
Chapter 1: The Choosing

Yuna sat on the floor of her small, cramped room, staring at the dull grey walls. She had always known that she was different, with her unusual purple eyes and ability to see spirits, but she had never expected to be chosen as the Last Spirit Guardian.

As she sat lost in thought, the door to her room burst open and her mother rushed in, a look of excitement on her face. "Yuna, it's time," she said, holding out her hand.

Yuna took a deep breath and stood up, following her mother out of the room and into the crowded streets of the spirit village. The annual Choosing ceremony was about to begin, and every year, one person from the village was selected to become the Last Spirit Guardian, a protector of the spirit realm.

As they made their way through the crowds, Yuna's heart pounded in her chest. She had always dreamed of being chosen, but she never truly believed it would happen.

Finally, they reached the ceremonial circle, where the other villagers had gathered. In the center of the circle stood the old spirit elder, his white hair and wrinkled face a testament to his age and wisdom.

"The time has come to choose the next Last Spirit Guardian," the elder announced, his voice carrying across the crowd. "Let the spirits guide us to the one who is worthy."

As the elder spoke, Yuna closed her eyes and sent out a silent prayer to the spirits. Please, she thought, let it be me.

Suddenly, she felt a gentle tug on her arm. She opened her eyes to see the elder smiling at her. "Yuna, you have been chosen," he said, a look of pride on his face.

As the crowd erupted in cheers, Yuna couldn't believe it. She was the Last Spirit Guardian. It was a dream come true.

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