
the first aspect of change

I woke up the following day thinking I had the best sleep of my life I felt so refreshed and strong. It was only when I tried to stand did I start having problems it felt like my body wasn't my own it was faster and stronger than it should have been which resulted in me falling back onto my back.

"what the hells wrong with me" I said

" you are suffering from an adaptation problem with your raised physical stats"

Current world energy 477 of 480

absorption rate 5 units per min

Law Status

Law- The Law of Change

Level- Greater Divine

Law level - 2


Perception level 2 - law energy until level 1 (2/392)

Aspect abilities

- Greater perception (passive) - the user has a greater sense of his surroundings within 4 feet. Cost 0 world energy

- Speed perception - increase the speed of your perception allowing the user to take in more of his surroundings. cost 10 world energy per min.

Physical stats

Strength - 35

Vitality -33

Intellect - 36

World Influence -40

To begin with, I was shocked that I wasn't dreaming but I managed to cool myself down which considering the situation surprised me. It might have something to do my intellect didn't system say my physical stats were boosted.

"System, can you please explain the boost to my physical stats and give me some sort of reference"

"Certainly a non-cultivator have Physical stats between 1 -10 for all of there values. A cultivator gains a boost to there stats each time they level. Your law provides 15 points on each category for each level you gain"

"so my laws an all-rounder is that good, is 15 points a good thing for a cultivator?"

"Different laws give different amounts of points within there grade. The laws come in the following grades bronze, silver, gold, platinum and divine. Bronze gives a maximum of 1 point on each. Silver a Maximum of 3 points. Gold a maximum of 5 points. Platinum a maximum of 6 points. Divine a maximum of 10 points. Your grade is currently classed as greater divine as no grade currently exists beyond divine. An increase of 15 points is beyond any other know cultivator "

" Shit so I am like a super cultivator ..... as I am the first one ever we should call it god grade or something cool like that"

" System - grade now classed as god grade - system comment - system would like to point out that the user is getting ahead of himself if he wants to consider himself a god"