
The Start of a journey

It was late night in the forest were a squadron of Knights patrolled. With every step the could here the sound of wolves, bears and snakes. Those three animals were worshiped by what the common people of Scotland called madmen, but little they knew those madmen were led by a woman. That woman was called Lina le Zeduk by the French priests in Scotland at the time . A French slang for unnatural. Every Knight had heard rumours that scouts had seen a woman with a pack of men chanting something around a fire. This was the woman the priests called Lina le Zeduk. But a young and ambitious scout who had just joined the scouts that were patrolling in the late night. He was in the middle of the group. Sounded by scouts with swords. Although he was part of the late night scouts he was still the grand son of one of the minor priests so he had to be protected even though he and his grandfather had very little power in Catholic tradition every priest and there decedents should be protected. Far into the night they had decided to return since all of the scouts had heard but not directly seen threats, so in unison the scouts turned there horses and sprinted back to there camp. When they had reached there camp they saw burned tents, trees nocked down and no fire, but this wasn't a surprise to the veteran scouts as they had experienced stuff like this before, the moment the scouts leave the madmen attack, but Ecosine Depunt the grandson of the priest was terrified at what he saw, a dead bodies of the camp keepers the personal priest and the dead body Ecosine's older brother. He jumped off his horse and rushed to the body and looked with sorrow the scout leader walk up to him and talk to him about how great of a man Ecosine's brother was, he had saved Scottish slaves from lager at British mines, he had imprisoned a squad of madmen. Ecosine stood up said to his dead brothers body you are Ethan the great. The scouts leader heard immense chanting the madmen were coming back to burry there dead body's the scouts raised there sounds and spears sounding Ecosine who was confused at what was happening. When the scouts saw the madmen coming the scout leader ordered a charge the. "off your land" was what the Scottish scouts shouted as they charged what Ecosine saw was not magic the madmen used to defend themselves (there where rumours that the madmen could use magic but it wasn't true) all Ecosine saw was men risking there life. All Ecosine saw was blood rushing through the air. Ecosine was disgusted. His father a scout always told him there family where not fighters but speakers. A great example of that was his brother, but that time something got to him maybe the death of his brother or the ruthless destruction of the camp by the madmen it cold have been anything but he picked up a sword and ran up to 3 madmen and with one slash killed all of them he went into what the scouts called scout mind and started killing with no control the scouts cheered him on until he turned to them and ran up to slash them scout leader a good friend of Ecosine stepped in front of him and calmed hi down. The next day Ecosine was brought to his dad where he was praised by the general of the army. When the general ha left his dad had stood up and when Ecosine thought he would get angry for killing those people. Ecosine father told him he was proud of him for breaking the shield him and his brother couldn't. The night of that day Ecosine's horse took him off the scouting road and into the forest where a squad of madmen had snuck up on him and ambushed him but Ecosine like last time killed all of them but after being trained to keep calm after killing all those people he didn't stay in that mind set for a few extra minutes he immediately turned and tried to find his fellow scouts he rode through the Woods but little he knew he that the other scouts after not finding him thought he was dead. At the camp the soldiers mourned his death, during the mourning session they heard foot steps of a horse the prepared to kill but the scout leader saw that it was Ecosine and he ordered his men to stand down. During the next morning while the scouts ate there breakfast Ecosine told the story of how he killed the madmen and how he found his way back. The scout leader gave the name Late Night Rider to Ecosine.