

Four days later they arrived at their first stop for the capital, the city of Latia.

Compared to Calad, Latia was a much bigger city. It was a massive city with about 10 km diameter landscape surrounded by a white wall with 15 meters tall.

The population of this city comprised of hundreds of thousand citizens. It seemed that this city was really famous of their foods much to Fia's euphoria. Well she did intentionally choose this route in order to stop at this town for a "Taste Testing" activity.

"Refusing to taste the food there is a blasphemy!" was what she said.

They stopped at some distance out of the guards' sight to get rid of the carriage. The products from Elsie's hagoromo was not a real thing after all and without Elsie's being nearby it cannot be maintained indefinitely. There would be a commotion if a parked carriage suddenly disappeared out of thin air like a magic trick, the same way that it appeared.


Fia's eyes were shining so brightly in front of the city gate as if she just saw her favorite idol. Her face was full of anticipation.

Haruto's lips twitched seeing that. 'Like sister like brother I guess' was what he thought.

Elsie too was high spirited. She loved cooking very much and learning that this was a city famous for it's food ignites her chef soul.

In fact Elsie's been the one taking care of their foods on the journey. Haruto had to admit that she was a prodigy at cooking, even Fia thought the same as a glutton.

In the original series she's too was very proficient with cooking. It's just that what she made always result with an omnious terrifying and living foods.

This was the fault of the ingredients that she used on cooking. Those were the ingredients she brought from hell to earth. Which was only natural for the ingredients full of bizarre things, even a sugar was alive while making a "gyogyogyo" sound.

But for Haruto it was different. There's no weird ingredients like those in this world!

Thanks to this Elsie's true capabilities was unveiled. Haruto and Fia could enjoy a very satisfying meals for the trip.

Shame on you Katsuragi Keima!

They lined up for the identification for a few hours before they finally passed the gate.

Entering the city it was a wonderful sight (at least for Fia and Elsie) that greets them. Food stalls were standing everywhere on the road with merchants selling various ingredients and spices.

Naturally Fia and Elsie immediately ran towards them with 'Waaii~' and proceed to chomp on them. Elsie took out some notes after tasting the food, writing about something.

Haruto felt hurt at the thought of his poor wallet suffering in anguish...

Some time later they finally satisfied while making their way to find an inn for tonight.

Even though they arrived on midday right now the sun was already far on the west. Counting a few hours they lined up to enter the town it should just been about 4 o'clock but the current time was 6 o'clock.

Haruto was grumbling while looking at the inside of his wallet while cursing Elsie in his head. Fia was an exception since she used her own money. Though she ended up borrowing some from him too because she bought too many, much to her shame.

They finally found an inn after strolling around for awhile and asking someone. They proceed to rent a room. Yes, "a room".

"Why did we rent just a single room!?" Fia said frantically.

Haruto rolled his eyes towards her, "Isn't it because you guys have too much fun earlier?" he said.

Fia averted her eyes while dropping sweats on her face. Indeed, she bought so many without considering their budget. The food was extremely good that she couldn't stop herself you see...

But there's no way she accepted lost right away!

"But even so this room only have one bed it's not good right!?" She retorted.

"A room with two beds went over our budget."

"T, Then what about other inns!?" She faltered.

"This is already the cheapest one on the city."

'Ri~ght'. She was checkmated.

"Umm~ I don't really have any problem with it though? It's with Kami-sama after all~" Elsie said while tilting her head.

"Elsie-san is just too thickheaded! I'm different than you!" She shouted and her cheeks turned red while glaring at Elsie.

"Ehhh!?" Elsie shocked not understanding why Fia so obstinate and called her thickheaded.

Elsie was a pure maiden after all. In her eyes sleeping with her Kami-sama was a natural thing. She did not have an awareness between boys and girls unless Haruto himself being aggressively 'attacked' her.

She did understand things like kiss and love though but since she's an airhead this kind of knowledge did not apply to Haruto, or perhaps she just hadn't seen him that way yet.

"Uuu~ if it turns out like this I wouldn't buy that much..." Fia said and hung her head.

"Well you don't need to worry about that. Did you forget that Elsie can just create another bed or futon?"

Fia gasped and raised her head light came back to her eyes. That's right, there's the all-purpose hagoromo!

With hopeful eyes she looked at Elsie.

"Eh~? I don't wanna."


"It's because Fia-san was a meanie. Even though it's just sleeping together." She said while puffing her cheeks, she still mad that Fia lashed out at her earlier.

"It's not 'just'! A b, boy and a girl sleeping together on the same bed, it's not good at all!"

"Hmph, I don't care! Tonight Fia-san have to sleep together with me beside Kami-sama"

"...Elsie-san~!" Fia gritted her teeth with tears in her eyes.

Haruto sighed and stopped their bickering. He told Elsie to not be childish and made another bed properly, he also told Fia to apologize to Elsie for lashing at her.

To be honest he too felt indignant sleeping on the same bed as them. He's already gotten used to sleep with Elsie but not Fia, he's afraid of being called lolicon, and he's quite shy alright.

Fia was relieved for having a separate bed to sleep, apologizing to Elsie was not a big deal since she felt bad at her for lashing out too. But somehow she felt disappointed in her heart for being separated.

Haruto woke up early before dawn alone on his bed. Elsie was sleeping with Fia on the other bed since she said that for her to sleep with Haruto was shameless or something. He felt a little unusual though since he's been sleeping with Elsie for the past month and a half.

He shook his face from his thought before he raised up and stretched his body.

He washed his face and and wore his black tunic along with his gloves and boots before he went out to the city plaza.

Haruto meditate there and did some work outs. These were his daily training, he repeated this for the past month.

When he finished three hours later the sun's already rose and he decided to buy a breakfast for the two girls.

He found a food stall after walking for awhile and bought some sandwiches. Now his wallet was finally emptied.

He sighed and thought that they have to go to the guild after this and do some quests to earn money for continuing their trip.

Making his way back to the inn, he ate a piece of sandwich that he just bought.

"Hey, you there."


Someone suddenly called him from behind.

Next chapter