
Chapter 12: Silence

Walking through the palace, cal was at the back while holding a pistol, padme walked at the front, we passed by a few guards and hand maids, making it to the guard post I held my hand out, padme stopped as cal moved in. Standing at the door for a second I pulled a knife from my side. Walking in as I saw cal posted against the walk.

"Damn it, Communications are down for some reason, kali move the body we need to leave this place" a figure said as two of them came out of cloaking.

"Take them" I said, moving my hand forward, sprinting towards them the ground cracked.

"What?! Fire!!" One of the figures said firing off blaster shots as cal moved in jumping up and off the wall as she shot on in the shoulder. The loud gunshot echoed in the room as I ran forward throwing my knife at the other figures knee, the force of the through was more then enough to to break armor and boy as he dropped. Trying to hold the blaster only to get picked by the head and pushed into the wall, while cal flipped hers over pushing his head into the ground. She reached over to the body next to them feeling his pulse, she slide her hand across her neck, while padme walked in with Sabé.

"What is going on here" padme said, seeing the boys body.

"She asked you a question" I said, twisting the knife in his leg.

"Ahhhh!! We were hired to check out the situation with in the palace!" The being said.

"His a Trandoshan, hired so your bounty hunters? Who hired you?!" Padme said.

"I'm.....not, talking" the Trandoshan said, pulling a poper.

"So be it" I said grabbing his arm and smashing the Popper In his mouth, swinging him and throwing him into the steel locker for armor as I pressed by body on the door.


Placing my body at the door as the sides of the door blew smoke, from the sides, the wave didn't move me as I went to padme who was on the floor, helping her up.

"Thank god your both safe" I said, picking up Sabé.

"Uhhh, th-thank you" Sabé said in my arm as padme looked at me.

Placing her down I walked over to the Palliduvan female, as I pulled my energy blade, leaning down over her, dragging it around a small part of her skin.

"Ahhhh!" The Palliduvan said.

"Now if your anything like him, I can cut the arms off or you can talk" I said, letting her feel the heat from the blade.

".....I will talk" the female said, looking at the blade.

"Good, first the boy why was he killed" I said.

"He...uhhh, was a loose end, he was told to get the off worlds out of the palace and he failed at that, then was planning to fleet....uhh so we ended him" the Palliduvan said.

"What is the goal here, you risked coming to this planet for what?" I said.

"Uhhhh the client said to make a opportunity to kill queen padme" the female said, looking at padme.

"For what reason" padme said walking over.

"Because you are a weak ruler, that's why when these two showed up showing the federation ships we were sent in to kill you and then if we could....fucking idiot didn't tell us they were this strong or giant" the Palliduvan said.

"So the federation really does want something to do with my world, tell me who in this palace hired you to take my life!" Padme said.

"Could you not guess, the man closest that would do anything to make sure he raised to the throne, even going as far as making a deal with the federation" the female said.

"You Mose know...padme" i said.

"The only one too oppose me at every corner, Kun Lago" padme said after thinking.

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