

As the four teams hurriedly prepared to meet the challenge which was soon about to burst upon them in terrible fury. They jostled to get a glimpse of the enchanted keys. In the spurt of second there was blinding flash as this universe just became a memory.

"You are chosen." what did it meant, the blonde-haired girl kept thinking about this letter the whole evening, should she contact the given number, she was restless and annoyed by millions of questions that were right now wobbling in her head, what is she chosen for, why is the price money so huge, she didn't give any auditions. After thinking for what seemed like an eternity she concluded to go to the old mill. She reached the mill which had been abandoned about a decade ago. She hesitated, "Should I go in?" she asked herself but then flicked her hand and assuredly said, "What could go wrong and besides you don't get a chance to win 29 million dollars every day." She struggled to unlatch the door but finally managed, it opened with a creak. The place was smeared with a thick coat of dust and cobwebs. She stumbled over a broom; staggering back to her feet swaying a little as she took a step forward, her vision was blurred by the darkness. Then a voice suddenly boomed, "Participants, gather in a circle," She realized that she wasn't alone.

Silhouette of fifteen participants could be spotted but their faces were like shadows. The voice chanted again, "

Now carefully listen to what I say

There is a challenge that you need to play

I will divide you in four teams

These place I am about to tell you may sound like a dream

But don't neglect the danger you will face

In jungle, underwater, ancient world or space

The only catch is that once you enter you can't leave

The Last Key is what you need to achieve

There will be three different rounds

Then return to me and tell me what you found.

It continued, "I have already discussed about the rules now you will be sorted into your teams. Now, Rose Watson, Tom Smith, Jake Martin and Emma Walker, step ahead." The blonde-haired girl was Rose. It took a while for Rose to recover from the initial shock that she got after hearing these names. She knew all of them. They together stepped in the spotlight. They were staggered and for a moment nothing but soft rustles of wind and creaking of the floor could be heard. But before anyone could realize what was happening the voice blared, "Lily Jones, William Evans, Charles Brown and Olivia Wright step forward." Once again everyone seemed stunned. The voice continued to speak although everyone seemed to be glued to their spots, "Oscar Wilde, George Williams, Emily Wilson and Sophia James, make a group, and last but certainly not the least, Belle Martin, Willow Wilfred, Peter Rutherford and Jasmine Connor move forward." When finally everyone got sorted, a dazzling flare made by four keys practically made everyone blind for a moment or two. They jostled to get a glimpse of the marvelous enchanted keys. As the voice roared "Start", the first team hurriedly dashed forward and picked the green one. The key gradually lifted from Rose's hand deceiving the laws of Gravity. It stood there suspended in midair and instantaneously it read out loud, "Serpents of the Doom, destination Amazon Forest." It was decided, team one will face the wild dangers of Amazon. Then came the turn of team two who were restless, they darted ahead, tottering and jerking at last reaching the keys, Lily snatched the blue key which revealed that they were travelling underwater. "This is going to be a wet ride." Mumbled Charles. This team was "Fire fish". The third team stood frozen, staring open-mouthed, their pale faces seemed lifeless, the voice bellowed, "Team three pick a key, proceed." Oscar managed to take small quivering steps, his body was shivering uncontrollably and his face looked as though he has an urge to cry or puke. Oscar picked a black key. "You are going to space, "Cosmo Ray." This was too much for Emily as she collapsed right on ground and stayed there still with no signs of movement. Fourth Team's brown key was for ancient world. Team Gladiators.

"Serpents of Doom", "Fire Fish", "Cosmo Ray" and "Gladiators" be prepared for a rough ride." Was the final announcement before a blinding burst of light carried them away and soon this universe became just a memory. They travelled to a parallel universe. They reached a place engulfed by darkness. Sadly, the ride turned out to be far too rough, for poor Tom as he became nauseated and vomited right on Rose's shoes, as she screamed in absolute horror and pure disgust. Tom was clenching his stomach groaning in pain, sweat dripping down his brow through his messy blonde hairs. His pale face turned to a shade of red as he tried to stand, lurching a bit. Rose was still comforting him. In front of them opened four portals, there was a deafening sound "Get dressed contestants." The clothes got thrown at them. Serpent of Doom's attire was black as ebony with heavy boots followed by a backpack carrying all the essentials for instance water bottle, emergency light, morsels and walkie talkie. Team Fire Fish were dressed as scuba divers with colossal oxygen tanks and flippers escorted by goggles. Team Cosmo Ray was standing in ivory space suits wearing humongous Valsalva Devices. Team Gladiators get up was hilarious as they were wearing fine tiger skin with just a spear as a weapon.

Everyone got ready, the countdown began 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, the smoke lifted, lights blared and an ear splitting noise indicated that it was time to begin. The teams sprinted ahead and entered the portals, suddenly for a moment all became motionless, icy silence breaking by heavy gusts of wind.

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