
The Maji

"Princess...Selene..! Wait for us!" A Royal Guard called out as he tried to catch up to the princess.

"We can't slow down now! They will catch us if we even take a break!" Princess Selene said then tripped over a vine then fell to the ground and rolled on her side. She grunted and groaned as she tumbled down a hill.

"Selene!" Her brother called then jumped down the hill as well.

"Wha- Prince Asto!" The Royal Guard yelled then groaned as he was shot by a dark energy bolt. He fell to the ground dead.

A man in a black hooded cloak and black armor walked up and looked down the hill. His forces stopped and watched as Asto and Selene got away by travelling on the water.

"There will be next time. For right now, look for the Azure Halcyon's coffin, we must obtain his core." The man said then walked away. His forces followed behind.

"We're leaving behind the Azure Empire." Asto said.

"We will be back...It won't be forever. We will come back once we are stronger." Selene said as she sat in the boat.

Princess Selene, Princess of the Azure Empire and chosen to become the next Azure Halcyon. Her blue hair shimmers with the moonlight and her ice blue eyes shined with determination to bring peace back to her region.

Prince Asto, Prince of the Azure Empire and hier to the Azure Throne to be King. His blue hair is the same color as the dark ocean and his eyes shine with the pride of his spirit. Being part Dragon makes his battle spirit even more stronger.

The Azure Empire is the capital of the Water Region known as Algoron. The empire has been evaded by the new Dark Halcyon's command to gather the other dead Halcyon's Core to create the Anima Soul and become Eternal.


Three days go by and the siblings finally find land and appear in the southern parts of Algoron in a small village known as Blizdra. They exit the boat and look around to see a small tribe going about their day to day lives.

One woman noticed them and gasped. "The Prince and Princess of Azure is here!"

Her announcement alerted the other members of the tribe and they came rushing to the entrance. The two were greeted with respect and excitement. Selene smiled at the tribe, but Asto had a serious look on his face.

"What brings you two here?" The woman asked.

Asto closed his eyes. "Our Empire was attacked by the Dark Halcyon's Army. We were forced to escape because they were enhanced by the Halcyon's Blessing. Our strength wasn't enough."

"I wasn't able to unlock my Halcyon abilities in time, I am still getting used to everything that's happened. Just a month ago I was announced to be the Azure Halcyon, now I am without an Empire." Selene said with a sigh.

"To top it all off...the Maji is nowhere to be found." Asto said.

The woman looked down and sighed. "It is said that he is still in deep slumber. He's the last Maji to ever exist. All the others were struck down in the millennium the war lasted. No one knows where his resting place is and no one knows how to awaken him."

"We need him to stop the Dark Halcyon. We just don't know where to look, or how to search for him. The other Halcyons probably are thinking the same, we can't let the Dark Halcyon to keep with his actions." Selene said.

"Oh! I heard recently that there have been traces of powerful energies coming from the Heart of Aegris. Maybe that could help you figure out where the Maji is." The woman said.

Asto and Selene looked at each other then nodded. They thanked the woman for the information and set along their way. They stopped to rest at the nearest inn in the village.

The next day came along and they set out once more. Much of their travel was on land than the water this go around.

"I haven't been to the Heart of Aegris since I was a little girl. The wonders of that Kingdom. I wonder if Queen Mirith is still there." Selene said, excited to see the Kingdom of Aegris.

"I am also quite curious. If that power happens to be the Maji.." Asto said.

"It would be much better for us because we would then be able to combat the Dark Forces!" Selene said with hope. "Let's hurry!"

Asto nodded then they began to generate water and quickly surf to Aegris. Once they made it, they too felt the insane quantity of energy coming from the kingdom. Some of the people of the kingdom were chattering and gossipping about the events. Selene and Asto made their way through the crowd and got closer to the heart of the kingdom. Selene's eyes widened as she viewed what was in front of her.

"A beacon of light. Aegris was home to many powerful Water Maji in the world, but if it's shining then that must mean.." Asto said.

"The Maji is awakened." Selene said.

"The Maji is finally awake! Princess Selene, Prince Asto! You're here!" Queen Mirith said with excitement. "Do you know what this means?!"

"Queen Mirith.." Selene said with a smile.

Despite her age, this level of news was enough to make Queen Mirith jump with joy. Hope had returned to everyone, but it was short lived.

An explosion was heard and everyone turned around. A beast of dark energy roared from the distance. A giant leviathan emerged from the waters and roared. It looked down at everyone and roared.

"Everyone get back!" Asto bellowed then summoned his sword and got into his battle stance.

"Queen Mirith! Get everyone to safety!" Selene said then unsheathed her silver sword.

Queen Mirith nodded then gathered her people and escorted them to safety. She looked back at Selene and Asto then hurried to safety with her people.

Leviathan roared and spun around in the air then charged up a massive beam of energy then fired it at Selene and Asto. They dodged the beam and charged at Leviathan. They jumped up at Leviathan and bellowed. Leviathan dodged their attack then hit them both with a swipe of their tail, sending them back to the ground. Selene groaned as she landed on the ground then slid backwards on her side. Asto crashed into a building and coughed. Leviathan raised its head and formed a large sphere of water energy above its mouth. It roared then fired the sphere at Selene.

Selene looked at the sphere then noticed someone appear in front of her. Her eyes widened then she watched the person deflect the sphere of water to the sky then it exploded. The person inhaled and exhaled then a calm aura surrounded their body.

"Are you alright?" The person asked.

Selene slowly sat up on her knees and looked at the person. "Y-Yeah...who are you?"

The person looked at Leviathan and got into a martial arts stance. "The name's Ikkei Hazuken, but many of you know me as a...Maji."

Selene's eyes widened then she grunted as Ikkei propelled himself toward Leviathan at high speeds, causing the wind to blow hard.

Ikkei's eyes shined brightly and he bellowed as he struck Leviathan with a palm strike. He blew Leviathan away then flew after it then struck it with an overhead kick, sending it back down the water. He raised his hand at the sky and thunder began booming.

Asto got out of the rubble of looked at their sky, noticing rain clouds forming. "Who is that..?"

"He's using Wind Arts to control the weather...!" Selene said as she noticed it had started to rain.

Thunder continued to boom and lightning crackled around Ikkei's arm. His eyes shined and he bellowed. He swiped his arm down and a giant bolt of lightning struck down at Leviathan.

"Blitzkrieg Bolt!" Ikkei bellowed as the bolt of lightning struck Leviathan, shocking it.

Leviathan roared in pain then the dark aura from its body disappeared. Ikkei descended back to the ground and grunted then fell to one knee. Selene and Asto hurried to him.

Ikkei looked at his hand then balled it into a fist. "How...am I this weak..? After one powerful attack...and I've burned through my energy already..?"

"That...was so awesome!" Selene said as she made it to Ikkei.

"Thanks.." Ikkei said then stood up slowly.

Ikkei Hazuken, the last Maji. He was in slumber for 1000 years to reserve his strength for the time he needed it to end the war, but sadly his energy reserves are low. Ikkei has mastered the Keiraku Hiko, or Meridian Control to be able to control his Anima Soul within.

"So you're the Maji that everyone has been looking for. Where were you?" Selene asked.

Ikkei pointed up, causing Asto and Selene to look up at the sky. "I came from the Anima Temple where I was resting. I was awakened because of the Halcyon's Plea." He looked at Selene and pointed to her chest.

Selene looked at her chest and noticed the Azure Symbol shining. The Azure Halcyon Core was glowing within her. "What the- I had the core inside me the entire time..? Wait but that means...I am your retainer.."

Ikkei nodded and looked at Asto. "The Six Halcyon are the retainers to their respective Maji. Because of that, it is my duty to bring peace back between the Halcyon and the world. The Dark Halcyon is being corrupted by a darker force, a force someone in my past life has defeated. It is up to me to defeat them, but..."

"But?" Asto asked and crossed his arms.

"My Anima Soul. It's been weakened. My slumber has been disturbed by the plea. Every region has been targeted by the Kingdom of Baldeura. Because of that I had to respond and my full strength hasn't been returned." Ikkei said.

"I see. Is there a way we can help you recover the energy?" Selene asked.

"The Temples of the Halcyons. I need to go to the temples and I can recover my strength like that." Ikkei said.

"Well...looks like we know what we have to do." Asto said.

"Right. We'll take you to the temples, Divine Maji." Selene bowed.

Ikkei nodded and looked at the two and thus the legend of the last Maji begins.

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