
The Legend from The Past

Warning! This is not a harem, smut and adult story. You won't like it! This is just a trashy story with an imperfect protagonist. I guarantee the others won't like it either. If you're looking for the perfect main character, read another novel. Don't push yourself, the author has warned you. --- What happens when legendary adventurers from the past come to the future? Rafe Lostfield, the greatest Assassin class adventurer of the Acedia era, suddenly wakes up in a strange place. The atmosphere around him was very strange. He also felt something strange in his body. He thought that his friends had taken him to a faraway place while he was fast asleep, not knowing that something greater had happened to him. "Do I need to show you the real perfect magic?" -Rafe Lostfield

Jaja_KSd · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

A challenge from a rank B senior

But Rafe seemed to smile when he saw that Elena was about to attack him with magic, Elena herself looked surprised because she couldn't use her magic. The other students who saw this looked confused, thinking that Elena would not make her attack.

"What's going on? This is exactly the same as the time near the house," Elena thought as she looked at Rafe.

"Didn't I tell you I just wanted to look in the mirror? You better control your temper if you don't want me to call you an angry girl," Rafe said.

"You!" grumbled Elena, who seemed to be getting annoyed.

"You'd better all take your seats," Nia's voice suddenly came from outside the room.

All the Rank F students immediately sat down when they saw Nia's figure wearing a typical Elexia Academy teacher's uniform. Seeing Hayato on the floor, Nia immediately kicked him hard in the back.

"Don't sleep when your teacher comes to class! You trash!" snapped Nia.

"Ouch!" Hayato screamed in pain as he rolled on the floor.

"You two better sit down, too," Nia ordered as she looked at Rafe and Elena.

"O-kay," Elena replied and hurried to her seat.

Rafe casually sat on an empty chair, Hayato, who was scared, also got up and sat on an empty chair in the classroom. All the students in the F-class immediately fell silent, Nia herself immediately stepped to the teacher's desk in the classroom while facing the students.

"I am in charge of the first year Rank F class. You better not break the rules and disrupt me during class!" said Nia.

"Especially trash like you!" Nia continued as she threw the pen in her hand at Hayato.

"Ouch!" screamed Hayato when Nia's pen hit his forehead.

"Huh? Is she mad at me because of the test in the hall?" thought Hayato with fear.

Some of the other students seemed to try to hold back their laughter when Hayato became the target of Nia's anger. After that, Nia began to explain that the first year students would be allowed to go home this afternoon to pick up supplies at their homes, but they would have to return to the academy tomorrow and stay in the academy dormitory.

The first week's activities for the freshmen would be to familiarize themselves with the Academy and see the activities of the sophomores and others as examples, after which their classes would begin and they would be allowed to take on the quests available at the school.

"That's all I wanted to explain to you, the rest of the day is yours to do as you please," Nia said as she left the room.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you something. Starting tomorrow, you should prepare to start your life as an adventurer, try to survive, because every year there are many students who leave or are expelled from the Academy. Especially Rank F students like you," Nia said just before leaving the Rank F classroom.

The atmosphere in the Rank F classroom was once again noisy with the sound of students chatting with their respective friends, now they understood why the first year Rank F classroom was much larger than the second and subsequent Rank F classrooms.

"Quiet everyone," Hayato said as he stood up. Suddenly, all the students became quiet and paid attention to Hayato. At that moment, Hayato walked to the front of the class and faced the other students.

"What is this freak up to," Rafe muttered when he saw Hayato's behavior.

"Tomorrow, we have to start our lives as adventurers and survive here, it will be difficult for an adventurer to survive alone. Professor Nia's words earlier seemed to signal us to form a party as soon as possible, an adventurer's chance of survival will be higher if he forms a party with other adventurers, that way we won't have trouble finding a party again if we want to take the quest," Hayato explained while wiping his fringe.

"He's right," some of the other students whispered.

"I guessed it, the NPCs won't be able to think as far ahead as a main character like me," Hayato thought proudly.

"Then those who want to form a group with me, just raise your hand!" Hayato shouted as he raised his hand.

"Don't argue about it," Hayato continued while blinking one eye.

"How could anyone want to party with you!" sneered a male student.

"What a fart!" another student taunted while cheering Hayato on.

"Hehehe..." Rafe could only laugh at the reaction of the other students.

"Hey, quickly form a group with me!" said one student as he approached another.

"Eh, he's in a party with me," another student said.

The atmosphere of Rank F class became noisy as students started fighting over friends to form a party. Meanwhile, Hayato, who was standing in front, looked very annoyed.

"Hey, it's all my idea, bitch! At least respect the main character's idea! You shameless NPC!" Hayato snapped.

"Looks like this year's trash class is very crowded," a man was heard saying from outside the Rank F classroom.

Suddenly, all of the Rank F class students turned their attention outside the room. There appeared to be seven students with box-shaped gold emblems on their shirts, with the number two engraved on the gold emblems, indicating that they were second-year Academy students.

"Him, the one who attacked me in the hallway earlier," Rafe muttered as he looked at the red-haired youth standing in front of his six friends.

"Aren't they second-year Rank B students?" a couple of Rank F students whispered.

"Not only that. He's the youngest son of Duke Weaver Rover," said another Rank F student.

"Huh? Then he's of noble lineage," Hayato thought as he returned to his seat.

"My name is Mace Weaver Rover, Rank B, second year. I'm sure one of you knows why I came to visit a class of trash like you," the red-haired man said as he entered the classroom with six of his friends.

"Before the test, there was a cheeky trash who tried to hug Princess Mia. He was so presumptuous that he dared to attack me," Mace continued as he sat on the F-class teacher's desk.

Suddenly, the attention of all the Rank F students was focused on Rafe. Meanwhile, Rafe casually leaned his back against the chair and placed one foot on the desk.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me?" asked Rafe as he looked around at the other students.

"He's such a bad luck charm, it's only test day and he's already causing trouble," Hayato thought as he shook his head.

"How dare you sit in front of Mace like that!" shouted Mace's friend, pointing at Rafe.

"Me? What's wrong with sitting like that?" asked Rafe.

"Tch. You scum!" snapped another of Mace's friends as he took a step, but Mace stopped him.

"As educated people we don't need to serve trash like him in the classroom, it only tarnishes our good name," Mace stopped him.

"Your name is Rafe Loslos, right?" asked Mace as he looked at Rafe.

"You have the wrong person. My name is Rafe Lostfield," Rafe replied.

"Hahaha... it doesn't matter if it's a little different, people like us have a hard time remembering garbage names," Mace scoffed.

"Hehehe.. it turns out you're dumber than me, even though I can still remember other people's names well," Rafe replied with a chuckle.

All Rank F students were shocked to hear Rafe's words, but Hayato smiled when he heard it. Mace and his six friends looked equally shocked, their faces red with anger.

"You bastard! I was going to challenge you nicely, you scum!" Mace snapped while glaring at Rafe.

"Hehehe... why are you getting angry? Didn't you say you can't remember names very well," Rafe asked.

"If princess Mia hadn't prevented me from reporting your actions then you would have been expelled from school by now! But it's a wonder you wasted her kindness!" Mace snapped as he approached Rafe.

"This afternoon meet me at the open practice field, form your party and bring them there. There I'll give you a lesson in manners! Don't expect me to be kind to you this time!" said Mace as he glared at Rafe.

"We're leaving! I can't stand the smell of their trash," Mace said as he walked out of the room.

"I hope you don't run away from Mace's challenge after daring to insult him," said Mace's friend as he walked out.

"Make sure you choose people who are ready to die in your party," said another friend of Mace.

"Oh. So you're challenging me to a fight," Rafe said with a smile.

"What do you think I came all the way to this trash can for, huh! I want to prove to scum like you that you don't dare hold your heads up to me anymore! If necessary, bring all the Rank F students here to fight me!" said Mace as he turned around and pointed at all the students there.

"Hehehe... if you wanted to fight, you should have said so from the beginning, no need to get angry and talk all sorts of nonsense," said Rafe as he got up from his chair.

"I accept your challenge, why don't we do it now?" asked Rafe as he looked at Mace.

"Huh?" the other Rank F students, including Elena, looked surprised to hear Rafe accept Mace's challenge.
