
Who are you?

Her eyes were extremely red, so red that no one had ever seen the likes of it if not for this day.

The people standing below her mocked at her with their eyes and mouth. They said so many hurtful words but this time, no tears came out of her eyes like before. She just stared at them as if she was a living dead body without any emotions.

Her body was filled with so many old and fresh scars, blood flowed from almost every part of her body.

After a few minutes, she finally wanted to say something but when she opened her mouth no words came out of them. She wanted to say those words she had said which no one believed her. She wanted to tell them that she was innocent but she didn't have the strength to say it.

Her eyes then roamed through the huge crowd and she saw him and her. Yes, the two people who had made her life so miserable until this day. They had deceived her right from the start and were now together happily.

The two held each other's hands and stared back at her, they did not say anything but she could see that their eyes were filled with mockery.

After a few seconds passed by, she still did not take her eyes off them and continued to stare at them as many thoughts flowed through her mind.

The girl in the middle of the crowd smiled and mouthed some words. Although she didn't hear her, she had read her lips.

"I won and you lost", that was what she had said.

She badly wished she could rush towards them and tear their body into pieces, pieces that even dogs wouldn't want to pick up.

Han Jin's eyes then fell on the woman who was standing at the far back with her face buried in her palms. Han Jin knew that the woman still loved her despite what happened.

It was only at this moment that she realized that, that woman was actually the only person who really cared about her.

The woman didn't dare to lift her head to take a single glance at Han Jin because she knew she wouldn't be able to bear the pain of seeing her in such a manner.

The executer tightened the rope around Han Jin's neck drawing her attention away from the woman who was crying.

Han Jin knew that the moment she had never dreamt of had finally arrived, she took in a deep breath.

At this moment, a royal palanquin which was on its way to the palace suddenly stopped.

Everyone turned their attention away from Han Jin and wanted to see which royal person had stopped by.

A young and tall handsome lad dressed in royal clothes emerged from the palanquin and everyone immediately recognized him.

"Oh my goodness, isn't that the crown prince? I've never seen him so close by. He's really handsome as they say"

"What is the crown prince doing here? Can anyone answer that?"

"Han Jin is really lucky, she gets to see the crown prince before she died"

No one was able to go closer to him since he was surrounded by so many palace bodyguards.

The crown prince squinted his eyes and signalled at one of his men to come closer.

"Exactly what is going on?", He asked in a deep and commanding voice.

"Your highness, a murderer is about to be hanged. The case seems very serious judging from how so many people are gathered here" said the palace guard.

The crown prince nodded and waved at him to leave, he then lifted his head and got a good view of the person whose neck was already in the rope.

He couldn't see her face clearly since it was covered in so much dirt and blood but he sensed some familiarity with her.

Han Jin's eyes fell on him and their eyes met but she immediately looked away.

She knew it was considered an offence for a commoner to stare at a royal in such a manner.

The crown prince didn't say anything else and walked back into his palanquin.

The palace guards lifted the palanquin and started to move and at this moment the table was kicked from below Han Jin's legs.

She was now left hanging in the air but she didn't try to struggle despite the pain she felt.

Before taking her last breath, she took one more look at the crying woman and then at the palanquin which was leaving.

The prince turned around and pushed aside the curtains, their eyes met before she finally closed her eyes forever.

He didn't know why but a tear dropped down and flowed down his cheeks.

The crown prince chuckled and wiped away the tear. Why was he crying over someone he didn't know?

'Who are you?'


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, if you did then leave your thoughts in the comments section.

Check out my other novels:

Queen of Ashes

Love in the midst of chaos

Flames of Love

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