
Chapter 239


I perceived the intended meaning of 'the brighter the light, the darker the shadow;' that was why my concern about him grew bigger whenever he was giving out his flashing charms like that. I was afraid he wouldn't be able to find me buried in the shade to the bitter end. My best wishes were always with him, but the more he seized the opportunities, the more I felt agitated and uneased.

Then I noticed that Yoo Chun Young was staring at me and blenched for a second, but I soon cast a question that just popped up in my head.

"You know, now that I have come to think about it..."


"Why did you suddenly show up there?"


Staring blankly in the air, Yoo Chun Young replied, "I heard you were there."


His response sounded so natural that I just turned my head away without any words. Touching my hair, I smiled quietly and nodded as an agreement. I looked up at Yoo Chun Young again and fell into thought.

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