

This is Winter Castwood

She is 17 years old and she is the only person left of her pack which she lost at the age of 10 due to a vampire rampage, she never forgot that one vampires face, that was the man who killed her parents, she has a super power and if you think I'm telling I'm not. Winter has been on her own for as long as she could think of and she had to do things to survirve because those vampires are still after her and want's her dead, she has two best friends, The one thing her mom always told her was to always be yourself no matter what. Winter was close with her mom and dad but the person she was closest to was her twin brother Wyatt, They did everything together well not everything this isn't sweet home Alabama Lmaoo. Wyatt was going to be Aphla since he was the oldest but he also died during the battle. And how Winter made it out she was out with some friends when the attack happened and when she came back her Dad screamed for her to run as the vampires ripped him apart but that's what Winter did she ran and when she was far enough she looked back only to here screams from her family. But her wolf Anna wanted to go back and fight but Winter knew what she had to do, and every since then she always hated vampires and did her best to stay away from them. Winter now lives in a small town with no vampires with her best friend Ally and last but not least Winter's Wolf is all white with blue eyes which is rare

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