

The Moniyan Empire is one of the strongest empire ever existed, a lot of tribes are living there because of the destruction that the forces of Dark Abyss had set. A young leonin named Harith is claimed to be the last of his kind, the last leonin. Leonins are mythical creatures with immense power that can cause massive destruction, they once helped the Moniyan empire fight against the Dark Abyss and had a lot of great Leonins sacrificed to redeem the peace that was taken from them. Harith is a playful leonin, he always wanta to have fun, play around and climb trees to pick apples for his grandfather. One day a Harith heard a loud explosion on the trees near their tribes home, he rushed towards their house only to found his grandfather was hurt severely Harith could not hold back his emotions and started crying. Harith went outside and find out that his whole village burned down and his tribed are dead. Suddenly not far from his house, Harith was attacked by shadow like figure and found out that it was from the dark abyss, Harith then casts his spell to protect himself but an army of shadows from dark abyss charged towards Harith and he fight back with his magical spells, but Hariths power is not enough to defeat the shadow army, Harith became weak and he fell in the ground, as he closed his eyes he saw a bright light coming toward him and he closed his eyes entirely. Harith woke up catching his breath and screaming his grandfathers name, he was confused and scared, he heard something coming at the front door and Harith quickly hide under the table near his bed. Harith heard an angelic voice saying,

"Little one, dont be afraid for you are safe here"

Harith slowly peeking from under the table, and asked;

"Who are you and where am i?"

"Im Angela, you're at the Moniyan palace, do not worry you are safe here. Come out i brought you something to eat."

Harith slowly come out with his ears drop and tail curled, he grabbed a slice of bread and eats it whole, Angela laughs and said;

"You're not to hungry, are you?"

"I'm sorry i cant remember the last time i ate" Harith replied.

"Well you've been asleep for 4 days now, thats why i think you're very hungry" said Angela

"4 days?! i've asleep that long?" Harith replied with amazement and curiosity. After a while, Harith is getting comfortable and his shyness is suddenly not evident, his ears are up and his tail is wiggling. Angela then asked Harith;

"Do you remember what happened?

"Well the last thing i remembered is that i was fighting this shadow like ninjas, but they're too many, and then I passed out, that's all i can remember" Harith said.

"Don't worry little one, you're all fine here, no one can hurt you here" Angela replied with a smile.

"My name is Harith"

"Well Harith welcome to Moniyan empire, you're free to roam around just come back when you feel like to" Angela said.

One day Harith sneaks out of his room and wandered off to the small town of the Moniyan empire, he was amazed by the different kind of people living there, he come across a beautiful lady holding a crystal ball, because of his curiosity she followed the lady, and the lady went into the room. Harith follows the lady to the room and found the lady sitting at the table.

" I knew you would follow me, come, sit down" the lady said;

"Me?! are you a fortune teller?" Harith asks the lady,

"I guess it's not different in guiding people towards their fate"

"I guess"

"I'm Esmeralda, what do you wish to see?"

Harith's a bit hesitant to say a thing to Esmeralda, then suddenly Esmeraldas crystal ball lights up with the brightest light and her eyes glows blue, Esmeralda then says;

"You're tribe has fallen, but you are not alone, the dark forces are lurking and you must be careful. In time your powers will be limitless, that will you to victory. Don't look back in the past for it will be your greatest enemy".

The crystal ball's light disappear and so is the light in her eyes, Esmeralda then catches her breath and didn't know what had happened.

"Esmeralda, are you okay?"

"Yes, I am, go on now Harith"

"Wait, please tell what's the meaning you what you've said"

"Soon enough you'll know, just go now Harith"

Harith goes back to the Moniyan palace and has been wondering about what Esmeralda said. Few days past Harith was getting over about what Esmeralda said, Harith has become playful again he's been happy again.

One night Harith was sitting near the fountain outside the castle, a beautiful lady is comjng towards him.

"Are you okay?"

"I believe i am"

"What seems to be bothering you?"

"I just remembered my grandpa, and if only i could see him one last time"

"Maybe i can help you with that"

Harith was amazed, he then said with excitement and hope;

"Really? you can do that?! oh please, tell me you can do that!"

"Of course i can, I'm Lunox, the twilight goddess, i can help you with what you desire but only for a short amount of time" Lunox replied,

"Even if its just for a minute, i will seize every second of it" Harith replied almost tearing up.

Lunox then chants a magic spell and fireflies started appearing coming to Harith, the light was getting bright that Harith can't almost see a thing. Harith was calling Lunox but shes not responding the Harith heard an old mans voice calling his name, "Harith!"

"Grandpa is that you?!, I'm here, where are you grandpa?"

Not far from where Harith was standing he saw his grandpa.

Harith runs towards his grandpa and hugs him very tightly.

"Im sorry grandpa I couldn't save you, i was too weak"

"Harith, child, dont be sorry, listen to me. The time will come, you're true power as a Leonin will come and you must only use it for the good. Our village will rise again, we will rise again, have faith Harith, I love you, child".

Before Harith can say something his grandpa started to disappear the fireflies are starting to fly away. Harith is in tears while calling his grandpa, he hugs Lunox and thank her. It was one of the happiest but also saddest day of Harith to see his grandpa for the last time.

One day Harith went out to the woods near the Moniyan empire he missed climbing tree but as he was about to climb, he something jumping from a tree to another. He followed the creature, but the creature was a bit too fast he didn't catch it. The next day Harith went back to trees, as he's about to get an apple the creature quickly gets the apple first, Harith was annoyed and used his powers to catch the creature, the creature falls from the tree, Harith went down to see the creature he could not believe his eyes, he saw a fury cat-like creature just like him.

"Are you a .... Leonin?"

The furious creature throw dust into Hariths face and disappear.

Harith came back the next morning hoping he would catch the creature this time, but there was no sign of the creature. Harith decided to set up different traps to catch the creature.

Harith came back the next day to see if the traps work but his trap are untouched. After a while Harith was eating apple watching the sunset when he hears something in the woods not too long from where he is standing, he rushed into the sound and saw the creature surrounded by wolves. Harith launches his magic towards the wolves, and the wolves ran away.

"It's okay now, don't be afraid they're all gone, Im Harith im a Leonin."

the creature stands up and said;

"Leonin?! i thought i was the last of my kind, Im a Leonin too, my name is Kierra"

Harith was amazed and happy to hear that there was another living Leonin.

Harith brought Kierra to the palace. They have talked a lot of things. Harith was never been happier.

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