
Prolouge: Background

Back story:

Ive read many fairytails in my life and lemmie tell you something. Princes saving weak unfortunate girls are what I used to hope for every second of every day... Well I found out something quick... Those stories are full of shit. Complete utter mind blowing brain washing bullshit. Lemmie tell you why. My name is Eleasa (ee-leia-sah) Electra... Im a 17 year old who is the town outcast. I have raven colored black hair with a shimmering midnight blue streak that has a habit of falling into my pale complexioned face. I hate myself,  I hate that I've tried, and failed horribly, to get a tan and I only end up damn near turning into bacon. My eyes are that of a dark greyish blue with charcoal black rings encasing them.

Unnatural, abomination, evil! Are seriously what people called me. Like seriously if I was evil I'd show it, And I'd make it VERY obvious! My body is like what I'm told my mothers' before me were, though I try to hide it under my baggy starset© hoodie and tee shirt. I naturally try to keep my head down, and blend into the shadows of life, especially during school. Otherwise If I don't, people react as though I might rip them apart or curse their whole line of descendants.... One of those rumors strewn from the fact that my eyes are also known to switch from the Gray-blue to a extreme violet when I extremely pissed....whiiichbis often I might add. Soon after unnatural things start to occur...First I can start to see someone/something no one else can see, normally I can everyday but I can block them out. Then an object will move, or if I'm to the point of bursting, hit the cause of my strong negative emotion... This all started about the age of 14... Clairvoyance, I later learned, is one trait that ran through the Rakashan blood lines dating back to the early 1700's. My father's family used to be praised as healers and magic welders but all that changed when the wars with the vampires wiped out all but my grandfather off the face of the earth. Little did my grandfather know even if he wasn't turned from a vampires bite it'll run through his blood for years to come. The venom never activated in my father but it still was passed down to me. My grandfather died of natural causes passing the two story Victorian house he built for my grandmother to my parents, then onto me.

Sadly when I was ten my mother was murdered by the townsfolk of Grayton for the stupid reason of her bloodline. My mother was a Rakashan [ra-kah-sha] priestess.... She was the last priestess of her line of Rakashan to birth a child to carry on the tradition. Only one female is born per generation and there has never been a son or siblings ever to be born in this bloodline. I loved her dearly for the main reason, she's the only preistess to  run away with her true mate and never look back to have regrets. Though she still tried to train me for when the time comes a priestess is always a priestess. You can never truly escape your fate.

The spirits of the priestesses, before her, didn't like that so they sent a hunter after her. Noone defied tradition and the goddess. I don't even know the goddesses name but I know she is something to be feared greatly... I've lived in the house with my old caretaker Melinda ever since that day, but sadly I don't remember my father because he died before I was born. Though the entire east wing is closed off permanently due to a fire that killed my mother. I was 10 at the time.

This year I'll be inducted to the long line of priestesses that came before me. The spirits already are restless because they too fear I will abandon my duties and run as my mother did.

Soon I'll be 18 and I'll then get a true taste of what my true powers are  then ill be charged to protect and worship a medallion of the goddess.

But little did I know my life was going to get turned for the worse or the better. Because I am the last priestess.

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