

How did we end up like this, so far from where we had come? I had given my all and created you, my best work, the gem of the universe. My one in a million. I made you a paradise, with skies rich with every hue of blue imaginable. Sunsets rolled across your lands and sent brilliant streaks of reds and purples that bled gracefully across the horizon. The sunrises were gentle blossoms of orange and pink that filled any who viewed it with hope and serenity. I filled your fields with the loveliest emeralds, your rivers danced with clear aqua. Proud mountains towered high through the whispering clouds that wandered along the breeze. Countless trees blanketed your dark, fertile soil. When you breathed, they lived. All of my creations roamed your land and seas in perfect balance. My haven. My perfection.

It's amazing to think you were once a bleak and cold place that lingered in the depths of nothing until I found you. I knew at first sight that you were the one. The one that could withstand all the tests and tribulations of life. I spent eons making you the ideal place for life to call home. We've spent so much time together, compromising and working to make sure our children stayed healthy.

But my poor world, now look at you. You're burning. Your lands are poisoned with so much blood and filth. Your seas have grown barren and your mountains are crying… The rain is filled with evil that corrodes your history, and the soil is long dead. Gone are the days of flowers, gone are the days of sun. Smoke has blocked out the sky, smog has suffocated your air. My energy is gone, my planet is dying. I… Am dying. Everyday is a day waiting for the end, for the suffering to cease.

I have tried so many times to save you, to save us. To pull this anchor off our chest so we may breath again. However with each attempt came bitter and painful failure, and another weight at the end of this retched chain. I fear I have done more harm than good, and hurried this doomed sentence that already rushes in our demise.

This my fault. I destroyed you. I betrayed you and left you to die because of my selfishness. I was just…. I needed to experience what you had become, after all you were my first. Even though I knew it was wrong, I thought I had the right to see you in your true glory. I knew what could happen, as it had with so many of my brothers and sisters. It was an excuse, a lie I created for myself that made me feel better for breaking the rules. Boundaries that I knew if overstepped could destroy more than just what I made. We are creators after all, we are not designed to live.

Despite this, I still wanted to know what it felt like. I wondered what grass felt like underfoot, what air felt like in my lungs. How would the wind on my face feel, as my hair played across my skin? What would it feel like to touch someone? Why could my creations enjoy such beautiful pleasure's and I was destined to stay behind the lines of reality?

And they, what good have they done you? They started with so much potential. They loved you even more than I did, and I adored them for it. They went out of their way to worship you, cultivate you, and raise you to new heights that I in all my knowing was not aware of. They built such great structures for you that allowed their pulse to beat with yours. They could hear your cries in the quietest of nights and the loudest of storms. They moved oceans to connect with you, to understand. Somewhere along the way though, they lost their souls, their kindness.

They became too busy with their greed and their lust and their desire for obscene power. At our most vulnerable they betrayed us. They took my gift of life and turned it to death, freely using creation to destroy everything in their path all in the name of false gods and manifested superficiality. They've forgotten to love while they drown in their hate.

They have raped you, left you withering away to nothing. They have turned your woodlands to ash that chokes the air. Your stone has crumbled to dust and hidden your blue evermore from view. And now, finally, it's their turn to die. For as the sun turns gray in the bleak sky above they finally look up and realize. They are parasites that have killed their mother, and there is an impossibility for another. But instead of trying to help you, free you from the bonds they themselves created, they instead turned on each other, misplacing the blame and tightening our chains ever tighter.

It's hard to believe that there is something left to save… You and I, my beloved planet, will soon cease. Less than the deplorable state I found you in, we'll be lifeless space dust, and the ultimate goal will be left unfulfilled. I have fought so hard with my waning strength to pull you free so we can start over. That one mistake cost us everything, and now the clock is running out. It's all gone, sealed away in a place I can longer reach… A place I should've never taken a step into in the first place.

I shouldn't regret, there's no time for that now. Even now they still hold that capability for compassion, and despite all that has happened, I still yearn for us to begin again. To see you in your true form. Though it's small, there is still a chance. One more moment that could change the tide. One last time before hope runs out. I still have something left that could change the fates... A single spark to chase the death away.

My dear child I give you everything left that I have. My dreams and desires… My strength and my powers are all yours to mold a world that needs healing. May you succeed where I have failed, bring back my beloved's heart and hear it thrum with my energy flowing within and throughout.

I am so sorry young soul, I have to burden you with such a choice. One way or another, I must end this. To bring back my creation, my home. Your home. This choice is yours my love and yours alone. And at the end of your journey, may we meet again on equal ground as each other's creator. Good luck… My last Original.

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