
The Legend of Aravis

Author: MelophilicMe
Historical Romance
Ongoing · 791 Views
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What is The Legend of Aravis

Read ‘The Legend of Aravis’ Online for Free, written by the author MelophilicMe, This book is a Historical Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "There's a legend. One that hides in the deepest of shadows, waiting to be discovered like an estranged lover. Find it b...


"There's a legend. One that hides in the deepest of shadows, waiting to be discovered like an estranged lover. Find it before the times run out, find it before the doom plays around." Euanthe of Aravis and Drazhan of Bristol have been the neighboring kingdoms for the past three centuries when the Drazhan Family offers the prospect of marriage between their crowned prince and the young princess of Aravis. Uninterested in the prospect, Kehlani Euanthe, the crowned princess of Aravis disagrees, much to the anger of the Drazhan heir. Exactly a month later, the whole royal family of Euanthe was found dead in the royal courtroom, blood glistening over the golden-lined marble with no trace of the princess. It was rumored that Ivaylo Vrandan, the lieutenant general and the rumored kidnapper of the princess, had mercilessly butchered the royal family. The now-abandoned kingdom of Aravis was taken over by the noble king of Bristol, despite the rebellion from the people of Aravis. Years have passed and the Hyacinths struggle to find a way to drive the Drazhans out of Aravis. Starts the chain of unfortunate events, each pushing the other to succumb to their defeat. But when fate collides with its aftermath, the future is something no vision could predict.

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