
Chapter 542


I stared blankly at Yeo Ryung for a moment. Although she was right in front of my eyes, she looked like a faded image in an old film.

And that was when I finally grasped why Yeo Ryung reacted so loudly upon my confession of the partially lost memories. Losing information about her was the same as losing most of the memories of my past. In other words, I actually knew nothing about 'the other me' back then in which I thought I'd been aware of.

Yeo Ryung wasn't just a piece in a puzzle; she was the puzzle itself. The whole thing wouldn't work out without her.

She continued, "It still reminds me of the day in our elementary school. We had this class performance, a play, and of all people, your parents and mine couldn't make it that day."

"Uh-huh," I just nodded my head in a daze.

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