
The Hug of an Angel

Taken by the strong emerald light, Zao Tian did not even have time to breathe in relief, for his body began to tremble intensely.

He could not tell what had happened to him from the moment the Emerald King sent him that power.

Zao Tian's mind turned a whirlwind of information. The most diverse types of medicinal knowledge and pill formulas began to appear in your head.

Zao Tian's body began to change abruptly. What was once a slim body, began to show some signs of muscle.

The wounds acquired after the lashes began to heal quickly.

The spiritual veins of Zao Tian began to change as well ... What was once like a completely golden vine ... It was filled with little green dots.

Zao Tian realized that something in the nature of his spiritual power had changed. It was an indescribable feeling, mainly because he was convinced that from that moment on, he could use both medicinal and alchemical techniques.

The changes in Zao Tian's body and spiritual power were impressive, but Zao Tian's mind was becoming more and more chaos.

Gold that until now was just standing watching, realized the mental confusion of Zao Tian.

"Kid, do not go crazy!"

"Gold?" Zao Tian, ​​who was about to go crazy, recognized Gold's voice.

Those simple words of Gold worked like a rope, which began to pull Zao Tian back to sanity.

Zao Tian began to fight against that enormous confusion of mind ... Absorbing so much information at once made his mind become extremely heavy.

* Poof ... *

After the great whirlwind of information finally calmed down ... Zao Tian's body fell to the ground.


After the last check, Huolong Ji and Ye Zuo were finally able to feel that the violent spiritual energy had disappeared. It had not only diminished, it completely disappeared.

"Come on!" Ye Zuo hurried over and ordered everyone to enter the De Punishment Department.

Huolong Ji followed Ye Zuo and together, they went straight to the underground ...

"What ... what ... happened here? Like this? "Huolong Ji said with wide eyes.

When Ye Zuo and Huolong Ji arrived underground, a scene difficult to explain was before them. What they were seeing was a complete destruction, everything was destroyed there. Except one thing ... Zao Tian's cell.

With a swing of his arms, Ye Zuo swept all the debris that was in front of the cell.

The two were even more shocked, for Zao Tian was lying inside the cell. His body was apparently intact and it was as if he were asleep.

Ye Zuo was also stunned, he could not explain how, only Zao Tian's cell was standing.

But the surprises of the two did not stop there ... As soon as Huolong Ji opened the door of the cell, someone passed quickly by them and ran towards Zao Tian.

This person began to check his vital signs, soon after, she breathed a sigh of relief and placed Zao Tian's head on her lap.

Huolong Ji, who was about to take that person away, was stopped by Ye Zuo.

"Wait! Leave them for now! This junior is only here because of her. "Ye Zuo who had his hand on the chest of Huolong Ji, explained.

The figure who held Zao Tian in her lap was a young woman, a woman of incomparable beauty.

The tears that fell from her beautiful blue eyes rested on Zao Tian's face as her blond hair gently massaged his face.

She had been depressed for the past few days. She felt guilty because, because of her, a young man she had never met before violated the rules of the 'Star Of War School' and faced the Lin family.

She could not help but feel worried, so she came every hour to the Department of Punishment, harboring a deep hope that she would be able to visit him. When she came in for the last time, she discovered what was going on with the Department of Punishment, since she has not moved any single step. She only hoped and wished with all her might that Zao Tian was safe.

His hair smoothed Zao Tian's face as if it were the most pleasant of affections; every tear on his face was more refreshing than any morning breeze. It was in this way that the weak Zao Tian began to awaken.

Zao Tian's eyes opened slowly, the sight before them was like a mirage, the beauty of this girl was simply incomparable.

Zao Tian felt as if he were waking up in the arms of an angel. He admired deeply that beauty that was so close to him ...

"Ming Xue ... Please ... do not cry," Zao Tian said slowly, wiping her tears with his right hand.

"You should never cry like that again. I'll survive this place! When the time comes ... I will go to your family and take you as my wife. "

Ming Xue's cheeks flushed instantly, she did not know if she would stop crying or if she would drop Zao Tian right there. Zao Tian's touch on her face, though unexpected, warmed her heart and caused a sensation she had never had before.

They were looking deep into each other's eyes. Zao Tian even thought that if he died at that moment, it would be the best last memory he could ask for.

"Junior Xue, release Zao Tian! You must go now!" Ye Zuo interrupted them both.

Ming Xue did not know the reason, but even listening to Ye Zuo's order, she was reluctant to do so.

"Ming Xue ... Go ahead, I'll be fine," Zao Tian said.

After the words of Zao Tian, ​​Ming Xue took one last look at him, she then placed him gently on the ground and stood up.

"Elder Ye Zuo ... Elder Huolong Ji ... This humble Junior apologizes for his deeds," Ming Xue said as he revered the two.

Ye Zuo nodded in approval and so Ming Xue withdrew from the Department of Punishment.

After the departure of Ming Xue, Huolong Ji finally raged, "Junior ... what exactly did you do here?"

This time Ye Zuo said nothing, Huolong Ji's question was entirely grounded. How alone was that cell standing?

Had Zao Tian done something that triggered that huge explosion of spiritual energy?

Zao Tian sat down with some difficulty ... He crossed his legs and answered Huolong Ji's question: "Honorable Elders ... I just do not know how to explain what happened here. The fact was that I was recovering from the whipping, when a terrible explosion, followed by a strong pressure of spiritual energy, attacked this place. I just erased ... Only now, I managed to wake up. "

Looking at the faces of the two Elders, Zao Tian had clearly realized that they did not believe that story.

But Zao Tian had to keep insisting, because for him to tell the truth about what happened ... He would expose all his secrets and especially he would have to tell about the existence of Gold and this was out of the question.

"Junior, do not think we're dumb! Do you really think we'll believe what you're saying? Several growers far stronger than you came here and could not stay a minute in this place. How could you survive for so many hours here? "The angry Huolong Ji replied.

Even before Zao Tian could say something, Ye Zuo finally said, "Huolong Ji, look around! I think I already know what happened here. "

Zao Tian: "...?"

Huolong Ji: "What? Could you explain it to me? "

"Everything around this cell is destroyed, but it still stands ... Think of the ray of destruction caused. This cell ... is right in the middle of everything. "Ye Zuo began to explain.

Huolong Ji: "So ... you're saying it was like a hurricane?"

"Exactly! The safest place in a hurricane is the center of it, or, as we call it, the eye of the hurricane. Impressively, this cell was at the center of everything, so even though the junior passed out because of the pressure of spiritual energy, he was in the safest place of the explosion. "Ye Zuo explained.

"As expected from Elder Ye Zuo, you have incredible insight!" Huolong Ji agreed with Ye Zuo.

Zao Tian made a face of who did not understand anything, but he was pleased that the two had worked that version.

Ye Zuo approached and checked the vital signs of Zao Tian. After making sure everything was fine, he leaned over and whispered into Zao Tian's ear: "Junior ... You owe me some explanations! I invented this story for Huolong Ji ... But do not think I'm believing it! "

After Ye Zuo's words, Zao Tian's eyes widened, but he did not utter a single word.

Elder Huolong Ji believed in the story created by Ye Zuo, but he still harbored a kind of hatred for Zao Tian. After Ye Zuo get up, Huolong Ji walked in the direction of Zao Tian and said: "Junior ... Get up! You have not been punished today! "

The whip appeared in the hand of Huolong Ji and he asked respectfully for Ye Zuo to retreat.

Ye Zuo did not reply and began to walk out. Despite what happened, Zao Tian still had to fulfill the sentence that was imputed to him.

After leaving Ye Zuo, Huolong Ji laughed maliciously and raised his whip.

"I do not know if you're lucky or unlucky. You survived the explosion ... But what awaits you now is a slow and painful death! Hihihihihi ... "Huolong Ji began to deliver a series of lashes while laughing unnoticed.

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