy my wolf genes in my next children!"

"Why, Mikael, it's not good that you have proof that they are your children!" Daliah asked confused looking at me "Besides, it's not good to keep your mother's pure lineage alive for centuries, even more so you who are descended from divine They are very rare nowadays!"

"I'm not so pure anymore, I just keep the powers of a pure divine because my maternal grandfather and grandfather were warriors," I said with a sigh and pointed to Freya and Finn making Daliah look at them "my two children are not even 70% of my power, they are only powerful because they are witch hybrids, my lineage is no longer pure, my mother's lineage dies with me my love, I will not let the lineage be dirty"

"Got it, I'll do it!" Daliah gives me one last kiss and gets up from my lap "Say goodbye to Freya"

"I will make it!" I got up and went to the children I played with them especially Freya until nightfall and we went to sleep, when we woke up the next day, Daliah and Freya were gone

My heart ached, but I accepted losing my beloved daughter because I know I will find her again in the future, but that was the price of power and I accepted it.



Nina died of old age, I spent a month in mourning without leaving home accepting the death of one of the only three people I loved since I arrived in this world, her, Daliah and my daughter Freya!

Esther was pregnant with Elijah, I had nothing to hold me back on this earth so it was time for us to go to Vinland to start my story as an Original