
The Legend of Cinn.

Long time ago, there was a prosperous kingdom called 'Dion', also known as 'The Black feather'; mainly because of the pitch black soil, only found on that land, which is naturally also used in every infrastructure in the kingdom, blended beautifully

with the carvings created by craftsmen of the land.

This combination further added with the perfect blend of mirrors and several lamps crafted by the same craftsmen, it created the most epic view mankind has ever scene.

At night if viewed from a specific location; that is the very balcony of the king; you could see the entire kingdom beautifully lying on the ground as the most marvelous painting, more like a wonder to the eyes.

This beautiful view, only possible with the black soil the land offers and the delicate details crafted on to the walls and all the lamps, which only the craftsmen from the land of Dion were capable of doing; gave birth to the name...

'The Black Feather'.

This kingdom was also famous because of a certain man, 'Leo Jewel' the Second.

The prince of Dion.

The man who brought victory to the kingdom in the latest war that took place, 'The War of 100 days'.

It is said he was on the battlefield for almost all the hundred days and even fasted for 4 straight days in between, due to lack of supplies and increase in the number of casualties.

Even after all this he returned claiming victory and also with not a single scratch on his body.

Proudly named after his grandfather,

'Leo Jewel' the First;

Who saved the land from the horrible curse casted upon the land of Dion, by the Goddess of Hell, who dwelled in the oceans, 'Cinn'.

Cinn was a horrible monster whose hunger was limitless, and the amount of negative energy she carried with her spirit was enough to kill 50 men, that too without any physical contact.

The only way to stop her was to close the doors of hell, but that was only possible if done through Cinn herself; which required a ritual to be performed called the divine feeding.

Which required Cinn to be fed with the eye ball of the three headed beast Lakar, covered in human blood and sea salt; and a spell being cast on her while she eats it.

Leo Jewel the First defeated the Three headed beast 'Lakar', and brought his eyeball and fed it to Cinn as per the ritual required, but midway through the casting of the spell, Cinn became aware and interrupted the spell and disturbed the flow; but wasnt able to break the process.

And Cinn started getting sucked into her own realm. But while going she casted a curse onto the land of Dion, that was;

'This land shall never prosper and get doomed under the dark cover of hell.'

And once she was gone the people noticed the land turning pitch black.

And all the plants started to die, the kingdom was soon converted into a graveyard due to the poisonous soil covering the land inch by inch, which was so toxic that it didnt even take 5 seconds to destroy the respiratory system of a normal living thing.

Leo couldn't stand the sight, he begged and cried looking up at the sky, he screamed at the highest untill the point he couldnt speak no more.

And the doors of the heaven opened.

He made a deal with the Gods, a simple exchange; bring fertility back to the land of Dion and take his life.

The deal was done and the land was saved.

But little did the people know the interruption caused by Cinn in between of the ritual made it possible for the Goddess of Hell to return, that is she was not completely stopped from entering the mortal realm again. She could still visit the land for 2 hours every 51 years and she will get sucked in automatically as the given time ends.

And that 2 hours was to come exactly after 2 weeks from today, the day when the whole kingdom was celebrating the prince's birthday.

The day 'Leo Jewel' the Second turned 19.

People singing hymns and eating till their stomach explodes, not aware of what's going to happen. But one man knew what was coming,

2 weeks from now it's going to explode,

The ugliest ticking time bomb.

Next chapter