
A New Body

(What do you mean "Home"?! And where am I? And what's wrong with my Body? And what are you?! And-)

[Please calm down.]

I pause a bit after reading those words.

I stop talking and try to "calm my breath". Opening my Mouth, I breathe in slowly. I can feel my Lungs inflating, my Rib cage moving and stretching slightly. My throat feels cold as I breathe in and as I breathe out it warms up again. I can feel all this, but I know it isn't real. I know my Body isn't there. I have no Lungs that can inflate, no Rib cage that can move, and no Throat that can tell me what's cold or warm. I can feel the panic rising again, but as I look around I noticed the Stars. How the twinkled ever so slightly. I don't know why, but they feel soothing. They feel like how, after a long day of Work or School, you only notice how tense you actually are after you go into your Room, see your Bed and Posters and Desk and your entire being just starts to relax because you know you're safe.

I finally calm down again and ask those letters in front of me.

(What's happening right now? Could you tell me... Please?)

[Yes. You died while going to sleep.]


[While dying, something, which hasn't happened in billions of years, actually happened and your Soul wasn't sent to the Void awaiting a memory wipe and consequent reincarnation, but it evolved into a primordial Wisp.]

(And what is that?)

[Primordial Wisps are what made, what you Humans call Gods, Gods. They are extinct since long before the birth of your Home Planet, Earth. The last God, Kthanid, told me that he was the last and that there will not come any after him before he vanished. That stayed true for Eons, till you came.]

I am speechless. Does that mean I'm immortal now? A Goddess?

(So what does that mean for me? And what are you that you can tell me all this?)

[My name is Vi. I am a System created by the Gods to monitor and occasionally fix the circle of life. However, before my Masters vanished, I had the task of guiding new Gods as well.]

(Well then Vi, my name is... my name is... I forgot?)

[Do not worry. It is normal to forget who you were after evolving. You retain your past self like likes and dislikes but forget specifics like your name and birthday for example. I do not know why, but this information should come back to you after some time.]

(Ok. Just call me Lucy then. I quite like that name.)

[As you wish, Lucy.]

(So what's happening now? Do I stay here now? And what about my Body?)

I ask Vi while floating in circles through space.

[Although I don't understand the need for a Body, you aren't a Goddess for nothing. You can either make yourself a new one, or I could help you by giving you an Interface.]

(Does failure have any consequences? If not, I would like to try myself.)

[No it doesn't.]


I stop talking and look around. After a minute, I realize something crucial and ask Vi.

(Umm... How do I make myself a new Body?)

After a few seconds, and I swear I just heard Vi sigh, she answered me.

[Try imagining a Body and make it how you like while thinking of it as yourself.]

(That sounds easier than I thought it would be!)

I close my Eyes and concentrate. I imagined a blank Body without any features. All of a sudden, I could see a pure white body in front of my inner eye.

(I guess my mind became way more visual after evolving.)

I closed in on the smooth, white head and thought about what I would like my face to be like. I want to look wild but motherly, gorgeous but terrifying. Like someone who you could trust but would also punish you should you do something wrong.

I started with the Hair. I imagined it to be thick and long down to my chest, with two braided braids going down behind my tipped Ears. They are like Human Ears but with a sharp angle at the top. Above my Forehead under my Hair I imagined thick Horns growing, curling down and outwards. They look like they're made of dark violet Glass, with many small nebulas and galaxies swirling inside that one could see if the look long enough at them. My Eyebrows are clean and sharp like eagle wings. My eyes glow a warm white with no Iris or pupil. Only a black ring were the iris would be with my nose being small and cute. Of course, I can't forget to give myself full, red lips that look as soft as velvet. My Jaw is sharp and defined, giving any 21st Century Fuck-boys a run for their money.

(I'm really happy with how that turned out!)

Next, my Body!

Focusing again on the now weird looking Human with a marble-like Body and life-like Head, I start thinking on how I want my Body to be. Adjusting the height, I was now 6.56168 feet, or exactly 2 meters tall. It might just be me, but I like the thought of towering above others' haha. I make my long Legs fit but not lacking too much fat. My Butt is plump, my Stomach is toned but not muscular, just like my arms. For breasts, of course, a solid D-cup. Floating like they've never been touched by gravity.

(Yes! Hey Vi! I'm done with my Body, but how do I actually get into it?)

[Imagine yourself as you are now, merging with the Body you made.]

I took Vi's instructions and thought about merging with my new Body. It only took a few seconds until I felt my whole being pull and stretch. The process only took a few seconds, but it was still a unique experience.

Looking down, I could finally see my Hands "again". They looked delicate together with my pale, unblemished skin. I move around a bit and found that everything works nicely. Looking around with my new Eyes, my breath catches in my throat. The silence and emptiness around me are intimidating but relaxing.

(So what's next Vi?)

[It's time to make yourself a Home.]

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